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Installation issue #1264

Myzel394 opened this issue Feb 11, 2022 · 14 comments

Installation issue #1264

Myzel394 opened this issue Feb 11, 2022 · 14 comments


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I'm currently trying to install the dependencies.

Node: v12.22.10
npm: 7.24.2
os: MacOs Montery 12.1

I installed mapnik using homebrew


npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Deprecated due to CVE-2021-21366 resolved in 0.5.0
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package has been deprecated in favour of @sinonjs/samsam
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please see
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]:
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see
npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: 🚨 This package has been deprecated in favor of separate inclusion of a polyfill and regenerator-runtime (when needed). See the @babel/polyfill docs ( for more information.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
npm ERR! CXX(target) Release/
npm ERR!   CXX(target) Release/
npm ERR! Failed to execute '/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/bin/node /Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js build --fallback-to-build --module=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/mapnik.node --module_name=mapnik --module_path=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding --napi_version=8 --node_abi_napi=napi --napi_build_version=0 --node_napi_label=node-v72' (1)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp info using [email protected]
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp info using [email protected] | darwin | arm64
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp info check checked for "/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/mapnik.node" (not found)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp http GET
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! install response status 403 Forbidden on 
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp WARN Pre-built binaries not installable for [email protected] and [email protected] (node-v72 ABI, unknown) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp) 
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp WARN Hit error response status 403 Forbidden on 
npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected]
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected] | darwin | arm64
npm ERR! gyp info ok 
npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected]
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected] | darwin | arm64
npm ERR! gyp info find Python using Python version 3.9.10 found at "/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.9"
npm ERR! gyp info spawn /opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.9
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-f',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   'make',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/build/config.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/common.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/addon.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/Users/myzel394/Library/Caches/node-gyp/12.22.10/include/node/common.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=/Users/myzel394/Library/Caches/node-gyp/12.22.10',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=/Users/myzel394/Library/Caches/node-gyp/12.22.10/<(target_arch)/node.lib',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   'build',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args ]
npm ERR! gyp info ok 
npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected]
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected] | darwin | arm64
npm ERR! gyp info spawn make
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [ 'BUILDTYPE=Release', '-C', 'build' ]
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/node_mapnik.cpp:7:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/mapnik_vector_tile.hpp:7:
npm ERR! In file included from ../../mapnik-vector-tile/src/vector_tile_merc_tile.hpp:5:
npm ERR! ../../mapnik-vector-tile/src/vector_tile_tile.hpp:11:10: fatal error: 'mapnik/geometry/box2d.hpp' file not found
npm ERR! #include <mapnik/geometry/box2d.hpp>
npm ERR!          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! 1 error generated.
npm ERR! make: *** [Release/] Error 1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! build error 
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:194:23)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:314:20)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:276:12)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Darwin 21.2.0
npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/bin/node" "/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "build" "--fallback-to-build" "--module=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/mapnik.node" "--module_name=mapnik" "--module_path=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding" "--napi_version=8" "--node_abi_napi=napi" "--napi_build_version=0" "--node_napi_label=node-v72"
npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd /Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v12.22.10
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v7.1.2
npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok 
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! build error 
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! stack Error: Failed to execute '/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/bin/node /Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js build --fallback-to-build --module=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/mapnik.node --module_name=mapnik --module_path=/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding --napi_version=8 --node_abi_napi=napi --napi_build_version=0 --node_napi_label=node-v72' (1)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/@mapbox/node-pre-gyp/lib/util/compile.js:89:23)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:314:20)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! stack     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1022:16)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:287:5)
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! System Darwin 21.2.0
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! command "/Users/myzel394/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.10/bin/node" "/Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp" "install" "--fallback-to-build"
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! cwd /Users/myzel394/VSCodeProjects/erdapfel/node_modules/mapnik
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! node -v v12.22.10
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! node-pre-gyp -v v1.0.1
npm ERR! node-pre-gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/myzel394/.npm/_logs/2022-02-11T07_33_01_935Z-debug.log
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Seems to be an issue specific to MacOS, since I it doesn't occur on my Linux machine.

However, I don't know where to place the config. Is it supposed to go into config/config.yml or config.yml? Both paths do not work, where should I place the config?

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@fatal69100 maybe you could take a look at this

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Okay seems like you don't need to copy the files and create a separate config.yml, the config/default-config.yml is enough.
Now I'm facing the issue of not having an own tile server.

@fatal69100 can you help me out on this? Can't I simply use some OSM/QwantMaps/Apple Maps tiles? I just wanna develop on the frontend.

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Currently trying but can't get them running

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sdrll commented Feb 12, 2022

Hi @Myzel394, thank you for your interest in the project.
We have a repository that to install a tile server with docker : You can import only Luxembourg data to limit your local resources.
I hope it helps.

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Thanks for your help.

I have now loaded the tiles and started the containers using kathotherian_docker. However, I don't know what to pass as the TILEVIEW_mapStyle_baseMapUrl and TILEVIEW_mapStyle_poiMapUrl variables. Could you help me out on this?

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Any news @fatal69100? Really would like to contribute to this :)

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sdrll commented Feb 16, 2022

According to the docker_kartotherian documentation : Once all tiles are generated, the map is visible on http://localhost:8585! (If not, take a look at docker ps and see what the port of the image qwantresearch/erdapfel is.)
I advise you to check with docker ps with port is used by the tile server and fill this config as following :
TILEVIEW_mapStyle_baseMapUrl='["http://your-server/path-to-basemap-tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"]' \ TILEVIEW_mapStyle_poiMapUrl='["http://your-server/path-to-poi-tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"]' \

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The docker container image is working fine, but I don't know the correct URL

http://your-server/path-to-basemap-tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf <- What's the correct url?

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sdrll commented Feb 17, 2022

Sorry, it should be : TILEVIEW_mapStyle_baseMapUrl='["http://localhost:6533/ozbasemap/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"]' \ TILEVIEW_mapStyle_poiMapUrl='["http://localhost:6533/ozpoi/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"]' \

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Myzel394 commented Feb 17, 2022

Thanks @fatal69100

Unfortunately, I'm getting only 400 Bad requests with "Unknown source" as the message. I tried moving around the map, but seems like no tile returns anything. Do you know how to fix this?

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sdrll commented Feb 18, 2022

As you can see on the screenshoot taken form localhost:8585 (erdapfel run within kartotherian_docker)
Screenshot from 2022-02-18 09-41-36
You can see which URL is called when you zoom in/out on the map to display data (e.g. http://localhost:6533/ozbasemap/5/16/11.pbf on the picture), it should be the same URL when you run Edapfel yourself without kartotherian_docker

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Myzel394 commented Feb 18, 2022

@fatal69100 The url is indeed called, however no response results in 200, instead all calls are rejected with a 400 status code.

Here's a short video demonstrating the problem:


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Any news on that? @fatal69100 can you help me out or pass it to someone else?

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