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File metadata and controls

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Scaleway: scaleway_container


Gets information about the Scaleway Container.

For more information consult the documentation.

For more details about the limitation check containers-limitations.

You can check also our containers guide.

Example Usage

resource scaleway_container_namespace main {

resource scaleway_container main {
    name = "test-container-data"
    namespace_id =

// Get info by container name
data "scaleway_container" "by_name" {
    namespace_id =
    name =

// Get info by container ID
data "scaleway_container" "by_id" {
    namespace_id =
    container_id =

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are required:

  • name - (Required) The unique name of the container name.

  • namespace_id - (Required) The container namespace ID of the container.

  • project_id - (Optional) The ID of the project the container is associated with.

~> Important Updates to name will recreate the container.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the container

~> Important: Containers' IDs are regional, which means they are of the form {region}/{id}, e.g. fr-par/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111

  • description The description of the container.

  • environment_variables - The environment variables of the container.

  • min_scale - The minimum of running container instances continuously. Defaults to 0.

  • max_scale - The maximum of number of instances this container can scale to. Default to 20.

  • memory_limit - The memory computing resources in MB to allocate to each container. Defaults to 128.

  • cpu_limit - The amount of vCPU computing resources to allocate to each container. Defaults to 70.

  • timeout - The maximum amount of time in seconds during which your container can process a request before we stop it. Defaults to 300s.

  • privacy - The privacy type define the way to authenticate to your container. Please check our dedicated section.

  • registry_image - The registry image address. e.g: "$NAMESPACE/$IMAGE".

  • registry_sha256 - The sha256 of your source registry image, changing it will re-apply the deployment. Can be any string.

  • max_concurrency - The maximum number of simultaneous requests your container can handle at the same time. Defaults to 50.

  • domain_name - The container domain name.

  • protocol - The communication protocol http1 or h2c. Defaults to http1.

  • port - The port to expose the container. Defaults to 8080.

  • deploy - Boolean indicating whether the container is on a production environment.

  • sandbox - (Optional) Execution environment of the container.

  • status - The container status.

  • cron_status - The cron status of the container.

  • error_message - The error message of the container.

  • region - (Defaults to provider region) The region in which the container was created.