Present: Frederik, Max, Loic, Florian, Tristram; Excused: Cornelius, Stephanie, Adrian
- Report of TC at board meeting on September 26
- Onboarding (
Tracking onboarding of new projects ) - Display of projects on OpenRail website (#95)
- Process to add a repository for an already integrated project.
- Playground GitHub organisation for non-official projects, e.g. for Dreiländerhack
- BoD meeting on 26.09. will be in Berlin during Innotrans
- TC is asked to present a short update on its activities since the last BoD meeting, so last ~4 months, in 5 minutes
- Topics: new projects and project incubation stage changes; changes in processes (like onboarding)
- Small success story: integration/collaboration between OSRD and Netzgrafikeditor, and NGE having a live demo
- Onboarding
- OSRD will start working on REUSE and DCO requirements. Goal is to finish it before the BoD meeting.
- All other projects are in progress
- Display of projects on OpenRail website (#95)
- Florian will integrate the publiccode.yaml from the landscape repo inside the OSRD repo and adapt the URL in the PR website#24
- All YAML files, please review your projects:
- Process to add a repository for an already integrated project
- Documented here: --> send email to list, add afterwards to openrail-org-config
- Playground GitHub organisation for non-official projects, e.g. for Dreiländerhack
- TC agrees to create such a playground org with loose permissions. We must make it clear that there aren't any official OpenRail projects
- Max will do this, in collab with Cornelius