- New component:
- SBBStepper to display a visual separation of a multi-step processes or forms.
- SecondaryButtonStyle: added the option
- SBBToast: bottom padding can be added
- SBBNotification: added the option to have a 'more info' button but no title
- SBBTextArea: placeholder font size can be chosen (small, medium or large)
- SBBTextField: added the option
- SBBMessage: the
of an SBBMessage is not restricted toText
, it can be anyView
- SBBStyle: Back button in navigation bar also uses SBB font
- SBBModalView: same multiline alignement for title and text
- SBBLoadingIndicator: now also exists in size
- SBBListItem: rightImage can also be displayed as is (without circle)
- Update icons to 0.1.82
- SBBTextArea and SBBTextField accessibility
- New components:
- SBBFooterBox to display a footer
- SBBHeaderBox to display a footer
- New icons
- SBBModalView: added the option to hide the cancel button.
- SBBNotification and SBBPromotionBox: elements are now correctly read by VoiceOver.
- SBBNotification: icon can be hidden
- SBBNotification: a retry button is added
- SBBNotification: can also stay open (close button not present).
- Renaming of the typographie names according to the revised DSM (e.g. xlarge instead of SBBHeader). Old typographie names are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- New components:
- SBBUpDnCounterView to display an up and down counter
- SBBMessage to display a message with an illustration
- SBBPromotionBox to display a promotion box
- SBBDatePicker to display a date picker
- SBBStatus to display a status (alert, warning, success or info)
- SBBNotification to display a status notification (alert, warning, success or info)
- SBBTabView: a badge can be added to the tab bar icon
- New color .redDark is added
- SBBTabView: accessibility area for a tab is bigger
- SBBOnboardingView: accessibility is improved (e.g. text completely visible with all font sizes)
- SBBMessage: accessibility label for 'retry' button is added
- SBBIcons updated
- Initializing an SBB List Item with
init(label: String, image: Image)
orinit(label: String, type: SBBListItemType)
is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.image
is replaced withleftImage
and the right image (decided by SBBListItemType) can now be customized usingrightImage
- SBBTabbar now keeps the Navigation persistence when switching Tab. Before it always jumped back to Root View.
- SBBSegmentedPicker update according to the updated design template
- re-import the newest SBB Icons / SBB Pictos
- All SBB Icons / SBB Pictos are now present inside the "SBBIconName.swift" enum. You can create an SBB Image with the
init(sbbIcon: SBBIcon)
- Initializing an SBB Image with
init(sbbName: String)
orinit(sbbName: String, size: SBBIconSize)
is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
- Attention: certain icons have been renamed. Please check your code whether the used icon-string exists. Better: migrate to the new
init(sbbIcon: SBBIcon)
- Some SBBTextfields improvements: Boxed available. Clear button can be disabled. Bottom line optional even in edit mode.
- SBBTabView to display a tab bar at the bottom of the page.
- SBB DSM is now publicly available in Github as OpenSource
- Updated all elements according to newest Figma version.
- SBBRadioButton and SBBCheckbox now reflect theming (color) changes.
- Breaking change: Renaming of init parameters of SBBRadioButton and SBBCheckbox according to newest Figma version.
- Breaking change: SBBRadioButton and SBBCheckbox now feature an optional subtitle instead of customizable content.
- Breaking change: Renaming of SBBInfoViewCollapsible to SBBAccordion.
- Breaking change: Renaming of SBBModalViewStyle from .sheet to .bottom.
- Demo App can now switch color theme while running
- SBBColor .modalBackground is not public
- showBackButton in SBBModalView is not a Binding anymore
- You can now set your own (color) theme
- Background Color of SBBModalView and SBBDialogue in fullscreen mode is now distinct from normal background color.
- Removed iOS 13 support (now requires iOS 14 or above) and simplified code.
- Simplified usage of SBBModalView (no need to inject a SBBModalViewModel and use a .sbbModalContainer ViewModifier anymore).
- NavigationBar background color fix for iOS 15 when installing directly over XCode.
- Double SBB Icon in NavigationBar when setting new trailing Icon is now fixed.
- SBBBubbleView can now optionally display custom content instead of a subtitle.
- SBBOnboardingView now has improved handling of non-active cards with safe areas.
- Reduced top-offset (8pt) for OnboardingCards hidden behind current card.
