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376 lines (282 loc) · 19.5 KB

File metadata and controls

376 lines (282 loc) · 19.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Added: New option onlyIf to the validation rule config allowing to specify conditions that must be met for the rule to be applied. See the docs or examples.
  • Fixed: Unified text validation description in running promruval validate and promruval validation-docs -o text
  • Fixed: Some minor validations descriptions fixes
  • Fixed: In the validation description use Rule instead of All rules for the all rules scope

[3.7.0] - 2025-02-25

  • Added: New validation expressionDoesNotUseLabelsForMetricRegexp
  • Added: New validation expressionUsesOnlyAllowedLabelValuesForMetricRegexp

[3.6.2] - 2025-02-07

  • Fixed: Invalid internal name of the newExpressionDoesNotUseClassicHistogramBucketOperations validator causing that it wasn't possible to disable the validator

[3.6.1] - 2024-12-01

  • Fixed: Fixed the expressionUsesOnlyAllowedLabelsForMetricRegexp validator that might return false positives when used on more complex expressions with vector matching and functions using labels.

[3.6.0] - 2024-11-29

  • Added: Configuration file can now be in Jsonnet format if the config file name ends with .jsonnet and it will get automatically evaluated.

[3.5.0] - 2024-10-31

  • Added: New validation expressionDoesNotUseClassicHistogramBucketOperations to avoid queries fragile because of the classic histogram bucket operations. See the docs for more info expressionDoesNotUseClassicHistogramBucketOperations
  • Changed: ⚠️ revert the ENV expansion in config file since it was breaking and caused issues (it was a stupid idea)
  • Fix: Avoid panic when validating unsupported file type and revert to previous behavior when any file was treated as a rule file regardless of the extension. The only exception are .jsonnet files that are evaluated first.

[3.4.0] - 2024-10-30

  • Fixed: ⚠️ Ignore white spaces around rule names in the disabled_validation_rules annotation CSV format (Thanks @jmichalek13 !)
  • Added: ⚠️ Support ENV expansion in the config file in format $ENV_VAR or ${ENV_VAR}
  • Changed: ⚠️ The cache format is now scoped by source tenants (internal change, no action required)
  • Changed: Uses structured logging
  • Added: new httpHeaders field in the prometheus section of the config to set custom headers in the Prometheus requests
  • Added: new option negativeRegexp to the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics validation, see the docs
  • Added: new validator recordedMetricNameDoesNotMatchRegexp to check if the recorded metric name does not match the regexp

[3.3.0] - 2024-10-03

  • Changed: Upgrade to go 1.23
  • Changed: Upgrade prometheus dependencies
  • Changed: Upgrade other dependencies
  • Changed: Enable experimental functions in PromQL parser by default, to forbid them use a new validator expressionDoesNotUseExperimentalFunctions
  • Added: New validator expressionDoesNotUseExperimentalFunctions to check if the expression does not use experimental functions
  • Added: New validator expressionUsesUnderscoresInLargeNumbers that requires using underscores as separators in large numbers in expressions


  • Added: Build of windows and darwin and support for arm architectures in CI

[3.1.0] - 2024-08-14

  • Added: New validator expressionUsesOnlyAllowedLabelsForMetricRegexp to check if the expression uses only allowed labels for the metric.

[3.0.0] - 2024-07-23

  • Changed: Updated installation instructions, to install latest version use go install
  • Fixed: ⚠️ Unmarshalling of the rule files is strict again, this behavior was unintentionally brought when adding support for yaml comments.
  • Changed: ⚠️ Renamed hasValidPartialStrategy to hasValidPartialResponseStrategy as it was documented so it is actually a fix
  • Changed: ⚠️ Disallow special rule file fields of Thanos, Mimir or Loki by default To enable them, you need to set some of the new flags described below
  • Changed: The Prometheus results cache format has changed to reduce it's size and improve performance. Delete the old cache file before upgrade. Also now if the cache contains time of creation and URL of the Prometheus it has data for. From now on, if the URL does not match, the case is pruned.
  • Added: 🚀 Support for validation of rule files in the Jsonnet format.
  • Added: New flags --support-thanos, --support-mimir, --support-loki to enable special rule file fields of Thanos, Mimir or Loki
  • Added: 🎉 Support for validation of Loki rules! Now you can validate Loki rules as well. First two validators are:
    • expressionIsValidLogQL to check if the expression is a valid LogQL query
    • logQlExpressionUsesRangeAggregation to check if the LogQL expression uses range aggregation
    • logQlExpressionUsesFiltersFirst to check if the LogQL expression uses filters first in the query since it is more efficient
  • Added: Support for alert field keep_firing_for
  • Added: Support for the query_offset field in the rule group
  • Added: New validator expressionIsValidPromQL to check if the expression is a valid PromQL query
  • Added: Support for bearer token authentication in the prometheus section of the config using the bearerTokenFile field or by specifying the PROMETHEUS_BEARER_TOKEN env variable.
  • Added: maximumMatchingSeries option to the expressionSelectorsMatchesAnything validator to check maximum number of series any selector can match.
  • Added: new config options to the prometheus section of config:
    • queryOffset: Specify offset(delay) of the query (useful for consistency if using remote write for example).
    • queryLookback: How long into the past to look in queries supporting time range (just metadata queries for now).
  • Added: New validator alertNameMatchesRegexp to check if the alert name matches the regexp.
  • Added: New validator groupNameMatchesRegexp to check if the rule group name matches the regexp.
  • Added: New validator recordedMetricNameMatchesRegexp to check if the recorded metric name matches the regexp.
  • Added: Set the User-Agent header in the Prometheus requests to promruva to identify the client.
  • Added: Automatically configure the X-ScopeOrgID header in the Prometheus requests if the source_tenants field is set in the rule group.
  • Fixed: Rules count in the result stats is now correct.
  • Fixed: Better error message when validation rule is missing scope.
  • Fixed: Loading glob patterns in the file paths to rules
  • Fixed: Params of the expressionCanBeEvaluated validator were ignored, this is now fixed.
  • Updated: Prometheus and other dependencies
  • CI: Updated Github actions for golangcilint and goreleaser


