Present: Florian, Cornelius, Max, Loic, Tristram, Stephanie, Adrian; Excused: Peter, Frederik
- Incubation process
- Stage 2 criteria:
- OSRD will move their questionnaire to the new template, then we will have a look
- Open questions are in the issues which will need some work to document what we discussed and put it into a pull request, we will do that asynchronously
- Due date for proposals for the railways and open transport devroom is Dec 1st
- OSRD proposals coming in
- NGE proposal coming in as well, also a topic in combination with OSRD
- libLRS proposal coming in as well
- TC report for board meeting on Dec 13
- Loic will check the slides for the board meeting and make sure we have the info for reporting about the last three months there
- There was the Flatland workshop/symposium last week. Cornelius attended and gave a short presentation about OpenRail. Workshop was really good and had a nice mix of topics, also from other industries. We should think about how to follow up on that, more technical topics at next Flatland workshop or also a similar OpenRail event or something together.