Present: Cornelius, Adrian, Max, Loic, Stephanie, Frederik; Excused: Florian, Tristram
- Onboarding (
Tracking onboarding of new projects ) - Architecture domain model for OpenRail projects
- Onboarding
- Mentors and project contacts are assigned to all issues now.
- DAC Migration DSS is a bit different because it's the first project where we create a repo from scratch. We will use this opportunity to create templates for new repositories. The repo is needed within the next few months, when the project is starting to produce code.
- RCM DX viewer is moved out of the repo. The RCM OSS repo is ready for migration to the OpenRail Association org now.
- Netzgrafikeditor: There still is an open question about how to move the repository because of the large files which are hosted in the repo. We need to check how this matches with the GitHub plan we use. Max and Adrian to follow up on this.
- There is a need for projects to share videos. These could be hosted on GitHub, but maybe it's worth to look into more suitable alternatives.
- OSRD will put REUSE and DCO on the plan for the next iteration (end of September)
- OSRD is aiming at being ready for the next incubation stage. We still need to finalize the pull request with the criteria we discussed (
- liblrs, there still is an issue with running the compliance assistant. When we have sorted that out, Cornelius and Tristram will move the repo.
- Architecture domain model for OpenRail projects
- Peter and Loic will prepare something for one of the next meetings