  • Fixed: error message in the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics validator
  • Updated: indirect Go dependency bumped to v1.33.0


  • Added: new param defaultTenant to the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics validator to set the default tenant for the rule group.

[2.13.0] - 2024-03-08

  • Added: support for disabling validation using comments in yaml rules per rule group and for the whole file.
  • Docs: Updated/improved documentation on how to disable validations and validation rules.

[2.12.0] - 2024-03-07

  • Fixed resolving of the path in paramsFromFile. Formerly it was resolved from the current working directory, now it must be a relative path, that will be resolved from the config file location.
  • Fixed: tenants in the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics validator are now sorted in the human readable output.

[2.11.0] - 2024-03-07

  • ⚠️ CHANGED: Params of the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics validator (again FACEPALM). Now the tenant can have multiple regexp matchers. See its docs.

[2.10.0] - 2024-03-05

  • Fixed error messages for the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics and expressionDoesNotUseIrate validators.

  • Added new option paramsFromFile to the validators, so the params can be loaded from a YAML file. Example promruval config:

    - type: labelHasAllowedValue
      paramsFromFile: ./examples/allowed_values_params.yaml

    Content of ./examples/allowed_values_params.yaml:

    label: "severity"
    allowedValues: ["info", "warning", "critical"]
  • Added new config option additionalDetails to all validators providing possibility to add custom details about the error and how to solve it. Those will be appended to the validator error message in a parenthesis if provided. Example configuration:

    - name: expressionDoesNotUseIrate
      additionalDetails: "Just do as I say!"

    Example output:

    expressionDoesNotUseIrate: you should not use the `irate` function in rules, for more info see (Just do as I say!)
  • ⚠️ CHANGED: Params of the hasSourceTenantsForMetrics validator. See its docs.

[v2.9.0] - 2024-03-02

  • Added new All rules validator expressionIsWellFormatted to check if rules are well formatted as promtool promql format would do.
  • Added new Group validator maxRulesPerGroup to check if the number of rules in the group is not exceeding the limit.
  • Added new Group validator hasAllowedLimit to check if the rule group has the limit lower than the limit and possibility to enforce it to be configured.
  • Added new Alert validator validateLabelTemplates to check if the alert labels are valid Go templates.
  • Added new Alert validator keepFiringForIsNotLongerThan to check if the alert does not have keep_firing_for longer then limit.
  • Updated all deps to the latest versions.
  • Upgraded go to 1.22
  • Update all Github actions in CI
  • Made lint more strict and fixed all the issues

⚠️ CHANGED validator scopes

From now on each validator has restricted scopes it can be used with since they may not make sense in some contexts. The documentation in docs/ was updated and is structured based on the scopes.

If you were using the All rules scope, you may need to update your configuration and split the rules by the scopes.

[v2.8.1] - 2024-02-29

  • Fixed param validation of the hasAllowedEvaluationInterval validator, if the maximum was not set.

[v2.8.0] - 2024-02-29

  • Added new param ignoreTemplatedValues to the labelHasAllowedValue validator to ignore templated values in the label.
  • Added new validation rule scope Group to validate the rule group itself (not the rules in it).
  • Added new Group scope validator hasAllowedEvaluationInterval to check if the rule group has the interval in the configured range and possibility to enforce it to be configured.
  • Added new Group scope validator hasValidPartialResponseStrategy to check if the rule group has valid partial_response_strategy and possibility to enforce it to be configured.
  • CHANGED: The validator allowedSourceTenants is now allowed only in the Group scope validation rules.
  • Fixed marking empty rule files (or those with all the content commented out) with an error saying EOF, from now on such files are ignored.

