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Specification of the RCM-DX Format


TODO: Lizenzhinweise notieren für RCM-DX TODO: Copyright hier vermerken TODO: Lizenzhinweise oder Copyright notieren für HDF5


The RCM-DX specification is open source and freely accessible and usable by all with respect to the license. Any person who wants to improve this specification can do so. How exactly this works can be read on the Github website. The repository can be found at RCM-DX repository and the website at RCM-DX specification website.

Change history

RCM-DX version Document version Date Autor Change
1.0.0 0.1 06.03.2015 Martin Frey (SCS) Initial version
1.0.0 0.2 20.03.2015 Martin Frey (SCS) Extensions
1.0.0 0.3 15.04.2015 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Review
1.0.0 0.4 20.04.2015 Martin Frey (SCS) Extensions and revised
1.0.0 0.5 03.05.2015 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Formal Adaptions
1.0.0 0.6 12.05.2015 Martin Frey (SCS) PDR Feedback: Storing of Booleans, comments allowed on all levels, format independent of video codec, flags (including simulation) on session level. Schemas for exceedances, comments and drawings added
1.0.0 0.7 13.07.2015 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Finalized for CDR
1.0.0 0.8 02.10.2015 Martin Frey (SCS) Event model added, reference to specification event schema added.
1.0.0 0.9 30.11.2015 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Adaptions for Infotrans position model. Version concept removed. Event model updated.
1.0.0 0.10 21.12.2015 Martin Frey (SCS) Review
1.0.0 0.11 21.12.2015 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Revised after review
1.0.0 0.12 16.02.2016 Pascal Brem (SCS) Topology model in configuration.
1.0.0 0.13 17.02.2016 Martin Frey (SCS) Review topology model
1.0.0 0.14 19.02.2016 Pascal Brem (SCS) Sections added to file format.
1.0.0 0.15 23.02.2016 Martin Frey (SCS) Global configuration and settings updated
1.0.0 0.16 11.07.2016 Pascal Brem (SCS) New Hash code attribute for the topology.
1.0.0 0.17 15.07.2016 Pascal Brem (SCS) New units and data types for positions
1.0.0 0.18 03.01.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) New GTG Track Id in the Topology.
1.0.0 0.19 03.01.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) Events are stored on session level.
1.1.0 0.20 09.01.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) Events and Sections in a group.
1.1.0 0.21 09.01.2018 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Added chapter “HDF5 File Format Versions”
1.1.0 0.22 11.04.2018 Patrik Wernli (SCS) Changed document template to official publishing template
1.1.0 0.23 16.08.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) Changes in the channel basis definition.
1.1.0 0.24 16.08.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) New attributes on the picture block channel.
1.2.0 0.25 04.09.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) New minor version.
1.3.0 0.26 28.11.2018 Pascal Brem (SCS) New minor version for the topology attributes.
1.4.0 0.27 08.01.2019 Pascal Brem (SCS) New availability group.
1.4.1 0.28 05.06.2019 Pascal Brem (SCS) New switchtracks in the DfA
2.0.0 0.29 21.04.2020 Michael Ammann (SBB), Jakob Grilj (SBB) Adaptation of the structure to new requirements. New major release with version number 2.0, due to major changes in the structure and goal for publication of the specification (open source).
2.0.0 0.30 27.10.2020 Aron Serafini (SCS) Adjust consistency, measurementMode and processing chapters.
2.0.0 0.31 11.03.2021 Aron Serafini (SCS) Adjust specification to implementation
2.0.0 0.32 31.08.2021 Aron Serafini (SCS) Fix mistake: Topology is a child of CONFIGURATION, not Session.
2.0.1 1.0 06.04.2022 Aron Serafini (SCS) Add attribute MeasurementDirectionDependent to Channel. Use a release version for this document.
2.0.1 1.01 05.06.2023 Mathias Vanden Auweele (Infrabel) Removed 'group' in all titles and replaced with a reference to HDF5 group. Fix definition of UNRELEASED under the CLEARANCE group. Clarify the definition of "Platform". Changed the limitative platform list into an example platform list.
2.0.1 1.02 26.06.2023 Mathias Vanden Auweele (Infrabel) Fixed formatting issues with document links. Improved definition of ChannelBasis. Fixed documentation bug with MeasurementDirectionDependent attribute specification
2.0.2 1.03 29.06.2023 Aron Serafini (SCS) Rename MeasurementDirectionDependent to MoveDirAutoInvert (it was implemented under this name in the RCM-DX file). Add new optional session attributes: SessionAlias, SegmentationRuleset, PositionAlgoVersion.
2.0.2 1.04 23.11.2023 Stephanie Schalbetter (SBB) Changes in the document according to the review with Infrabel, SBB and SCS.
2.0.3 1.05 03.10.2024 Stephanie Schalbetter (SBB) Rename of UNRELEASED to REJECTED in the CLEARANCE group.



Railroad companies continuously gather data of their rail, overhead line, telecommunications, civil engineering structure and signaling systems by means of mobile and stationary measuring systems. Data flows from these systems through processing units -- which enrich, evaluate and validate the data --, to systems that display the data to subject matter experts and also to systems that automatically analyse it.

This specification defines the rail condition monitoring data exchange format (RCM-DX format) which is a data format optimised for data in the railroad context, i.e. for data points localised within a railroad network. The RCM-DX format is a file format based on the HDF5 specification and defines a structure of HDF5 groups, datasets, and attributes. The document at hands also describes the content of the elements defined. Although the format is open and can in principle be implemented right away by any railroad company, this specification contains a few non-generic elements and naming conventions that are specific to SBB and Infrabel. The reason for this is that any file that adheres to this specification can be used with the RCM Viewer, an application available soon to the public.

The RCM-DX format is a file format detailing the HDF5 format version 2.0. HDF5 was chosen for several reasons, including that it is an open format. HDF5 is a hierarchical data storage where the data in arranged in a tree structure. The HDF5 format is described on the webpage of the HDF5-group, in particular on the site HDF5 file format specification. The HDF5 group offers tools and libraries for various programming languages and operating systems that allow to read and write HDF5 files.


RCM-DX structure

RCM-DX defines a structure of HDF5 groups, datasets, and attributes that software solutions that use this format must adhere to.
The extension of the specification is permitted. However, it must be taken into account that such data may no longer be read or processed by existing systems.


The RCM-DX data format is subject to changes, these are indicated by the version number in the document, see chapter Root. The version number consists of two numbers, separated by dots and is composed as follows: [Major].[Minor].[Feature]. Example: 1.0.0

Defines the main version and indicates when major changes have been made. These are, for example, that changing the basic structure or renaming groups, datasets or attributes (major, minor attribute as an example), which are mandatory.

Indicates minor changes, such as changing the name of an attribute that is not mandatory or defining new groups, attributes, or datasets. These changes do not affect anything that cannot be read with an existing RCM-DX read-write library.

Indicates feature changes.


The following figure shows the color coding used in diagrams:

RCM-DX diagram overview{width=320px}


This document defines technical restrictions as well as content descriptions. This chapter provides an overview of the data types used, types of names, and other important points.

File names

Files following the RCM-DX specification get their own defined file extension, which is rcmdx.

Example of a file name: 20201228_081522_TGMS.rcmdx.