- New ViewModifier sbbScreenPadding() which applies SBB specific padding to a Screen
- Update Demo App with the new padding
- Final illustrations for Demo App Onboarding
- SBBBubbleView: VoiceOver fix for SBBBubbleView in .regular SizeClass with fixed content (is now read separately)
- SBBOnboardingTitleView now features an optional subtitle
- New SBB Icons were added
- Added SBBRadioButtonGroup (and modified SBBRadioButton)
- SBBCheckBox and SBBRadioButton is now tappable on it's entire width
- Bottomline for SBBRadioButton is now displayed by default.
- Linelimit of 1 for SBBSegmentedPicker and SBBButtons.
- SBBPrimaryButtonStyle now also supports floating buttons not stretching the entire view (using sizeToFit: true as init parameter).
- New Styling for ListItem Footnote
- sbbStyle() View Modifier that applies basic view styling.
- Support for landscape mode / larger content sizes.
- Demo App: Quick selection for contentSizeCategory.
- Demo App now showcases an Onboarding.
- Demo App: Improved ColorsView, documentation links on MainView, renaming to DMS.
- ReadMe: Added documentation links.
- Markup documentation for all elements.
- SBBBanner now also supports "poc" environment.
- Using new Swift 5.4 features: @ResultBuilder and optional casting in SwiftUI Views.
- Increased hit area for .leftSwipeButton and .rightSwipeButton ViewModifiers for SBBListItem.
- SBBListItem now shows a separator line on the bottom as default.
- .sbbModalContainer() ViewModifier does not block TouchEvents for underlying UIKit Views anymore.
- SBBCheckbox and SBBRadioButton are now animated.
- SBBCheckbox, SBBRadioButton, SBBTextField and SBBTextArea now display a separator bottom line by default since they are mostl used in a SBBFormGroup.
- Demo of SBBBubbleView: ScrollView now floats nicely under the BubbleView on scroll. Complemented README on how to use SBBBubbleView with a ScrollView.
- SBBBanner has correct color for dev and int environments.
- Correct padding for bottom line in active SBBTextArea.
- Breaking change: Use of SwiftUI standard .navigationBarItems() ViewModifier instead of .navigationBarWithSBBIcon(). Reason: Ability to add a leading NavBar Item.
- .sbbEnvironmentBanner instead of parameter in .navigationBarItems().
- New SBB KOM Icons
- ModalViews can now be shown from any (child) view which does not cover the entire screen.
- Simplified usage of SBBToast
- SBBOnboardingCardView has correct view alignment (title is aligned below image of flexible size)
- Fixed background for .fullscreen SBBDialogue and devices with bottom safe area
- SBBChip
- SBBDialogue
- SBBToast
- SBBProcessFlow
- SBBIconTextButtonStyle
- .modal ViewModifier to be used for SBBModalView (.sheet and .popup style)
- SBBMarker
- Padding of SBBSTertiaryButtonStyle is updated according to Sketch updates
- Disabled state colors of SBBSTertiaryButtonStyle is updated according to Sketch updates
- SBBIconButtonStyle now has optional border & negative style option (if displayed on colored background, e.g. NavigationBar)
- SBBSegmentedPicker now also features .red style (e.g. to be used below NavigationBar)
- New styles for SBBModalView: .full, .sheet and .popup
- .rightSwipeButton(...) and .leftSwipeButton(...) view modifiers for SBBListItem now allow swippable action buttons.
- SBBRadioButton
- .sbbStyle(...) view modifier for Slider
- SBBLoadingIndicator
- SBBCheckBox is now completely grayed out when disabled
- SBBTextField can display an optional icon
- SBBTextField can display an optional error
- SBBTextField delete text button when editing
- Correct dark mode color for disabled state in SBBTextField and SBBTextArea
- .navigationBarWithSBBIcon() view modifier can now also display a banner (e.g. to highlight the app version like "TEST" or "DEV")
- Fix a voiceover bug with SBBTextField placeholder
- Support for Swift package manager
- Demo App redesign
- Demo App works better with Accessibility large font sizes
- SBBOnboardingCardView now displays Image nicely (without border) even while scaling
- SBBTextField placeholder text has now the correct color
- Font scaling with dynamic content sizes is now correct on iOS 14
- Improved layout of SBBOnboardingTitleView
- SBBBubbleView is treated as a header in VoiceOver
- Improved layout of SBBOnboardingView
- Improved french translations for SBBOnboarding
- SBBOnboardingCardView content is not clipped anymore if content of ScrollView is bigger than view (bug introduced with iOS 14)
- Supports now SBB Fonts for UIFont
- Supports now SBB Colors for UIColor
- Breaking Change: Class SBBColor has been deleted. Please use the Color extension instead (Color.sbbColor(.red) instead of SBBColor.red )
- SBBCheckBox now also supports custom content (and an optional image)
- SBBCheckBox VoiceOver frame is now also correct on iOS 14
- Xcode 12 and iOS 14 support.
