Present: Cornelius, Loic, Peter; Guests: RCM OSS Maintainers
- Meet the RCM OSS maintainers
- Onboarding of DAC Migration DSS
- Next Meeting: 7 May 2024
- RCM OSS Presentation:
- project provides a standardized data format based on HDF5 and tools to store it and work with it
- Specification is already published as open source, next step is to open source the libraries
- A viewer is currently available as proprietary software but available to use at no cost. It is not part of the OpenRail project
- Ongoing collaboration with Infrabel
- Several railways are using the format
- Going through the checklist for new projects for RCM OSS, next steps identified
- DAC Migration DSS has named a representative. He will join the TC meetings in July
- Next Meeting will be on 7 May, we cancel the one on May 2nd.