Present: Loic, Cornelius; Excused: Peter
- Preparation of report for board meeting
- Finalizing governance template (#34)
- New project proposals
- RCM OSS (#39)
- Interface of Technical Committee to OpenRail Team and distribution of roles (14:30)
- Loic will create an issue for the badges and attach the badge suggestions from the designer
- Preparation of report for board meeting
- Cornelius will prepare it
- Topics:
- Incubation Process
- Acceptance of OSRD, thanks for quick answer
- Update on OSRD onboarding, GitHub repository move in progress, meeting with maintainers
- Meetings, working mode established, highlight results
- Agreed on the governance templates (see pull request)
- Question about what parts are open source and what are the repositories to be hosted at OpenRail, viewer, library, specification?
- Proprietary dependency: If there are parts which can't be open, are there other parts, which are still usable and legally possible to host? If yes, we can host the project at OpenRail. We will need to get back to Peter to discuss this and find answers to the question.
- If we find answers to the remaining questions we would like to present the project next week at the board meeting for official inclusion in OpenRail
- We might need an architecture[overview like LF Energy] to organize the different domain topics. We need help with that from the business domains. This should be joint work of the Technical Committee and the railway domain experts. We can map projects to the different parts of the architecture and see where there opportunities and needs to be active. We need to figure out where to put the responsibility of creating and maintaining this architecture.
- For the distribution of roles we need names and responsibilities. The proposal we looked at is fine.