Present: Loic, Peter, Cornelius; Excused: Stephanie
- GitHub Management (#67)
- Mailing list for TC (#38)
- Netgrapheditor (#68)
- DAC Migration DSS
- TC members
- Stephanie is the representative of RCM OSS in the TC.
- Representative for OSRD: [email protected]. We will add Florian for the next meeting
- Official list of TC members is at
- Max has set up automation for managing teams and access to repos on GitHub. It's documented in #67. Thank you, Max. Adding people should be done via pull requests to the config repo. The config repo is public. The information is public information you could also extract from the individual repositories. For management it's easier and safer to do it centrally in an automated way.
- We will collect other information related to project management in the handbook directory as well.
- We have the mailing list service avaiable now to create a contact address for the TC. We would like to use [email protected]. Will coordinate and setup with Max, when he is back.
- The questionnaire for Netzgrafikeditor (NGE) is work in progress. We wait for the NGE people to fill it out and then discuss it. The PR is a draft for now.
- DAC Migration DSS will start soon. Then we will have more details then and put more information into the README of the repository.
- We have to define the incubation stages in more detail to agree on how to reflect the maturity and for example, what place have projects which are in the initial phase where no or not much code is there already. Two dimensions to consider, the development and technical maturity and the community aspect such as diversity of contributors and users (open source spirit). Stage 1 is decided, later stages are still drafts in the incubation process. We put it on the agenda for the next meeting.
- We skip next meeting because of absence of Loic and Cornelius and do the next on the Tuesday afterwards.