Present: Adrian, Cornelius, Frederik, Max, Peter, Tristram
- NGE repo
- tp-lib proposal
- Review of READMEs
- Project presentation
- Election of the chair of the TC
- NGE repo move
- Move is on the task list
- trainpositioning-lib proposal (#177)
- RCM DX is in the same domain, future interaction possible
- We still need a meeting with Mathias to present and discuss the project with the TC
- Answers to questions need to be worked into the questionnaire text
- We weren't able to look at the code yet
- Not taking a decision today, waiting for the open issues to be resolved
- As a general requirement for projects which already have code that is not open source yet, we need to have access to the code before we can decide on a new project proposal. Being able to give us access is a prerequisite for being able to open source it anyway. We need to add that to the documentation of the incubation process (probably the questionnaire)
- Review of READMEs, Stephanie did a review, looking good
- liblrs would benefit from adding introductory lines and a license section
- Project presentation on the web site (#187)
- Videos can be on the project's own pages, should not be on the overview
- Current state is not bad, with the link to GitHub there is access to all other information
- On a dedicated project page, especially when having more projects, we could have some featured projects at the top (and on the main website)
- We should show the business domain, we can do that once we have the list of domains (on the todo list of Loic and Peter)
- Logos: at the moment most projects don't have a logo. We should think about creating a consistent set of logos. The question is how they are produced.
- Further presentation improvements can be discussed in the issue
- Election of chair of TC
- Decision: Do the election on Jan 28
- We will talk about the procedure and candidates next week