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128 lines (105 loc) · 3.87 KB

docname: draft-bormann-core-uri-cbor-query-latest stand_alone: true ipr: trust200902 cat: std pi: toc: 'yes' symrefs: 'yes' sortrefs: 'yes' compact: 'yes' subcompact: 'no' rfcedstyle: 'yes' title: > Uri-CBOR-Query: A stopgap for working around the lack of FETCH abbrev: Uri-CBOR-Query area: General #wg: Applications Area Working Group #kw: CoAP date: 2016-02-17 author:

  • ins: C. Bormann name: Carsten Bormann org: Universitaet Bremen TZI street: Postfach 330440 city: Bremen code: D-28359 country: Germany phone: +49-421-218-63921 email: [email protected] normative: RFC4648: RFC7049: RFC7252: informative:




--- abstract

draft-bormann-core-coap-fetch and draft-vanderstok-core-patch define two (or three) new methods for CoAP that allow read and update requests with more control than the traditional four CRUD requests.

There is some concern that the FETCH and PATCH operations may not be ready in time. In the interest of exploring alternatives, this draft examines a new CoAP Option, Uri-CBOR-Query. This option enables the transfer of information similar to a FETCH request payload with a GET request, and similar to part of the PATCH request payload with POST, PUT, and/or DELETE.

--- middle

Introduction {#intro}

(See Abstract for now.)

The Uri-CBOR-Query Option

The Uri-CBOR-Query Option is an Option analogous to the Uri-Query Option, with the exception that its value is opaque and not string. The value is intended to carry a single CBOR data item -- discussion: maybe a sequence of these so we can leave off any outer array markers.

| No. | C | U | N | R | Name | Format | Length | Default | | 19 | x | x | - | x | Uri-CBOR-Query | opaque | 0-255 | (none) |

HTTP compatibility

Where the Options of a CoAP request need to be translated into a URI (see Section 6.5 of {{RFC7252}}), e.g. where a request with a Uri-CBOR-Query Option needs to be translated to an HTTP request, the Option value is translated to a text string as defined below and treated like a Uri-Query Option that has this text string as its Option value and is appended after all other Uri-Query Options.

The specific way the translation is performed is up for discussion; as a strawman: the two characters "??" followed by the base64url encoding (Section 3.2 of {{RFC4648}}) of the CoAP Option value:

  Uri-Path: c
  Uri-CBOR-Query: [1, 2, 3]


The two question marks are added as a marker that might also enable the inverse translation from HTTP to the CoAP Option, assuming that other uses of this marker are infrequent. (The use of question mark characters in URI query parts traditionally has been risky and therefore is not current practice.)

Usage Guidelines

To emulate a FETCH, what would be the FETCH payload is instead encoded in a Uri-CBOR-Query Option. The FETCH payload is assumed to of Content-Format application/cbor, which is not as specific as it could be -- discussion: Should we send along a Content-Format within the Uri-CBOR-Query???.

To emulate an iPATCH, a POST operation with the same parameters as an iPATCH is performed; there fundamentally is no need for Uri-CBOR-Query, except maybe to distinguish the emulated iPATCH from a real POST operation. However, an iPATCH that is just a sequence of in-tree deletes can be mapped to a DELETE operation with a Uri-CBOR-Query Option that indicates which parts of the tree need to be deleted. Similarly, an iPATCH that puts new values to several places in the tree (as in a merge-patch {{RFC7396}}) can be mapped to a PUT with a Uri-CBOR-Query Option that indicates those places and a payload that is a CBOR representation of an array of the values for these places.


The idea for this draft was created in discussions with Alexander Pelov, Laurent Toutain, Michel Veillette, Randy Turner, and Somaraju Abhinav.