Present: Cornelius, Peter; Excused: Loic; Guests: Maintainers of OSRD
For this meeting the maintainers of OSRD are invited as guests. The main topic of the meeting is the onboarding of OSRD as first official project of the OpenRailAssociation.
- Introductions
- Overview of role and tasks of technical committee
- Representative of OSRD in Technical Committee
- Project governance
- Moving the repositories to the OpenRailAssociation organization
- Introduction round to get to know each other; overview of role and tasks of technical committee; discussion about governance, goal is to establish open governance while respecting the project's needs
- OSRD will have to name one representative of the project to be part of the technical committee. The group of maintainers will name a person.
- We will move the OSRD repositories to the OpenRailAssociation on GitHub, while avoiding to break things during the process. We will create a small group with people from OSRD and the OpenRail Association to sort out the technical details and do the move.