[v2.7.1] - 2024-02-01

  • Upgrade all dependencies
  • Fix: promruval version now works without specifying --config-file

[v2.7.0] - 2023-12-06

  • Added new validator expressionDoesNotUseMetrics, see its docs.
  • Added new validator hasSourceTenantsForMetrics, see its docs.
  • Improved the HTML output of human readable validation description.
  • Added examples of the human-readable validation descriptions to the examples dir.
  • Refactored the validation so it can use also group to validate the context of the rule.
  • Improve linting and fix all the linting issues.
  • Added new validator hasValidSourceTenants, see its docs.
  • Improved wording in the human readable validation output.

[v2.6.0] - 2023-12-06

  • Added new validator expressionWithNoMetricName, see its docs. Thanks @tizki !
  • Upgrade to go 1.21
  • Upgrade all dependencies

[v2.5.0] - 2023-04-29

  • Upgrade all dependencies
  • Upgrade to Go 1.19
  • Support keep_firing_for in alert rule
  • Support source_tenants in rule group used by Cortex/Mimir
  • Add linting to CI

[v2.4.1] - 2023-01-10

  • Fixed installation instructions in README.
  • Upgraded prometheus dependency and to avoid installation issues using go install.

[v2.4.0] - 2023-01-10

  • #30
    • Upgrade Go to 1.19.
    • ⚠️ CHANGE - go.mod version bumped to match the project major version, if you use promruval as a library, make sure to change the package to
    • ⚠️ CHANGE - Updated installation instructions, to install latest version use go install

[v2.3.1] - 2022-06-29

  • #27
    • typos and wording in validator messages were corrected

[v2.3.0] - 2022-06-07

  • #25

    • Delete forgotten debug print :ashamed:
    • Redirect logging to stderr
    • Log progress
    • Fix e2e test
  • #26

    • Allow disabling validations in comments inside the expr of rules. This is useful when you generate the prometheus rule files from a system that doesn't support YAML comments, e.g. jsonnet.

[v2.2.0] - 2022-06-07

  • #24 Support disabling validators per rule using comments in yaml, see the docs

[v2.1.1] - 2022-06-06

  • #23 Fix unmarshall of expressionDoesNotUseOlderDataThan params.

[v2.1.0] - 2022-06-06

  • #22 Upgrade Prometheus dependencies to support newest PromQL features

[v2.0.1] - 2022-06-06

  • #21 Fix validFunctionsOnCounters and rateBeforeAggregation validators

[v2.0.0] - 2022-06-03

No actual breaking changes, but a lot of new features and configuration options so why not a major release :)


  • #16 Upgraded yaml.v3 library to mitigate CVE-2022-28948
  • #15 Upgraded to Go 1.18
  • #9 Upgraded to Go 1.17



  • #12 Fixed the annotationIsValidURL to be more strict in parsing URL and to actually use the resolve_url configuration.

[v1.3.2] - 2020-12-09


  • #8 Fixed severe bugs in loading some of validator configurations.

[v1.3.1] - 2020-12-08


  • #7 Fixed typos in label and annotations checks hasAnyOfAnnotations and hasAnyOfLabels.

[v1.3.0] - 2020-12-08


  • New parameter commaSeparatedValue for the annotationHasAllowedValue validator supporting annotations with a comma separated values.

[v1.2.0] - 2020-11-29


  • New parameter commaSeparatedValue for the labelHasAllowedValue validator supporting labels with a comma separated values.
  • Added new validation check annotationIsValidPromQL to verify if rule annotation contains valid PromQL expression.


  • Switch back to official PromQL package to parse queries.

[v1.1.0] - 2020-11-20


[v1.0.0] - 2020-11-20


  • Breaking: The scope configuration values has changed:
    • AllRules -> All rules
    • RecordingRules -> Recording rules


  • Added support for special rule annotation containing names of validation rules that should be skipped for the rule. Default annotation name is disabled_validation_rules.
  • Added new command validation-docs to print out human readable description of the validation config.
  • Added docs for all supported validations in docs/
  • Added new version command that prints out version and build metadata.
  • Added new validator expressionDoesNotUseRangeShorterThan .
  • Support searching in expr in label presence validators.
  • Added short flags.


  • Fixed issue when unmarshalling errors of rule files were not printed.

[v0.1.3] - 2020-11-16


  • Fixed docker build using goreleaser in CI.

[v0.1.2] - 2020-11-16


  • Fixed docker release in CI.

[v0.1.1] - 2020-11-16

First public release.

[v0.1.0] - 2020-11-15

Initial release.