Primitive and extended data types

Primitive data types

Below are the supported data types used in this specification including a short description. Not all data types possible with HDF5 are described. The read and write library specifies which data types can be used for data sets and attributes.

Data type Description Examples
boolean Two values are possible, true or false, 0 or 1 true
byte One byte or an unlimited number of bytes are possible -
signed integer Positive and negative values are allowed. Possible bit depths are: 8, 16, 32 or 64 1256442; -62334
unsigned integer Only positive values are allowed. Possible bit depths are: 8, 16, 32 or 64 1256442; -62334
float Positive and negative values are allowed. Possible bit depths are: 32 or 64 12.53; -3212.546
string Multiple characters of undefined length "RCM-DX is great!"

Extended data types

Extended data types use the primitive data types, but have a more specialized format or meaning. The following is a list of the extended data types used.

Name Description Example
Timestamp Unique and worldwide defined format of a time in nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC without leap seconds, defined under Datatype is 64 bit unsigned integer 1553237099000000000
Enum Enumerations are predefined (and always capitalized) strings defined in this specification. Datatype is string MAX, MIN, RIGHT, LEFT

(HDF5) Group

If we are talking about a group in this document, we mean the groups in HDF5 format (of the type HDF5 Group). These contain additional groups or datasets.

If a name of a group in this document is written in capital letters (for example TOPOLOGY), it is exactly the same as in the RCM-DX file. If the naming of a group is not fixed, the corresponding chapter describes in more detail how the name is composed.

Groups are described in this specification as follows:

Name Parent object Optional

The name of the group.

Group names whose ending is "_NAME" are wildcard names and are replaced as described in the corresponding paragraph. Example: GROUP_NAME

Parent object
A group can be a subgroup of a group, here the name of this group is mentioned. If the name is written in quotation marks, it can be freely chosen by the creator of the file. Without quotation marks, the name of the group is meant.

If a group is marked as optional (optional = yes), it can be omitted if it is not needed. If a group is marked as non-optional (Optional = no), then this group must exist if the parent group also exists, otherwise it does not.

(HDF5) Attribute

In the RCM-DX, attributes, groups and datasets can be assigned. The names of the attributes are written in the UpperCamelCase-Notation^1^. Attributes are always of type HDF5 attribute unless otherwise specified.

Attributes are described in this specification as follows:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
StartTime 64 bit integer SESSION_NAME no Start time in milliseconds, for example: 1553237099000000000

The name of the attribute.

Data type
Primitive data type of the attribute, this describes the type of the content in the attribute itself.

Parent object
An attribute is always assigned to a group or a data set, here the name of this group or data set is mentioned.

If an attribute is marked as optional (Optional = yes), it can be omitted if it is not required. If an attribute is marked as non-optional (Optional = no), this attribute must be present if the group or dataset to which the attribute applies is also present, otherwise it is not.

Description and or examples of the attribute.

^1^Upper-Camel-Case-Notation: The Upper Camel Case Notation defines the way a composite name is written. Further information can be found at the following link: Upper Camel Case

(HDF5) Datasets

A data set is the structure in which data is stored. Examples of data are sensor, measurement, or position data. A data set is always of the HDF5 type HDF5 Dataset. In the HDF5 Specification a "Dataset" is a container for data objects. A channel as a group always has one data set. A channel defines a type of sensor data that is stored in its data set. Several channels form a data source. Further information on the structure is described further down in this specification.

Below is a list of possible ways in which data can be stored in the RCM-DX:

Type of storage Description
Array Data array of arbitrary length
Image An image taken at a defined time
Video A video that has been streamed into several individual blocks of defined size, split and saved

The datasets are described in the lowerCamelCase-Notation^2^. Datasets are described in this specification as follows:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
timestamp Timestamp DATASOURCE_NAME no Array

The name of the data set.

Data type
Primitive data type of the content in the data set, thus the data type of the contained data.

Parent object
A data set is always assigned to a group, here the name of this group is mentioned.

If the dataset is marked as optional (Optional = yes), it can be omitted if it is not needed. If the dataset is marked as non-optional (Optional = no), this dataset must be present if the parent group also has these datasets, otherwise not.

Storage type
One of the storage types described in this chapter.

Descriptions of the data set are added outside the table.

^2^lower-Camel-Case-Notation: The lower camel case notation defines the way a composite name is written. Further information can be found under the following link:

HDF5 Chunking

The "HDF5 Chunking" is for data within a data set. This means that the data is divided into blocks, which in turn can be processed independently. This also allows faster access to parts of the data. Whether a splitting is allowed and recommended can be seen with each data set, for example: "HDF5 Chunking" is allowed and recommended. The HDF5 chunking is described in more detail on the website of the HDF5 group:

Data structures

Within a channel group, one of the following structures can be contained: Array, Limits, Coordinates, Pictures or Videos. These structures are described in more detail in this chapter.


Channels which record individual measured values contain a data set with the name data, this data set is never optional. Single values are stored in this data set as a 1D array, the length of this array (or list) is not limited.

The possible data types are defined in chapter Primitiv and extended data types

Multidimensional measured values are given their own channel group per dimension and thus their own data set called data.

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
data A primitive or extended data type CHANNEL_NAME no Array

The following attributes are assigned to this type of data set:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Unit string data set data no A physical unit or empty if the data does not correspond to a physical unit


Limits are stored in group LIMIT. Limits are threshold values for measurements. They are used for comparison and analysis of measurements.

A channel group can contain zero or one limit groups. Each limit sub-group LIMIT_NAME contains its own timestamp data set and contains a duration data set. The data set limitvalue contains the limit values. When which limit value is valid is defined in the dataset timestamp and how long it is valid is defined in the dataset duration. Values at the same index position of all three data resources belong together.

Limit group overview{width=320px}

The group of limit values is defined as follows:

Name Parent object Optional

The group LIMIT now contains further groups, each with the name of the limit exceeding:

Name Parent object Optional

The following attributes are assigned to this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Priority 8 bit integer LIMIT_NAME no Priority of defined limit, lower values are higher priorities.
LimitBound Enum LIMIT_NAME no Defines the type of limit, possible values are MAX or MIN.

It contains the following datasets:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
limitvalue A primitive or extended data type LIMIT_NAME no Array
timestamp Timestamp LIMIT_NAME no Array
duration Timestamp LIMIT_NAME no Array


Measurement data that can be assigned to a coordinate system are given a defined name according to the following pattern: coord.CN.
This type of data storage allows several entries to be recorded per measurement timestamp. Thus there are more entries in these datasets than in the data set timestamp. How many entries per timestamp belong to each other (as a group) is stored in another data set with the name sampleindex. The data set sampleindex is described in chapter Sample index.

Element Description
coord Simple character string for identifying data of type Coordinates
. Separators
C Additional character for identifying data of type Coordinates
N Index number beginning with "0", increasing for each additional coordinate datasets

The data set is defined as follows:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
coord.CN A primitive or extended data type CHANNEL_NAME no Single

The following attributes are assigned to this type of data set coord.CN:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Unit string Dataset coord.CN no One physical unit or empty if the data does not have any physical unit

Coordinate related measured values

Further measured values can be recorded for each coordinate measuring point. These are stored in individual data sets. In the following the definition of these data sets:

Element Description
value Simple character string for identifying data of type Coordinates
. Separators
V Additional character for identifying data of type value
N Index number beginning with "0", increasing for each additional value set

The data set is defined as follows:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
value.VN A primitive or extended data type CHANNEL_NAME yes Single

The following attributes are assigned to this type of data set value.VN:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Type string Dataset value.VN no Describes the content and type of the data it contains.

