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Capacitor integration for MobileSDK

npm install --save


Add the following to your project's iOS podfile:

source ''
source ''

# Include the PaciolanSdkCapacitorPlugin in your pods
pod 'PaciolanSdkCapacitorPlugin', :path => '../../node_modules/paciolan-sdk-capacitor-plugin'

If Podfile includes use_frameworks! add this post install script or append the contents to your post install script:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
          if == "RNAwesomeCardIO"
              config.build_settings["OTHER_LDFLAGS"] = '$(inherited) "-ObjC"'

Run pod install repo-update in the ios/App directory of your project.

Run the following in the root directory of the project:

npx cap sync
ionic build && npx cap copy

If linking issues occur for React, this step would need to be done as the frameworks are an external dependency of React.

npx cap open ios

In `Pods -> Targets -> React -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries` add:

- `glog.framework`
- `DoubleConversion.framework`

This might be needed if some assets not added to the App target from the PaciolanSDK pod.

In `AppName -> Targets -> AppName -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources -> + -> Add Other...` add:

- `Pods/PaciolanSDK/Pod/Assets/PaciolanSDK.js` - `Copy items if needed` - `Finish`


In your build.gradle file within the root of your android folder, add:

maven {
            url ""

The above url should work. But if for some reason, an alternate url is needed - url "" can be used as well.

In your app/build.gradle file, add (under dependencies):

implementation 'com.paciolan:mobilesdk:{specific version}'

Register PaciolanSdk's class in your Acitivity so Capacitor is aware of it:

// Other imports...
import com.paciolan.PaciolanSdk.PaciolanSdk;


    // Initializes the Bridge
    this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
      // Additional plugins you've installed go here
      // Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class);

Ionic App

Call the PaciolanSdk Plugin

const { PaciolanSdk } = Plugins;{
  config: JSON.stringify({
    channelCode: "msdk-sa",
    sdkKey: "test2",
    applicationId: "com.paciolan.sdk",
    uiOptions: {
      accentColor: "#ab0520",
      permissions: {
        statusBar: false,
        camera: true
      privacyURL: "",
      tosURL: ""
    organizationId: 521,
    distributorCode: "ARIZONA",
    route: {
      name: "bestAvailableTicketPurchase",
      params: {
        policyCode: "PDISA",
        seasonCode: "FB20",
        itemCode: "FB01"
      uiOptions: {
        loginDomain: "",
        accessibleSeatingUrl: "tel:18008008000"
    debug: false,
    demo: false

Other Notes:

If you wish to set camera permissions to true, the info.plist file under your iOS folder needs to include: (Defaulted to false in the initialization)

// This will allow the application to ask the user for permission to access the camera
<string>Used for the card scanning feature.</string>

If there seem to be crashes due to statusBar customization, adding this to your info.plist: (Defaulted to false in the initialization)

// This will allow the application to ask the user for permission to customize the look of the status bar

<string>Used for customizing the status bar.</string>

Any issues with android, usually a ./gradlew clean inside the android folder along with an Android Studio restart does the job.