Present: Loic, Peter
- New project proposal: Questionnaire for DAC Migration DSS #58
- Discuss first iteration of domain model
- TC Meetings date&time : booking regular meetings for TC-Meeting Tuesday 13:00 from May 7th
Status of onboarding new projects
- DAC Migration DSS: The questionnaire from the DAC Migration DSS project is very informative. We recommend as TC to include the project in the OpenRail Association.
- Netzgrafikeditor: Is now published as OSS on gitHub ( I will be a new candidate soon.
Domain Model: We have completed and discussed the domain model at levels 1 and 2 in a table. It requires minor adjustments before it can be published graphically as an MVP.
- RCM OSS: We will discuss next steps with the maintainers. We are looking for a date (Peter)
- Topic for next week: discuss iteration of domain model (sidenote: possible visualization: (all)
- TC Meetings date&time : booking regular meetings for TC-Meeting from Tuesday 13:00 from May 7th on (Peter)