Present: Florian, Tristram, Cornelius, Stephanie, Adrian, Frederik, Loic, Peter; Excused: Max
- Onboarding (
Tracking onboarding of new projects ) - Requirements for incubation stage 2 (
- Project status
- libLRS, onboarding is work in progress, see issue
- RCM OSS needs a new repository to publish scripts for reading RCM DX format. We will create a new repo for that. Cornelius will sort that out with Lukas.
- DAC Migration DSS, onboarding is work in progress, see issue. Project was present at Dreiländerhack and the related challenge won the third prize.
- For defining the incubation stage 2 and its remaining criteria where there are open questions we track that in the GitHub milestone Discussions take place in the issues.
- We joined the waitlist for GitHub Evolved Issues (
- NGE was used and tested during Dreiländerhack and turned out to be useful. Could have a good impact on the planning process for more people and organizations. The hosting of the demo instance by Flatland helped.
- Hosting of an OSRD demo instance would also be helpful. Discussion with the Flatland Association if that would be possible via their infrastructure.
- Application for DevRoom "Railways and Open Transport" at FOSDEM is going on. Hopefully it will be accepted, so we can cover the topics at the conference again.