Sample Index

If datasets are created for coordinates, a data set on the same level and with the name sampleindex must be available. The index number of an entry in coord.CN, is entered as the start of the next group. If the data set sampleindex has a value of $21$ at index zero, the first $20$ entries from the data set coord.CN belong together, the next data group starts at index number $21$. The number of entries in sampleindex corresponds to the one in the data set timestamp.

The group sizes can vary among themselves, this can be seen from the index positions in sampleIndex.

The rail cross profile serves as an example here. At one point on the railroad track, several data points of a rail profile are measured and stored. A channel with the name coord.C0 for the X-axis and coord.C1 is created for the Y-axis.

The data set sampleindex now contains the number of entries that belong together.

Below is a picture of a rail cross section measurement with about 2000 measuring points:

Image of a rail cross section measurement


Images can be saved in compressed or uncompressed form. The format of the images is stored in an attribute so that the image can be read correctly.
Images are stored as binary data blocks, so an image results in a data set. All images are stored in a group called IMG. All images in this group have the same properties that are stored in the attributes.

Name Parent object Optional

The group IMG gets the following attributes for the more detailed description of the images contained therein:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
ImageContentType string IMG yes Image content type, for example JPEG
ResolutionType Enum IMG no Description in chapter Image resolution types
ResolutionInfoX 32 bit float IMG no Resolution in X direction
ResolutionInfoY 32 bit float IMG no Resolution in Y-direction

Images can have different resolutions in X and Y direction, this must be considered for a correct representation and evaluation of the images.

Image resolution types

The 'ResolutionType' attribute contains information about the values of the 'ResolutionInfoX' and 'ResolutionInfoY' attributes.
ResolutionType' can contain the following values: 'none', 'mmPerPixel' or 'dimension

No information available.

Defines the pixel size in mm. The values in ResolutionInfoX and ResolutionInfoY give information about the real size of a pixel in millimeters.

Defines the resolution of the image. The values in ResolutionInfoX and ResolutionInfoY give information about the image size in pixels.

Naming the data set for an image

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
img.NNNNNNNNN integer, bit depth depending on color depth IMG no image

The images are named according to the following pattern: img.NNNNNNNNN, hereinafter a description of the individual elements.

Element Description
img String for the name of an image
. Separators.
NNNNNNNNN Picture number, beginning with 000000000 (nine characters)


Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
vid.NNNNNNNNN integer, bit depth depending on color depth VID no image

As with the images, videos can be saved in compressed or uncompressed form. Videos are stored as streams in individual blocks. The blocks are single datasets with a given name.

Name Parent object Optional

Name of the data set for a video

A video data block is named according to the following pattern: vid.NNNNNNNNN, hereinafter a description of the individual elements.

Element Description
vid String for the name of a video
. Separator
NNNNNNNNN Video number, starting with 000000000 (nine characters), ascending +1

Time-based data structures


Each entry in a data set of a channel has a reference to an entry in a data set with the name timestamp, which lies within the data source group. In this timestamp data set, there are as many entries as there are entries in a data set of a channel.

The time stamps are always stored in ascending order.

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
timestamp Timestamp DATASOURCE_NAME no Array

These time stamps are recorded either by a defined distance travelled or by a frequency, this is described in more detail in the chapter Trigger mode.


If data is recorded that is valid for a certain period of time, the data set with the name duration is added to the data set timestamp. The timestamp recorded in the timestamp data set specifies the time at which the value was recorded and the duration data set specifies how long this value is valid in nanoseconds. The data set duration is timestamp within a data source group next to the data set.

The differentiation between discrete (data for discrete timestamp) and continuous (data for timestamp with duration) data is done on data source level. The existence or absence of a duration array defines if the data source is "Discrete" (no duration array) or "Continuous" (with duration array).

Example: Assuming there is a data source with a temperature value every second and a calculated average temperature for every minute. Such an average temperature would be stored in a continuous data source, within an array, with a duration of 60 sec.

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
duration 64 bit integer DATASOURCE_NAME no for continuous values, otherwise yes Array

RCM-DX file format

The RCM-DX consists of a file format of the HDF5-group in version 2.0. This allows to save the data in a tree structure. This structure, or rather the naming of the groups and datasets, is not specified by the HDF5 group, but by the RCM-DX specified here. The datasets can hold different data, what exactly is contained is specified as metadata.

A change to the structure means a new version and thus a new release of this specification.

To read and write the HDF5 file format, the HDF5 group offers libraries for different languages. These can read and write the structure specified here without problems.

Further information about the structure of the HDF5 file format can be found under the following link:

RCM-DX data hierarchy

In the RCM-DX, the individual groups and datasets as well as their names are defined. Below is an overview of the structure specified in this document:

RCM-DX structure overview RCM-DX file example

Separate and more detailed specifications have been written for individual structure groups. Several measuring instruments can be installed on one measuring platform. Each of these measuring devices generates new channels of data, which flow into the RCM-DX. Since these channels can be different for each measuring device, the specifications were separated. Another reason for this is the fact that other railway operators use different measuring and inspection equipment.

The individual groups are specified in more detail below in the subcategories.


Root is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The root group contains all other subgroups. This group defines the RCM-DX and bears its name and thus refers to this specification.

Name Parent object Optional
RCMDX none (this is the root node) no

Root group overview{width=400px}


The following attributes are assigned to the group RCMDX:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Major 16 bit integer RCMDX no Major Version of the RCM-DX specification that corresponds to the structure of the created file
Minor 16 bit integer RCMDX no Minor Version of the RCM-DX specification that corresponds to the structure of the created file
Feature 16 bit integer RCMDX no Feature Version of the RCM-DX specification that corresponds to the structure of the created file


File is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The file group contains file specific information, i.e. information specific for the given data set in its current processing state.

Name Parent object Optional

File group overview{width=300px}


The file group contains the following attribute:

Name Data type Optional Description
Element string no Equals to "File". Identifies this node.
StructureVersion string no Version identifier to describe the current measurement system setups on the platform. All underlying systems, datasources and channels can be identified based on this version. A change in StructureVersion happens for example when a measurement channel is added or removed from the platform.

Data Processing

Data Processing is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The data source group DATAPROCESSING contains information about the data in this file, and the processing.

Name Parent object Optional

Processing log

Processing log is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The data source group PROCESSINGLOG contains information on data processing. This information is written by systems that make changes to the data. These changes, for example, can be a conversion from millimeters to meters.

Name Parent object Optional

Processing log datasets

The group PROCESSINGLOG contains one dataset:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string no Equals to "ProcessingLog". Identifies this node.
type string PROCESSINGLOG no Array
timestamp 64 bit integer PROCESSINGLOG no Array
service string PROCESSINGLOG no Array
serviceUser string PROCESSINGLOG no Array
host string PROCESSINGLOG no Array
executable string PROCESSINGLOG no Array
user string PROCESSINGLOG yes Array
message string PROCESSINGLOG yes Array

All these datasets represent different columns in a table. Their sizes will therefore always be identical.

