Present: Cornelius, Peter, Stephanie, Max; Excused: Loic, Florian, Frederik
- New project proposal: NGE (#68)
- Onboarding of RCM OSS (moving repositories)
- Discuss criteria for projects to move to stage 2 of the incubation process (see
- GitHub management (people and teams)
- Peter added more information following up the discussion of last TC meeting
- Loics input would be useful regarding the already ongoing collaboration with SNCF
- Peter will add more info about the tech stack of the backend
- Further discusssions we will do in the pull request and once it's clear we will decide (either by email or at the next TC meeting)
- Cleanup of repository is in progress. Viewer won't be moved. Lucas and Max are working on the move of the repositories.
- GitHub management (people and teams)
- OpenRailAssociation/openrail-org-config#5
- Question: Should teams be able to manage people and access to their repositories on their own or do we need additional approvals?
- Answer: Yes, projects should manage their project members on their own, no review by TC needed. Maintainers are responsible that this is happening in an orderly way. We document clearly what should be changed by whom and try to add permissions where technically possible without too much effort. The social contract is more important, though, so that it's clear to everybody who is supposed to change what.
- New repositories can only be created by organization owners. If you need a new repository write an email to [email protected]. The TC then takes care of it, and takes a decision if needed, or just creates the repository.
- Criteria for stage 2 of the incubation process
- Mental model: Stage 2 is maturity which can be reached by the project itself, applying quality criteria, making it production ready, but it's not necessary that it already is adopted by a diverse community; Stage 3 requires adoption by a diverse group of users, that a community exists
- Contributors in stage 2 can be of one organization, stage 3 requires multiple organizations
- Stage 2 can mean already being in production by one organization, stage 3 requires production use from multiple organizations
- What is the difference between committer and contributor? We haven't made a clear distinction yet. This needs to be clarified.
- How contributions are accepted in a project depends on the project. One model could be that only maintainers are accepting pull requests, another model could be that there is a larger group of committers who do that.
- Documentation for possible contributor/committer models would be helpful.
- Stage 2 should define criteria for a release process which makes it clear towards the project how releases are done, and make it clear towards users what to expect from a release
- Stage 2 should require REUSE compliance
- Open questions: DCO, signed commits
- Discussion to be continued