As a project intending to join the OpenRail Association, please:
- create your fork of this repository
- create a copy of this questionnaire and rename it to your project name
- answer the questions
- commit to a new branch in your fork, name it new-project-[project name]
- initiate a pull request from your new branch to this repository
- inform the technical committee by email: [email protected]
Also see the documentation in incubation process for details about criteria and requirements for new projects and how it works to get new projects into the association.
Who are the maintainers of the project (these will be the primary contacts for the OpenRail Association)?
Which exact repositories do you intend to transfer to the GitHub organization of the OpenRail Association?
Does the project have a web site? Where is it? Are you ok with moving it to be hosted by the OpenRail Association?
Are there competing products or projects? If there are please explain how the proposed projects differentiates.
What standards does the project implement or rely on? How are they related to other existing standards?
What is the tech stack of the project? Name the major programming languages and frameworks which are used.
By sending this questionnaire you confirm that the project will adhere to the code of conduct of the OpenRail Association.
By sending this questionnaire you confirm that the project intends to be incubated in the OpenRail Association and plans to meet the maturity criteria set out by the OpenRail Association for incubated projects.