This record contains the type of the data processing step. The following are possible types: CREATION, CONVERSION, MERGE, CONSISTENCY_CHECK, UNIT_CONVERSION, COMMENT, ...

Contains the time of the acquisition of the entry.

Name of the service that applied this processing step.

(Technical) User that runs the service.

Host that the service is run on.

Executable that the service is run from.

Optional user-ID of the initiator of this processing step.

Optional message of the user.


Clearance is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group is used by SBB to record information about the data release of all parties who have processed this data. The information is stored in the form of key-value pairs in a data set.

Name Parent object Optional

The group CLEARANCE contains one dataset:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string no Equals to "Clearance". Identifies this node.
clearance Enum CLEARANCE no Array
timestamp 64 bit integer CLEARANCE no Array
user string CLEARANCE no Array
message string CLEARANCE yes Array

All these datasets represent different columns in a table. Their sizes will therefore always be identical.

This record contains the enum value of the clearance. The following values are possible:

Name Description
RELEASED This file has been released
PENDING The clearance has not been set yet
REJECTED This file won't be released

Contains the time of the acquisition of the entry.

User-ID of the initiator of this clearance.

Optional message of the user.


Platform is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

A platform group contains information about the measuring vehicle, mobile or handheld device that collects the data.
A platform is in this case a measurement platform and can be a vehicle / carrier, or a mobile device installed on a vehicle.

Platform group overview

The naming of the group is defined according to which platform produced the data. An overview of all names and the corresponding platform is specified in the chapter Platforms example list.

Name Parent object Optional
Platform RCMDX no


The platform group contains the following attributes:

Name Data type Optional Description
Element string no Equals to "Platform". Identifies this node.
VehicleNumber string no Unique number of the vehicle

Platforms example list

Below is a list of the defined unique names of the platforms, their abbreviation and the associated vehicle number.

Platform Name Abbreviation Vehicle Number
DFZ01 gDFZ -
EM130 EM130 99 88 9162001-0
EM201 EM201 99 88 9163201-5

The Vehicle number is the European Vehicle Number (EVN).


Session is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The session group contains all data (measurement and other) that was collected during a specific period on a specific platform. A RCM-DX file contains exactly one session group.

Session group overview


The name of a session group is assigned according to the following pattern:

Name Parent object Optional

Example: 20190212_231255.592

The individual elements and their meaning are described below:

Pattern Content
YYYY The year in four digit representation
MM The month in the year (01 for January)
DD The day in the month
hh The hour in the day (0-23)
mm The minute in the hour
ss The seconds in the minute
SSS The milliseconds in the seconds
"_" or "." Characters as separator

For a certain period of time, only one session can exist in a file, this must be ensured by the creator of the file.


Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Element string SESSION_NAME no Names the type of the group, this is fix "Session"
StartTime Timestamp SESSION_NAME no Timestamp in nanoseconds as start time of the session
EndTime Timestamp SESSION_NAME yes Timestamp in nanoseconds as end time of the session. If the session has not yet been closed, this attribute is missing
SessionAlias string SESSION_NAME yes Alias for this session, useful if the measurements of this session have an external identifier by which they can be recognised
PositionAlgoVersion string SESSION_NAME yes Version of the positioning algorithm that was used for this session
SegmentationRuleset string SESSION_NAME yes Identifier of the ruleset used to create a segmentation of tracks of this session

Session configuration

Session configuration is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

A session configuration is a set of parameters or settings about the session. These can include the rail network (topology), the IT network, or other configurations. Measurement system configurations are stored in a separate Group.

Configurations can be stored in the datasets of this group. The datasets are designed so that global and network specific configurations can be stored. The configuration can change and have not to be the same in each session.

Name Parent object Optional

Session configuration group overview


Topology is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

A topology group contains all information on the route network of the respective railway company.
This chapter proposes an optimised solution for SBB and may differ between railway companies. SBB's data processing chain provides for this structure, which is why it is described here. Other variants are allowed as long as dependencies on other Groups such as the Groups SECTION and POSITION are taken into account. The Group TOPOLOGY is not optional, if the RCM-DX format is intended to be self-containing. The Group TOPOLOGY is optional and can be omitted, if the topology is saved outside the RCM-DX format, for example in an external database.

Name HDF5 Type Parent object Optional
TOPOLOGY HDF5 Group CONFIGURATION no (self-containing format) / yes (not self-containing format)

Topology group overview


The group TOPOLOGY contains the following attributes:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string TOPOLOGY no Equals to "Topology". Identifies this node.
DfAVersion string TOPOLOGY no Array
diamond-* string TOPOLOGY no Array

Version number of topology, included to check validity.

The DfA (Database of fixed assets) is a SBB construct and reflects the SBB route network. The data comes from a database and is distributed as a file to the SBB measuring vehicles. They can read the information contained therein and also add it to the RCM-DX. This DfA is used for positioning and it is therefore possible to assign the measured data to an object from the route network.

Diamond-Metadata Attributes

List of attributes defined by SBB Diamond. All attributes start with “diamond-“ and have a String value.


Track is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains information on the tracks of the railway network. The information is stored in separate datasets.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group, some of which are described in more detail in the subchapters:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string TRACK no Equals to "TopologyTrack". Identifies this node.
direction Enum TRACK no Array
id 32 bit integer TRACK no Array
gtgid string TRACK no Array
length string TRACK no Array
name string TRACK no Array
nrline string TRACK no Array
pointfrom 32 bit integer TRACK no Array
pointto 32 bit integer TRACK no Array
switchtype 8 bit signed integer TRACK no Array
tracktype 8 bit signed integer TRACK no Array

The direction of a switch is specified in this data set.
If the track is of the type "switch", a value other than '-' must be selected here. Which number means what is shown in the following table:

Value Description
- No crossover
straight Straight line switch track
left Left-handed switch
right switch running to the right

ID of the track.

Unique GTG ID of a GTG string, this ID is stored as UUID.

The length of the track section.

Name of the track section.

ID of the starting point of the track section.

ID of the end point of the track section.

If the track is of the type "Switch", a value greater than zero must be selected here. Which number means what is shown in the following table:

Value Description
0 Anything but a turnout
1 Simple switch
2 Double switch
3 Simple crossovers
4 Double track connection
5 Double crossover

The number in the tracktype data set defines the type of track that belongs to it. Which number means what is shown in the following table:

Value Description
0 Station track
1 Track
2 Switch


Line is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains information about a line in the route network. The information is stored in separate datasets.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string Line no Equals to "TopologyLine". Identifies this node.
id 32 bit signed integer LINE no Array
name string LINE no Array
firststation string LINE no Array
laststation string LINE no Array
fromkilometer string LINE no Array
tokilometer string LINE no Array

Defines the ID of the line, this is unique.

The name of the line.

The name of the first station of this line.

The name of the last station of this line.

Start kilometre of the line, expressed in kilometres.

Final kilometer of the line, in kilometers.

