- Define maintainers of technical-committee repository
- Review pull requests
- Onboarding of new projects
Present: Cornelius, Peter; Excused: Loic
- Maintainers of technical-committee repository
- We separate the group for maintaining the repository from the membership in the Technical Committee. It's more an administrative function to manage the repository.
- Current group of repository maintainers should be Cornelius, Max, Loic, Peter
- We reviewed, approved and merged the open pull requests
- Onboarding of new projects
- OSRD: We have moved the repositories to the OpenRail Association, representative of OSRD in the TC is not named yet
- RCM OSS: Tentative plan: meet with maintainers next week
- DAC Migration DSS: The project will name a representative for the TC, we will start with a repository based on the templates and add more content later, when the project starts its development work