All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- broken link to the internal WAF products. thx to R.D.
- clarified preferences for data formats
- added preferences for schema technologies
- added best practices concerning state retrieval / initialload
- Removed duplicate best practices
- Removed references of OpenAPI in the eventdriven documentation
- Removed considerations concerning postels law for greater simplicity in the best practices section
- Updated references to superordinated SBB Architecture Principles, which underwent major changes
- Defined scope of application for SBB API Principles more precisely
- New Architecture Principle: Smart endpoints and dumb pipes
- Exception to security principle: Allowing API Keys for certain use cases
- New principles: Must define API Plans
- Best Practice: ODATA is not preferred, but allowed
- Wrong code formatting in RESTful API Best Practices
- Wrong Status code 405 -> 406 for Not Acceptable
- New Best Practice: Handle duplicate messages
- Introducing Changelog File
- Resolved open TODO: principle for backward compatibility
- Semantic Versioning for API Principles
- New Best Practice: Define format for number and integer types
- New Best Practice: Path segment naming
- New Best Practice: Use snake_case for query parameters
- Switching from snake case to camel case in JSONs (adjusting API principles to already established best practices in organization) -> this is a change of recommended best practices and thus not considered as a breaking change
- Fixed some typos
- Principle for standard APIs and APIs of commercial products and SaaS
- Principles for CorrelationIDs and Tracing
- Principles for Event Driven APIs
- Adding code of conduct for contributions
- Some Typos and Styling
- First version of SBB's API Principles that is also approved by the central architecture board