Present: Cornelius, Stephanie, Florian, Adrian, Frederik; Excused: Max, Loic
- Onboarding liblrs
- How do we want to work with GitHub issues?
- Reflect onboarding as issue?
- Working with assignees
- How do we want to work with GitHub issues?
- For notifications and assigning people to issues it would help to have a GitHub Team for all TC members.
- The team config is not in sync with the MAINTAINERS file. We should fix this.
- For asynchronous work it would help to define small projects so that members of the TC can plan and spend some time on it if they are available.
- Grabbing issues and assigning yourself is always welcome
- We will use issues to track onboarding
- Onboarding liblrs: #103
- MAINTAINERs file: The file in the root of the directory should represent who are the first points of contact for the projects as a whole. More fine-grained maintainer structure can be defined in MAINTAINERS files in sub directories or another way which makes it transparent (linking to CODEOWNERS files etc.)