NGE - Netzgrafik-Editor
Netzgrafik-Editor, is now a mature tool for creating and analyzing regular-interval timetables. It's versatile for logistics planning in various domains. Features include interactive editing, graphic timetables, trainrun editing, and logistics analysis.
Who are the maintainers of the project (these will be the primary contacts for the OpenRail Association)?
- SBB (Adrian Egli and Martin Sojka)
- Flatland Association
Which exact repositories do you intend to transfer to the GitHub organization of the OpenRail Association?
See above.
Copyright 2024 Swiss Federal Railways SBB AG
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
To the best of our knowledge, we only include 3rd-party code with open-source licenses. A complete analysis of the dependencies has yet to be carried out.
Does the project have a web site? Where is it? Are you ok with moving it to be hosted by the OpenRail Association?
There is no additional website. The aim is to make information about the project and the software accessible via the repository. GITHUB: README
Contact via mail and Github (issue) is welcome. Intensive dialogue for the clarification of business-related and technical issues usually takes place via online meetings.
Responsibility for the lead lies with the maintainers. Decisions are currently being made in close consultation with the contributors from the SNCF OSRD-team. The process for making decisions and setting up the leadership team still needs to be defined for the future.
Pull requests are reviewed and merged by the maintainers. It is therefore advisable to agree the requirements for the features in advance.
Contributions are possible via issues and pull requests. Coordination with the maintainer is advisable for a long-term commitment. How new maintainers will be added has not yet been defined.
At the moment, decisions on the priority and contribution of new features are made by the maintainers together with the contributors from the SNCF OSRD-team in close co-operation. The aim is to make the results transparent and to open up the collaboration to other contributors.
The versatility of the editor makes it suitable for various logistics planning scenarios, enabling efficient timetable creation and analysis. The software's key features can be leveraged in a broader context, such as:
Public Transportation Systems: Other public transport networks can utilize the editor's flexibility and features to effectively visualize and plan their transportation systems, leading to improved efficiency and better services.
Educations: The editor's capabilities can be utilized in educational institutions to demonstrate how to create integrated timetables and what properties need to be considered during the planning process in order to enable efficient scheduling
- With its clear focus on the rapid recording of timetable variants on a macroscopic level, Netzgrafik-Editor is suitable as a tool that can be combined with other OSS tools in the area of timetable planning and simulation (e.g., OSRD; MATsim).
- The Open Rail Association can provide support in building up members who are actively involved in the project community and in defining community governance.
Are there competing products or projects? If there are please explain how the proposed projects differentiates.
- With this scope on the macroscopic not known. Known products need more detailed data to start with the planning process.
What standards does the project implement or rely on? How are they related to other existing standards?
A JSON file specified by the project Netzgrafik-Editor data export/import (JSON) is used for data import and export. This functionality can be used as a basis for the extension to open standards for data exchange.
What is the tech stack of the project? Name the major programming languages and frameworks which are used.
- Programming language: Typescript
- Web Framework: Angular using
Communication frontend-backend:
- The backend API is specified using OpenAPI (
). Angular Services for the communication with the backend API are generated based on this specification using openapi-generator
- Programming language: Java enhanced with Project Lombok additional language features.
- REST API implementation: Spring Framework with Spring Boot.
- Database: Data is stored in the PostgreSQL relational database.
- jOOQ is used to access the database through a database-independent SQL-Like Domain-Specific-Language. For that the jOOQ framework generates classes for every table, row, index and sequence in the database. This allows for type-save declarations of SQL queries.
- Flyway migrations are used to manage the database schema (see src/main/resources/db.migration).
- H2 is used as an in-memory database for end-to-end integration tests.
In addition to developing additional functionality, the project aims to establish a transparent governance structure. This allows the cooperation to be extended to additional contributing partners. The project also aims to broaden the user base in the area of public transport (companies, educational institutions and public administration).
By sending this questionnaire you confirm that the project will adhere to the code of conduct of the OpenRail Association.
By sending this questionnaire you confirm that the project intends to be incubated in the OpenRail Association and plans to meet the maturity criteria set out by the OpenRail Association for incubated projects.