Preparing a PROJ release is a three-step process. Before the actual release is published we want to issue one or more release candidates to ensure that the code is in fact ready to be released. That is step one. Step two starts when a release candidate has been selected for promotion to final release. Step three updates version numbers in the master branch to avoid confusion between released code and code still in development.
The three phases are described below.
At least one release candidate is necessary before the final release is published. In case more than one release candidate is needed most steps below can be skipped depending on what prompted the release candidate 1+n. Steps 1.6 and 1.7 are mandatory for all release candidates, otherwise it will in most cases only be necessary to update the NEWS section (1.3).
Release candidates should be released about a week before the final release is scheduled. When preparing major version releases it may be wise to issue the release candidate earlier than that.
When a release candidate has not prompted any request for changes in 48 hours, a motion for promotion to final release should be issued on the PROJ mailing list. The PROJ PSC guidelines describes the rules for passing a motion.
In case of a un-planned maintenance release, make sure that version numbers are properly updated: see 3.1
For each release version, increment PROJ_SOVERSION in CMakeLists.txt if the ABI is not backwards compatible, i.e. any interfaces have been removed, or changed since the last release. See also:
Commit the changes to master.
Man pages are (mostly) automatically generated from the Sphinx docs. Follow these steps:
- Temporarily update
- run
- Revert version number in
script builds the man pages and commits the update man pages
to master.
with descriptions of the changes since the last release.
Hopefully issues and pull requests that go into the new release have been
properly tagged with the milestone for the current release.
can be used to create a first draft of the release
Commit the changes to master.
Update the "version" and "date-released" fields in CITATION.cff
. The
"doi" does not need to be updated.
If needed, update the two instances of year in CITATION
Commit the changes to master.
If the database references data from an updated PROJ-data package, update
in data/sql/metadata.sql
Commit the changes to master.
Skip this step if you are preparing a patch release or RC2 and later.
Create the branch:
git branch x.y
where x
is the major version number and y
is the minor version number. Bug
fixes found in the release candidates should be pushed to master and
subsequently cherry-picked to the maintenance branch.
Push branch upstream.
Checkout the GitHub repo to an isolated local directory to package files only tracked in git. Then, run CMake and build source distributions:
git clone --depth 1 --branch $BRANCH_NAME \ PROJ-$BRANCH_NAME
mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake --build . --target dist
Rename the archives and generate MD5 sum files:
mv proj-x.y.z.tar.gz proj-x.y.zRCn.tar.gz
md5 proj-x.y.zRCn.tar.gz > proj-x.y.zRCn.tar.gz.md5
md5 >
Upload to the OSGeo download server:
scp proj-x.y.zRCn.* [email protected]:/osgeo/download/proj
Adjust version numbers and usernames accordingly.
Announce the release candidate on the PROJ mailing list.
When you are confident that the latest release candidate is ready for promotion to final release a motion for promotion should be issued on the PROJ mailing list. Allow for a minimum of 48 hours for voting time.
Barring a successful promotion process we can proceed with the final release.
See step 1.6 above. Do not rename the archives with RC postfixes.
Go to and update the value to be x.y
Add the release notes from
These vim substitutions are helpful when converting to rst:
:s!(\#\(\d\{4}\))!(`\#\1 <\1>`_)!
- Update download links in
Commit the changes to master and cherry-pick into maintenance branch.
When pushed upstream the website will be update to the current version.
Tag the release with:
git tag -a -m "Create tag x.y.z" x.y.z
git push --tags
Go to and check that the OSGeo/PROJ repository is ON so that the creation of the GitHub release triggers the creation of a corresponding Zenodo record.
When the new tag is pushed upstream GitHub picks up that a new release has been
issued. Update the new release on with
the release notes from
and add the prepared source distribution archives
to the release (otherwise GitHub will just package the entire repository - we
don't want that).
The release should be announced on PROJ and MetaCRS mailing lists. Additionally the release announcement should be sent to [email protected] which will add the announcement to and other OSGeo communication channels.
Make some noise on relevant social media.
PROJ uses semantic versioning. Depending on the changes in the release will be either a major, minor or patch release. Update the version numbers in the files.
- src/release.cpp: Update date to the scheduled release date.
- CMakeLists.txt: Update proj_version()
- docs/source/ Update version number
Commit changes. Either to master or maintenance branch depending on the nature of the release.
Edit the Sphinx configuration docs/source/ with these changes:
- Set "version" to the major project version, e.g. "9.2"
- Set "release" to the full project version, e.g. "9.2.1"
- Set "data_version" to the PROJ-data version
- Set "today_date = date(Y, M, D)" using the release date
- set "github_version" to the maintenance branch label, e.g. "9.2"
HTML and PDF documentation is built using ReadTheDocs, which supports multiple versions. Versions are based on branch labels, e.g. "9.2". To modify settings, registered users must first log in. To add a version, go to and click "Activate" next to the maintenance branch label.