Present: Cornelius, Florian, Frederik, Loïc, Max, Peter, Stephanie, Tristram
- Election of chair of TC
- Project proposal trainpositioning-lib (#177)
- Project milestones of last six months
- Annual report (
- Election of chair of TC
- Max is running the election as MC
- The TC committee elects Florian as the new chair for the next twelve months from 1.2.2025 to 31.1.2026
- We will inform the board of directors, the TC chair is automatically member of the board representing the OpenRail projects
- Project proposal trainpositioning-lib (#177)
- We had the meeting with Mathias on Monday and clarified open questions
- Mathias updated project contacts
- Mathias provided code in a private repository, we all have access
- There is no conflict in terms of functionality with libLRS
- Max has run a preliminary license check, looks good so far
- Project is a .NET library, concepts could be used in other programming languages, library could also be made available via an API, language binding might also be an option. We don't see these kinds of technical limitations as a blocker for OpenRail.
- The TC sees no blockers in accepting the project
- Timing: TC supports the proposal. When the code is available to be published we do the official decision of acceptance and continue with the approval process through the vote of the board
- Project milestones of last six months, discussion about progress
- Annual report (
- Project descriptions and reports will be part of the annual report of the OpenRail Association
- Goal is to have the report ready by the next board meeting, info about the project is needed well before, end of february latest
- It should give a good description to everybody who is interested in OpenRail without further OpenRail context needed
- We have issues for all of the projects (see milestone), we need to add the project representatives to the repo, so they can assign themselves to the issues (OpenRailAssociation/annual-report#14)
- We want one picture per project as illustration
- Max, Peter, Loïc, Cornelius won't be there for the next TC meeting, because of an OpenRail Team workshop
- We will talk about the OSRD stage 2 proposal at the meeting in two weeks.