Switch Track

Switch track is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains information about switches in the route network. The information is stored in separate datasets.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string SWITCHTRACK no Equals to "TopologySwitchTrack". Identifies this node.
gleisstrangId 32 bit signed integer SWITCHTRACK no Array
gleisstrangBez string SWITCHTRACK no Array
weicheId 32 bit signed integer SWITCHTRACK no Array
ablenkRichtung string SWITCHTRACK no Array
ablenkung string SWITCHTRACK no Array
betriebspunkt string SWITCHTRACK no Array
herzStueck string SWITCHTRACK no Array
minRadius 32 bit signed integer SWITCHTRACK no Array
nr 32 bit signed integer SWITCHTRACK no Array
zusNr string SWITCHTRACK no Array
schienenProfil string SWITCHTRACK no Array
status string SWITCHTRACK no Array
schwellenArt string SWITCHTRACK no Array
typenPlanNr 32 bit signed integer SWITCHTRACK no Array
typNrZusatz string SWITCHTRACK no Array
weichenArt string SWITCHTRACK no Array
weichenTyp string SWITCHTRACK no Array
weichenForm string SWITCHTRACK no Array
weichenZunge string SWITCHTRACK no Array

A reference to the GTG-ID.

Contains a description of the track section.

Contains the ID's of the switches as a reference.

Track Object

Track object is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains information about objects in the route network, for example a balise. The information is stored in separate datasets.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string TRACKOBJECT no Equals to "TopologyTrackObject". Identifies this node.
trackid 32 bit signed integer TRACKOBJECT no Array
type 32 bit signed integer TRACKOBJECT no Array
positionstart 32 bit signed integer TRACKOBJECT no Array
positionend 32 bit signed integer TRACKOBJECT no Array
extrainfo string TRACKOBJECT no Array

Contains the ID of the track to which the track is connected.

Type of the object.

Start position of the object in meters.

End position of the object in meters.

Additional information about the object, for example, the ID of a balise.

Track Point

Track point is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains information about defined points on the route network. The information is stored in separate datasets.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string TRACKPOINT no Equals to "TopologyTrackPoint". Identifies this node.
trackid 32 bit signed integer TRACKPOINT no Array
lineid 32 bit signed integer TRACKPOINT no Array
x 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
y 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
z 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
radius 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
kilometer 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
position 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
cant 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array
steigung 32 bit float TRACKPOINT no Array

Reference to the ID of the track section.

Reference to the ID of the line.

X-Coordinate of the point.

Y-Coordinate of the point.

Z-Coordinate of the point.

The radius of a point, given in meters.

Contains the line kilometre of the point in the route network, expressed in kilometres.

Position of the point, in meters.

The inclination at this point, expressed in millimetres.

Gradient at this point, expressed in parts per thousand.


Property is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains information about properties of the topology itself. The information is stored in separate datasets.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Element string PROPERTY no Equals to "TopologyProperty". Identifies this node.
id 32 bit signed integer PROPERTY no Array
name string PROPERTY no Array string PROPERTY no Array string PROPERTY no Array string PROPERTY no Array
description.en string PROPERTY yes Array

Unique ID of the characteristic.

Name of the characteristic.
Description of the characteristic in the language German.
Description of the characteristic in French language.
Description of the characteristic in Italian language.

Description of the feature in English language.


Setting is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

Within this group there are further groups whose names identify the type of setting.
In the following SETTING_NAME is used as placeholder of the actual name of a setting.

Name Parent object Optional

This group contains two datasets:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string SETTING_NAME no Equals to "Settings". Identifies this node.
setting string SETTING_NAME no Array
timestamp 64 bit integer SETTING_NAME no Array

Contains the actual configuration.

Contains the time from when this configuration is valid and was used.

The following attributes are contained in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
DataType string setting no Defines the datatype of the configuration within the data set setting. Data type specified as MIME^3^ type, for example Content-Type: <text/strings>


Section is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The group SECTIONS, contains information about a session. This group has dependencies to the group TOPOLOGY.

Name Parent object Optional

Data fields

The following data fields are contained in the group "SECTIONS":

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string SECTIONS no Equals to "Sections". Identifies this node.
direction Enum SECTIONS no Array
startTimestamp Timestamp SECTIONS no Array
endTimestamp Timestamp SECTIONS no Array
firstTrackOffset 64 bit float SECTIONS no Array
lastTrackOffset 64 bit float SECTIONS no Array
trackInfoOffset 64 bit float SECTIONS no Array
trackId 32 bit signed integer SECTIONS no Array
trackStartTimestamp Timestamp SECTIONS no Array
trackEndTimestamp Timestamp SECTIONS no Array
trackKilometrage Enum SECTIONS no Array
trackStartCoveredDistance 64 bit float SECTIONS no Array
trackEndCoveredDistance 64 bit float SECTIONS no Array

Indicates the orientation of travel of the measuring vehicle in the given section. This array contains only as many entries as there are sections.

Possible values of this enumeration are:

Value Orientation of travel
FORWARD forward
BACKWARD backward

Start time of the section as time stamp since 1.1.1970 at 00:00 UTC.

End time of the section as time stamp since 1.1.1970 at 00:00 UTC. endTimestamp must be greater than startTimestamp.

Indicates the distance in meters between the start of the track and the position at the beginning of the section. This array contains only as many entries as there are sections.

Indicates the distance in meters between the position at the end of the measurement and the end of the rail. This array contains only as many entries as there are sections.

This data set lists how many entries in the datasets of the "Track list group" belong to section. One entry is created per section in a session and the number of entries is defined. The number of tracks belonging to each section can be determined by calculating the specified offset value at the $x$ position minus the offset value at the $x-1$ position.

ID of the tracks that are part of the section.

Time since beginning of the session at which the measurement on a track started.

Time since the beginning of the session at which the measurement on a track ended. endTimestamp must be greater than startTimestamp.

Orientation of the track with respect to the section’s driving direction.

The following values are allowed:

Value Meaning
ASCENDING The track kilometrage increases with the driving direction
DESCENDING The track kilometrage decreases with the driving direction

Start covered distance of the track in the section.

End covered distance of the track in the section.

Measuring System

Measurement system is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

Each measuring system has its own data sources, which have their own names, as well as their own channels, which in turn have their own names. Common features are described in this specification, everything else is defined in a separate specification. Since this part differs greatly among railway companies and with measuring equipment, a rigid specification has been dispensed with, but a certain framework is still given.

A group is created for each system that collects data. The name of the group is unique for each system. The composition of this name is not predefined.

Name Parent object Optional

Measuring system overview{width=400px}


The following attributes are contained in the group of the measuring system:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Element string MEASURINGSYSTEM_NAME no Indicates the type of the group, this is fixed System


Datasource is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

A data source group can contain several channels and thus several data sources. This group combines these channels. The naming can be freely selected, but must be unique.

Name Parent object Optional

A timestamp is available for each individual measuring point within a data source group. There are two types of data acquisition for a data source group. One is always after a defined distance (e.g. every 250 millimeters) and the other is the recording of measurement data at a certain frequency (e.g. 4000 Hz). The way the measurement data was recorded is shown in two attributes for each channel group. For a description see Trigger mode.

Datasource group overview{width=320px}


The following attribute is assigned to the group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
Element string DATASOURCE_NAME no Contains the type of the group, this is fix Datasource


In our example the name of the data source group is assigned, which should contain our environmental measurement data, which we call ENVIRONMENT.

Timestamp data set

Each data source group contains a data set called timestamp. It contains all timestamps at which a measurement was recorded. The size of this list of timestamps is the same as the size of the datasets per channel.

A more detailed description can be found in the chapter Timestamp Array!


Channel is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

A channel group contains metadata for the actual measurement data available in the channel. The naming can be freely selected, but must be unique within the data source group. Some attributes as TriggerMode are the same for each channel of the same DATASOURCE. This is done intentionally to have all attributes in the group CHANNEL without the need of the attributes of the parent object.

Name Parent object Optional

Channel group overview

The following attributes are contained in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Description
TriggerMode Enum CHANNEL_NAME no See chapter Trigger Mode
CommonTriggerDistance 64 bit float CHANNEL_NAME no See below
CommonTriggerFrequency 64 bit float CHANNEL_NAME no See below
ChannelBasis Enum CHANNEL_NAME no See below
MoveDirAutoInvert boolean CHANNEL_NAME no See below
MeasurementType Enum CHANNEL_NAME no See below
Neighbor string CHANNEL_NAME no See below
MeasurementUncertaintyType Enum CHANNEL_NAME yes See below
LowerMeasurementUncertainty 32 bit float CHANNEL_NAME yes See below
UpperMeasurementUncertainty 32 bit float CHANNEL_NAME yes See below
PositionOffset 32 bit signed float CHANNEL_NAME no See below
Element string CHANNEL_NAME no Contains the type of the group, this is fix Channel

Data is collected every value meters.

In a channel group there is always only one common trigger value! The other trigger value is set to "0.0"

Both trigger values have the value "0.0" if TriggerMode contains the value EVENTS.

Data is collected with a frequency of value Hertz.

In a channel group there is always only one common trigger value! The other trigger value is set to "0.0"

Both trigger values have the value "0.0" if TriggerMode contains the value EVENTS.

Defines the applicable side of the data signal in relation to the vehicle or moving direction. A sensor can be installed on one side of the platform. Depending on the direction and the orientation of the vehicle, this can be 'left' or 'right' in relation to the movement but is always fixed in relation to the vehicle frame axes.

Explanation of Sensor location an detection

Possible values are:

Value  Description 
TOTAL The channel has no dependency on direction of motion or vehicle orientation
SENSOR_VERTICAL_LEFT The sensor is located on the left-hand side of the measurement platform and detects signals in a vertical plane, providing a top-down or bottom-up view
SENSOR_VERTICAL_RIGHT The sensor is located on the right-hand side of the measurement platform and detects signals in a vertical plane, providing a top-down or bottom-up view
MOVE_DIRECTION_VERTICAL_LEFT The sensor detects signals on the left-hand side with respect to the direction of motion, irrespective of its orientation
MOVE_DIRECTION_VERTICAL_RIGHT The sensor detects signals on the right-hand side with respect to the direction of motion, irrespective of its orientation
SENSOR_VERTICAL_TOTAL The sensor is located at the center of the measurement platform and detects signals in a vertical plane, providing a top-down or bottom-up view
MOVE_DIRECTION_VERTICAL_TOTAL The sensor detects signals in the center with respect to the direction of motion, irrespective of its orientation

Flag that implies, if set to true, that measurement data of this channel is dependent on direction and should be inverted if viewed with a section of different direction.

If the flag is set to false, not set or only data of a single direction is viewed, then no inversion is needed when viewing data of this channel.

Defines how a value was created. This can be measured, calculated or taken from a previously defined data source that was read from there and inserted into the file.

The following values are possible:

Value Description
MEASURED_VALUE Measured values
REFERENCE_VALUE A setpoint of a third source

An example for reference values are defined target values which flow in from another source (file, database etc.) and are to be used for comparisons.

Refers to the name of an adjacent channel. This can be the right rail, for example, when measuring the track temperature of the left rail. Thus the attribute neighbor of the channel "TEMP_RAIL_L" would contain the name "TEMP_RAIL_R" and vice versa.

Defines the type in which the measurement uncertainty is set, namely absolute (in which case it has the same unit as the channel itself), or relative (in which case it has no unit). The following values are thus allowed:

Value Description
ABSOLUTE Absolute values
RELATIVE Relative values

This attribute is optional. If it is not set, no information is known about the measurement uncertainty.

This attribute contains the measurement accuracy of the channel according to the specifications of the measurement system. This is the lower bound for the measurement uncertainty range. This attribute is optional. If it is not set, no information is known about the measurement uncertainty.

This attribute contains the measurement accuracy of the channel according to the specifications of the measurement system. This is the upper bound for the measurement uncertainty range. This attribute is optional. If it is not set, no information is known about the measurement uncertainty.

Describes the distance between a defined zero point (position) on the measuring vehicle and a the measuring sensor. This specification is used to convert the exact time at which the measurement was taken to a defined zero point. The value can be positive or negative and has the unit millimeter.


This attribute defines how the data was recorded.

Possible values are:

Value Description Unit
TIME Time-based measurement data recording Nanoseconds
DISTANCE Distance-based measurement data acquisition Millimeter
EVENT EVENT based recording none

Data object

Each channel group receives a data set with the actual measurement data:

Name HDF5 Type Optional
data HDF5 Dataset no

There are as many measurement data entries as there are timestamps in the data set timestamp which is included in the channel group.

The data set needs more information, this is given as attributes:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Unit string CHANNEL_NAME no Array

The physical unit of the measurement data, such as "millimeter". If no physical unit can be assigned to the data, this attribute remains empty.

The data set and the possible data that can be stored are described in more detail in the chapter Dataset.

Measurement mode

Measurement mode is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The following group contains important information about the measurement mode of the system. The MEASUREMENTMODE is depending on the operational state of the measurement system, for example "productive".

Name Parent object Optional

The group MEASUREMENTMODE contains one attribute:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string MEASUREMENTMODE no Equals to "MeasurementMode". Identifies this node.

The group MEASUREMENTMODE contains four datasets:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
mode Enum MEASUREMENTMODE no Array
timestampfrom 64 bit integer MEASUREMENTMODE no Array
timestampto 64 bit integer MEASUREMENTMODE no Array
info string MEASUREMENTMODE yes Array

All these datasets represent different columns in a table. Their sizes will therefore always be identical.

Mode (enum)

There are three different measurement modes, which are explained individually below.

Name Description
PRODUCTIVE Productive data that will be further used.
TEST Test data recorded during a diagnostic run with the aim of checking and testing the measuring equipment.
SIMULATION Simulated values that the measuring systems produce themselves and are no longer used.


Logging is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The logging group contains information about the status of the measuring systems. The data is divided into two subgroups, AVAILABILITY and MESSAGES. These are described in separate chapters.

Name Parent object Optional

Logging group overview{width=320px}


Availability is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

In this group, failures and interruptions of measurement systems are recorded in a defined structure, each as its own data set.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string AVAILABILITY no Equals to "Availability". Identifies this node.
availability Enum AVAILABILITY no Array
systemreference string AVAILABILITY no Array
datasourcereference string AVAILABILITY yes Array
channelreference string AVAILABILITY yes Array
timestampfrom Timestamp AVAILABILITY no Array
timestampto Timestamp AVAILABILITY no Array
message string AVAILABILITY no Array

See chapter Availability

A reference to the measurement system.

