The workshop is meant to be 3 hour long(?). Each session taking 45 minutes, allowing for 15 minute smoking and coffee breaks between sessions.
The rough outline of the course is:
- What is Aircloak and what are it's parts
- Data source configuration
- System configuration
- Supporting users and yourselves (common mistakes, problems, and gotcha's)
- Agenda
- What is Aircloak
- Why it exists
- What it does
- Components
- Air (docker image)
- Cloak (docker image)
- Air DB (external Postgres)
- What does it store?
- How is it maintained?
- Data source as an abstract construct
- LDAP (external service)
- Scaling
- Cloak to data source mapping
- Effects of multiple cloaks
- Each query associated with one cloak
- Parallelism at level of query
- Each query associated with one cloak
- TEF: Installation at Telefonica
- Infrastructure
- Kubernetes
- Postgres instance
- How is it maintained
- Component configuration maintenance
- Data source definitions
- Upgrades and deployments
- People
- Infrastructure
- What is a data source
- One file per data source
- JSON format
- Parts
- Name
- Data source connector type
- Connection parameters
- Tables and how to anonymize
- Personal vs non-personal tables
- What is a non-personal table
- Why and when does a non-personal table need keys
- Anonymization based on user-id
- What is a user-id and how does it impact anonymization
- When does Aircloak anonymize
- How to choose a user-id:
- What are good/bad candidates
- Types of user-ids at TEF
- ClientID, PartyID, ContractID vs VendorID
- Tables
- How to add/remove
- Content type
- DB table vs query
- Aircloak name vs DB name
- Keys
- Special key:
- keys to column
- 1 key-type per column
- multiple columns can share the same key-type
- Special key:
- Analyses
- What are they?
- Which forms exist?
- Enable/disable
- Manual classification
- Quizzes
- Admin interface
- How to access
- What are the parts
- User guide
- Users
- LDAP vs local users
- Admin only as local users
- Disabling user account vs deleting
- Resetting passwords
- Command line for admin
- LDAP is separate procedure
- Local users in admin interface
- LDAP vs local users
- Group based permissions
- LDAP vs local
- Common pitfalls
- Query containing unique columns
- High dimensional queries
- High resolution data: generalization
- Debug Exports
- How to enable
- How to access
- How to read
- Enabled on a per data source level
- Takes storage in Oracle
- Can be viewed in the admin interface
- App logins
- API tokens
- System health monitoring
- License
- Air configuration options
- Auto configuration
- Cloak configuration options
- Cloak level toggles
- How to upgrade
- Air auto-migrates DB (take backup first)
- Stage environment
- Separate installation
- Stage data sources
- Logs
- TEF:
- User management (JIRA)
- Data source management process
- Data protection process
Google docs with original outlines by Arnold as well as some notes can be found here: