Present: Cornelius, Florian, Loïc, Max, Peter, Stephanie, Tristram
- Report of the TC at the board meeting on March 26th, first draft of slides needed by Feb 27th
- Annual report, project sections (
- OSRD stage 2: Confirm checklist
- Requires 1 or 2 slides for the board meeting.
- First review of the draft Friday 28th.
- Who is preparing the draft: Florian + Loïc
- Who is presenting: Florian
- Topics (check slides):
- Notes: Move the projects list to the TC
- New chair
- Stage 2 questionnaire and process are defined.
- Handbook
- OSRD Stage 2
- Waiting for TPlib to open their code
- Annual report:
- We have a draft for libLRS
- Peter and Cornelius plan to merge all parts and make it consistent.
- OSRD's PR must be modified to transform bullet points into phrases. This will make the report more homogeneous.
- The last missing draft PR is for DAC migration (Cornelius will ping Frederik)
- Cornelius and Peter have meetings to work on the report, we can contact them to join.
- We should add a picture (screenshots for example) for each project. They can be added here.
- We don't require a logo for now, cause it brings up a lot of questions.
- OSRD Stage 2: Promoted 🎉
- Can a project lose it?
- Should we have a review (like every year)? (#181)
- We could check how other organizations are handling this.
- We could improve the process diagram
- We need to document how to use badges. We keep small badges ( style).