A reference to a data source.

A reference to a channel.

This data set contains one message per entry about a failure of a measuring instrument.

Start timestamp of the availability entry.

End timestamp of the availability entry.


Defines the severity of the failure or interruption of a measurement system. The following values are possible:

level description
MONITORED The measurement system or sensor was monitored during this period. All other
FAILURE The measuring system or sensor has failed and has not recorded any measured values during the session.
WARNING The measuring system or the sensor may have had a failure and the measured values may not be correct.


Consistency is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The message about the consistency of the data is triggered by a system that checks all data according to certain criteria. For example, this could be a check for black images in a video. If all frames in the video are black, something is wrong and the video is unusable.

Name Parent object Optional

The group CONSISTENCY contains one dataset:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string CONSISTENCY no Equals to "Consistency". Identifies this node.
channelid string CONSISTENCY no Array
timestampfrom 64 bit integer CONSISTENCY no Array
timestampto 64 bit integer CONSISTENCY no Array
consistencytype Enum CONSISTENCY no Array
consistencyinfo string CONSISTENCY yes Array
All these datasets represent different columns in a table. Their sizes will therefore always be identical.

Channel reference in which the finding was detected.

Start timestamp of the consistency.

End timestamp of the consistency. Note that consistencies can never overlap and will always be continuous (without holes) within sections.

The consistency type can have the following values:

Name Description
CONSISTENT The referenced data has been checked and is consistent (OK: green)
INCONSISTENT The referenced data has been checked and is inconsistent (not OK: red)
WARNING The referenced data has been checked and set to warning (undefined: orange)
EXCLUDED The referenced data has been checked and set to excluded by definition
NO_DATA Consistency has been checked, but no data was found

Contains additional information about this consistency (E.g. which rule decided the consistency type).


Message is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains messages, generated from a measurement system or a person, structured in data set.

Name Parent object Optional

The following datasets are included in this group:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string MESSAGES no Equals to "Messages". Identifies this node.
message string MESSAGES no Array
level Enum MESSAGES no Array
systemreference string MESSAGES no Array
datasourcereference string MESSAGES no Array
channelreference string MESSAGES no Array
timestamp Timestamp MESSAGES no Array

This data set contains one message per entry about a failure of a measuring instrument.

A reference to the measurement system.

A reference to a data source.

A reference to a channel.

See chapter Message level

Message level

Defines the importance of a message. Following values are possible:

level description
INFO The message is only informative.
WARNING The message indicates a warning.
ERROR The message indicates an error.


Position is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

This group contains general information on the position. It is like a measuring system (see Measuring System) with following differences:

The channel with the position data has multiple (nine) datasets. This is because a position record always consists of these nine values and therefore this dataset is hardcoded, instead of configurable as for all other measurement systems.

The channel and datasets have no attributes (e.g., physical unit) because this information is part of the file format and not configurable.

This group has dependencies to the group TOPOLOGY.

Name Parent object Optional

Position datasource

See chapter Datasource

Name Parent object Optional

Position channel

Name Parent object Optional
Position channel datasets
Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
covereddistance 64 bit float POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
direction Enum POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
kilometrage Enum POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
track_id 32 bit integer POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
line_id 32 bit integer POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
trackoffset 64 bit float POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
lineoffset 64 bit float POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
positionaccuracy 32 bit float POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array
positionquality 32 bit integer POSITION.SOURCE.DATA no Array

The distance (in [m]) the vehicle is driven at the time of recording within the current session.

The ID of the track on which the vehicle is located at the time of recording.

The ID of the line on which the vehicle is located at the time of recording.

The offset (in [m]) on the track where the vehicle is located at the time of recording.

The line kilometer (in [km]) on the line where the vehicle is located at the time of recording.

Marker for the quality of the position determination ranging from 0 meaning “very good” to 15 for “very poor”.

The position accuracy (in [m]) of the current position.

Coach Direction

The data set direction contains the coach orientation of the vehicle. This information influences the position of the measuring systems.

This data set can contain the following values:

Value Description
FORWARD Vehicle moving forward
BACKWARD Vehicle moving backward

The data set kilometrage contains the alignment of the track depending on the movement of the vehicle on the track (kilometrage decreasing/increasing). This information serves the correct evaluation of the kilometer data of the line, see data set trackoffset.

This data set can contain the following values:

The following values are allowed:

Value Meaning
INCREASING Increasing track kilometrage on the track
DECREASING Decreasing track kilometrage on the track


Events is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The EVENTS group is used to store events that occurred during the recording of data. Events are bound to a channel, system or session and have a link to it. Systems can, for example, trigger an EVENT when a limit value is exceeded. Events are always time-bound which means an EVENT contains the exact time of occurrence and the duration of the EVENT. The duration can also be zero, so the EVENT occurred exactly at the specified time.

Name HDF5 Type Parent object Optional

Within the group there are the following data fields:

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
Element string `EVENTS`` no Equals to "Events". Identifies this node.
systemref string EVENTS no Array
channelref string EVENTS yes Array
eventtype string EVENTS no Array
data string EVENTS no Array
duration 64 bit signed integer EVENTS no Array
timestamp Timestamp EVENTS no Array

Each of these datasets contains a list with information about an entry, at a certain time. Each data set is described in more detail in the following subchapters.

systemref Contains a list of entries containing the name of the system that triggered the EVENT.

Name Data type Parent Object Optional Storage Type
systemref string EVENTS no Array

channelref Contains a list of entries that refers to a channel to which the EVENT applies.

Name Data type Parent Object Optional Storage Type
channelref string EVENTS yes Array

data This data set contains the actual information about an EVENT, this in the XML notation which is described in more detail in each chapter of the EVENT types (Defect EVENT type, Detected object EVENT type, Limit EVENT type).
A type can be stored for each EVENT. These are explained in more detail below.

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
data string EVENTS no Array

duration Defines for each EVENT the duration of the EVENT itself. This value can also be zero.

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
duration 64 bit integer EVENTS no Array

type Contains the type of an EVENT.

Name Data type Parent object Optional Storage type
type string EVENTS no Array

In the list "type" the type of the recorded EVENT is shown. The different types contain different information which is shown in the following subchapters. There are corresponding XML schemas for all types that define the technical specifications.

Defect EVENT type

This event contains information about elements found in the 2-dimensional data (for example a picture) that exceed defined thresholds. A defect can be, for example, an image of a rail showing a damage of the surface. This defect is recorded by a system. However, it may happen that this error is not one (incorrectly detected), this information can be specified afterwards (attribute "PossibleValidationResults"). Defects are always channel bound and recorded or evaluated by a system. In the following, the elements and attributes that occur in a Defect as XML are described in more detail.

The XML Schema can be found in the chapter EventsDefect.

XML elements

Not all of these elements must be present, details can be taken from the XML Schema.

