All notable changes to LenslessPiCam will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Option to set image resolution with
function. - Add utility for mask adapter generation in
- Option to add simulated background in
- Auxiliary of reconstructing output from pre-processor (not working).
- Option to set focal range for MultiLensArray.
- Optional to remove deadspace modelling for programmable mask.
- Compensation branch for unrolled ADMM:
- Multi-Wiener deconvolution network:
- Option to skip pre-processor and post-processor at inference time.
- Option to set difference learning rate schedules, e.g. ADAMW, exponential decay, Cosine decay with warmup.
- Various augmentations for training: random flipping, random rotate, and random shifts. Latter two don't work well since new regions appear that throw off PSF/LSI modeling.
- HFSimulated object for simulating lensless data from ground-truth and PSF.
- Option to set cache directory for Hugging Face datasets.
- Option to initialize training with another model.
- Option to pass background image to
. - Option to use background in
. - Different techniques to use measured background: direct subtraction, learned subtraction, integrated subtraction, concatenated to input.
- Learnable background subtraction for classes that derive from
. - Integrated background subtraction object
. - Option to concatenate background to input to pre-processor.
- Add support for datasets with measured background to
. - Add parameterize and peturb to evaluate model adaptation.
- PSF correction network.
- Option to add noise to input image or PSF (for robustness experiments).
no longer inherits fromlensless.utils.dataset.DualDataset
- Wavelength input to
for Mask class. - Computation of average metric in batches.
- Support for grayscale PSF for RealFFTConvolve2D.
- Calling model.eval() before inference, and model.train() before training.
- Normalization when computing reconstruction error.
- Script to upload measured datasets to Hugging Face:
- Pytorch support for simulating PSFs of masks.
class for simulating multi-lens arrays.lensless.hardware.trainable_mask.TrainableCodedAperture
class for training a coded aperture mask pattern.- Support for other optimizers in
. lensless.utils.dataset.simulate_dataset
for simulating a dataset given a mask/PSF.- Support for training/testing with multiple mask patterns in the dataset.
- Multi-GPU support for training.
- Dataset which interfaces with Hugging Face (
). - DigiCam support for Telegram demo.
- DiffuserCamMirflickr Hugging Face API.
- Fallback for normalization if data not in 8bit range (
). - Add utilities for fabricating masks with 3D printing (
). - WandB support.
- Script for Mask adapter generation and update new mount in doc
- Dataset reconstruction script uses datasets from Hugging Face:
- For trainable masks, set trainable parameters inside the child class.
optional forlensless.hardware.mask.Mask
, e.g. don't need for fabrication.- More intuitive interface for MURA for coded aperture (
), i.e. directly pass prime number. is_torch
as characterization of phase masks (instead of phase pattern which can change for each wavelength)
input handling.- Local path for DRUNet download.
- APGD input handling (float32).
- Multimask handling.
- Passing shape to IRFFT so that it matches shape of input to RFFT.
- MLS mask creation (needed to rescale digits).
- Trainable reconstruction can return intermediate outputs (between pre- and post-processing).
- Auto-download for DRUNet model.
helper class for Mirflickr dataset.- Option to crop section of image for computing loss when training unrolled.
- Option to learn color filter of RGB mask.
- Trainable mask for Adafruit LCD.
- Utility for capture image.
- Option to freeze/unfreeze/add pre- and post-processor components during training.
- Option to skip unrolled training and just use U-Net.
- Dataset objects for Adafruit LCD: measured CelebA and hardware-in-the-loop.
- Option to add auxiliary loss from output of camera inversion.
- Option to specify denoiser to iterative methods for plug-and-play.
- Model repository of trained models in
. - TrainableInversion component as in FlatNet.
which doesn't normalize each color channel.- Option to add noise to DiffuserCamMirflickr dataset.
- Option to initialize pre- and post-processor with components from another model.
- Better logic for saving best model. Based on desired metric rather than last epoch, and intermediate models can be saved.
- Optional normalization in
- Support for unrolled reconstruction with grayscale, needed to copy to three channels for LPIPS.
- Fix bad train/test split for DiffuserCamMirflickr in unrolled training.
- Resize utility.
- Aperture, index to dimension conversion.
- Submodule imports.
- Sensor module.
- Single-script and Telegram demo.
- Link and citation for JOSS.
- Authors at top of source code files.
- Add paramiko as dependency for remote capture and display.
- Mask module, for CodedAperture (FlatCam), PhaseContour (PhlatCam), and FresnelZoneAperture.
- Script for measuring arbitrary dataset (from Raspberry Pi).
- Support for preprocessing and postprocessing, such as denoising, in
. Both trainable and fix postprocessing can be used. - Utilities to load a trained DruNet model for use as postprocessing in
. - Unified interface for dataset. See
. - New simulated dataset compatible with new data format ([(batch_size), depth, width, height, color]). See
. - New dataset for pair of original image and their measurement from a screen. See
. - Support for unrolled loading and inference in the script
. - Tikhonov reconstruction for coded aperture measurements (MLS / MURA): numpy and Pytorch support.
- New
class to trainTrainableReconstructionAlgorithm
with PyTorch. - New
class to train/fine-tune a mask from a dataset. - New
class to train/fine-tune a mask for measurement. - PyTorch support for
- Simpler remote capture and display scripts with Hydra.
- Group source code into four modules:
. - Split scripts into subfolders.
- Displaying 3D reconstructions now shows projections on all three axis.
- Fix overwriting of sensor parameters when downsampling.
- Displaying 3D reconstructions by summing values along axis would produce un-normalized values.
- Fix rendering of README on PyPI.
- Documentation files and configuration, using Sphinx.
- Implementations for
. - Benchmarking tool for ReconstructionAlgorithm
parameter for ReconstructionAlgorithm constructor, so don't need to pass toapply
.- Support of 3D reconstruction for Gradient Descent and APGD, with and without Pytorch.
- Option to warm-start reconstruction algorithm with
. - TrainableReconstructionAlgorithm class inherited from ReconstructionAlgorithm and torch.module for use with pytorch autograd and optimizers.
- Unrolled version of FISTA and ADMM as TrainableReconstructionAlgorithm with learnable parameters.
script for training unrolled
script for benchmarking and comparing reconstruction algorithms.- Added
. - Added support for npy/npz image in load_image.
- to READ.rst for documentation.
- CONTRIBUTING and CHANGELOG, to .rst for documentation.
- Shorten README to separate contents in different pages of docs.
- Fix typo in GradientDescent class name.
- Updated to Pycsou V2, as
pip install pycsou
(Pycsou V1) may not work on some machines. - PSF are now always stored as 4D Data [depth, width, height, color], Data are stored as [(batch_size), depth, width, height, color] batch_size being optional. Grayscale data has a color axis of length 1 and 2D data has a depth axis of length 1.
- Added batch support to RealFFTConvolve2D.
now take the number of the current iteration to allow for unrolled algorithms.ReconstructionAlgorithm.apply
now takes a reset parameter (default true) to automaticaly call reset.- Call to reset in
is now optional (see reset parameter). - Make sure image estimate is reset when reset() is called, either to zeros/mean data or to self._initial_est if set.
- Loading grayscale PSFs would cause an dimension error when removing the background pixels.
- Example of RGB reconstruction with complex-valued FFT:
- Possible shape mismatch when using the real-valued FFT: forward and backward.
- Scripts for collecting MNIST.
- Option to collect grayscale data.
- Restructure example scripts, i.e. subfolder
for reconstructions. - Remove heavy installs from setup (e.g. pycsou, lpips, skikit-image).
First version!