Name Description Parent object
Defect XML Root Element none
PossibleDefectNames Name of a possible error Defect
PossibleClassifications Classification of a possible defect Defect
PossibleValidationResults Possible confirmations of the defect Defect
XML attributes

Below are the attributes of the root element "Defect":

Name Description Parent object
Classification Classification of the error Defect
DefectName Name of the error Defect
Details Further information or more detailed descriptions of the error Defect
Parameter1Name Name of the parameter 1 Defect
Parameter1Value Value of parameter 1 Defect
Parameter2Name Name of the parameter 2 Defect
Parameter2Value Value of Parameter 2 Defect
Parameter3Name Name of the parameter 3 Defect
Parameter3Value Value of parameter 3 Defect
ID Unique number for identification of the error Defect

Detected object EVENT type

These events contain information about detected infrastructure objects. These can be, for example, detected balises or tunnels. What exactly counts as a found object is not defined in this specification, only the information for a recorded EVENT.

The XML Schema can be found in the chapter EventsGeneric.

XML elements

Not all of these elements must be present, details can be taken from the XML schema.

Name Description Parent object
DetectedObject Root Element none
object Element with information about the found object in the element itself or in the attributes DetectedObject
Reference Reference to a list of known and uniquely assignable objects of the railway company DetectedObject
ObjectAttribute Further information about the object, the information is contained in the attributes DetectedObject
XML attributes
Name Description Parent object
Unique ID of the EVENT DetectedObject
Type Type of object found object
Description further description or information about/from object object
ObjectConsistency Reference to the correctness of the specified data object
ReferenceSystem Reference to the name of the system from which the data originates Reference
Key Information about the data contained in the "ObjectAttribute" element ObjectAttribute

Limit violation EVENT type

A limit violation is an event where a 1-dimensional channel (for example a measurement signal) exceeds its threshold.

Limit value exceedances of measured values of a channel can also be recorded as events.
The XML schema can be found in chapter Events Generic.

XML elements
Name Description Parent object
LimitViolation Root Element none
XML attributes
Name Description Parent object
TimestampMaxViolation Time at which limit value was exceeded LimitViolation
ViolatedLimit Name of the defined limit LimitViolation
ID Unique ID of the EVENTS LimitViolation


Comments recorded during a diagnostic drive by the user. The content is not specified, only the XML structure. The XML schema can be found in chapter Events Comment.

XML elements
Name Description Parent object
Comment Root element and message, recorded by the user none
XML attributes
Name Description Parent object
Username Name of the user who recorded the message Comment
ID Unique ID of this message Comment


Messages of the type "damaged" or "unusable" do not receive a content specification, only the XML structure is predefined and described here. The XML schema can be found in chapter Events Generic.

XML elements
Name Description Parent object
Corrupt Root element and message, recorded by the user none
XML attributes
Name Description Parent object
Username Name of the user who recorded the message Corrupt
ID Unique ID of this message Corrupt

Measurement system configuration

Measurement system configuration is of type 'Group' in HDF5.

The structure of this group is the same as for the configuration group below the group SESSION_NAME: Session configuration, but the parent group is *MEASURINGSYSTEM_NAME*: Measuring system. The measuring system configuration group also does not contain the Topology.

Measurement configuration group overview{width=230px}

XML Schema Definitions

Events Comment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

  <xs:include schemaLocation="../RcmDxDataTypes.xsd" />

  <xs:element name="Comment">
        <xs:extension base="xs:string">
          <xs:attribute name="Username" type="xs:string" use="required" />
          <xs:attribute name="ID" type="tns:UUID" use="required" />


Events Defect

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

  <xs:include schemaLocation="../RcmDxDataTypes.xsd" />

  <xs:element name="Defect">
        <xs:element name="PossibleDefectNames" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="PossibleClassifications" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="PossibleValidationResults" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
      <xs:attribute name="Classification" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:attribute name="DefectName" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:attribute name="Details" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:attribute name="Parameter1Name" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:attribute name="Parameter1Value" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:attribute name="Parameter2Name" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:attribute name="Parameter2Value" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:attribute name="Parameter3Name" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:attribute name="Parameter3Value" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:attribute name="ID" type="tns:UUID" use="required" />

Events Generic

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

  <xs:include schemaLocation="../RcmDxDataTypes.xsd" />

  <xs:element name="Corrupt">
        <xs:extension base="xs:string">
          <xs:attribute name="Username" type="xs:string" use="required" />
          <xs:attribute name="ID" type="tns:UUID" use="required" />

  <xs:simpleType name="ObjectConsistencyXml">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="Ok" />
      <xs:enumeration value="OnlyInReal" />
      <xs:enumeration value="OnlyInData" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Measured" />

  <xs:element name="DetectedObject">
        <xs:element name="object" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="Type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="ObjectConsistency" type="tns:ObjectConsistencyXml" use="required" />
        <xs:element name="Reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="ReferenceSystem" type="xs:string" use="required" />
        <xs:element name="ObjectAttribute" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="Key" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:attribute name="ID" type="tns:UUID" use="required" />

  <xs:element name="LimitViolation">
      <xs:attribute name="TimestampMaxViolation" type="xs:long" use="required" />
      <xs:attribute name="ViolatedLimit" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:attribute name="ID" type="tns:UUID" use="required" />


RCM-DX Data types

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
  <xs:simpleType name="restrictedString">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
      <xs:maxLength value="512" />
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+" />
  <xs:simpleType name="restrictedStringWithColon">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
      <xs:maxLength value="512" />
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.:]+" />
  <xs:simpleType name="restrictedID">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:ID">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
      <xs:maxLength value="512" />
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+" />
  <xs:simpleType name="restrictedIDREF">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:IDREF">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
      <xs:maxLength value="512" />
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+" />
  <xs:simpleType name="versionString">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
      <xs:maxLength value="32" />
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+" />
  <xs:simpleType name="portNumber">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
      <xs:minExclusive value="0" />
      <xs:maxInclusive value="65535" />
  <xs:simpleType name="ipAddress">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})" />
  <xs:simpleType name="network">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})/[0-9]{1,2}" />
  <xs:simpleType name="hostName">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])" />
  <xs:simpleType name="ipAddressOrHostName">
    <xs:union memberTypes="ipAddress hostName" />
  <xs:simpleType name="nonNegativeInt">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
      <xs:minInclusive value="0" />
  <xs:simpleType name="positiveInt">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
      <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
  <xs:simpleType name="positiveFloat">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:float">
      <xs:minExclusive value="0" />
  <xs:simpleType name="positiveIntOrMinus1">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
      <xs:minInclusive value="-1" />
  <xs:simpleType name="positiveLong">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:long">
      <xs:minExclusive value="0" />
  <xs:simpleType name="nonNegativeLong">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:long">
      <xs:minInclusive value="0" />
  <xs:simpleType name="compressionLevel">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
      <xs:minInclusive value="0" />
      <xs:maxInclusive value="9" />
  <xs:simpleType name="mimeType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[!#$%'*+\-0-9A-Z\^_'a-z{|}~]+/[!#$%'*+\-0-9A-Z\^_'a-z{|}~]+(; *[^;]+)*" />
  <xs:simpleType name="nonEmptyString">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
  <xs:simpleType name="UUID">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        value="(urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|\{[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\}" />
  <xs:simpleType name="vehicleNumber">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{3}-[0-9]" />
  <xs:simpleType name="httpUrl">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
      <xs:pattern value="https?://.+" />