- Added more accessibility identifiers to support XCUITests
- UX Pictos library is embedded in DSM SwiftUI
- Added accessibility identifiers to support XCUITests
- Fonts now support bold accessibility settings (LegibilityWeight)
- Correct Positioning of SBB Icon in NavBar (and disabling button if no action passed)
- SBBListItem now hides image for all accessibility ContentSizes
- SBBModalView has now customizable title alignment
- SBBBubbleView now also accepts non-collapsible custom content
- ViewModifier to add a SBB Icon as a right NavigationBarItem (.navigationBarWithSBBIcon)
- Center alignment for multiline titles in SBBOnboardingCardView
- Horizontal padding for ButtonStyles
- All SBB Icons (KOM & FPL) are added in the Asset Catalog
- Image extension for usage of SBB Icons
- SBBOnboarding Start/EndView are now always showing the buttons (specially with larger SizeCategories)
- SBBBubbleView and SBBInfoView hide image if current SizeCategory is one of the accessibility ones
- New Helper SizeCategories
- SBBOnboarding all texts are now localized
- SBBOnboarding ignoring SBB Icon in voiceover
- Correct ContentShape for Cards with initial offset
- SBBSTertiaryButtonStyle & SBBIconButtonStyle (large & small)
- SBBOnboardingView
- SBBPaginationView
- SBBModalView
- Renaming of the old SBBInfoView to SBBInfoViewCollapsible
- New SBBInfoView
- CornerRadius View Extension
- SBBBubbleView can now also hide the NavigationBar background extension if it needs to be displayed not on top of the view
- SBBBubbleView icon is vertically centered when title has multiple lines.
- SBBFormGroup is now also redrawn when using a SBBCheckBox inside with an ObservableObject model.
- SBBSecondaryButtonStyle
- SBBFormGroup now shows a SBBDivider by default between Views.
- SBBListItem
- Toggle now has SBB-specific background color (red)
- "Segmentation Fault: 11" Archive Build Error using Cocoapod is fixed
- SBBBubbleView now accept Text instead of String as their parameters and a ViewBuilder for its Detail (e.g. so you can customize the font color)
- SBBInfoView now accept Text instead of String as their parameters (e.g. so you can customize the font color)
- Font Extension featuring all SBBFonts
- SBBBubbleView and SBBInfoView now support multiline for all their Text Views
- Demo App now also works on iPad
- Fix design of SBBCheckBox (icons & line bellow)
- Fix design of SBBTextField (line bellow with editing status)
- Fix design of SBBTextArea (line bellow with editing status)
- Fix a bug in demo app with segmented picker for color scheme
- First internal distribution using Testflight
- Fix padding on SBBCheckBox
- Fix padding and spacing for SBBGroupForm
- Fix SBBTextField layout when using big dynamic types
- Localization of placeholder in SBBTextArea
- Placeholder color for SBBTextField and SBBTextArea
- Remove padding above title in SBBFormGroup
- SBBCheckBox
- SBBTextField
- SBBTextArea
- SBBFormGroup
- SBBPrimaryButtonStyle
- Display SBBBubbleView title on multiple line when text is too long and/or too big
- Fix ArrayBuilder of SBBSegmentedPicker
- SBBInfoView
- SBBBubbleView with new arrow styling (featuring a circular border around the arrow) and animated toggle.
- SBBSegmentedPicker has now border around selected segment in dark mode.
- New semantic SBBColor .border.
- New semantic SBBColor .tabViewBackground replaces .controlBackground.
- New official SBBColors .charcoal and .shadow.
- Updated background colors of SBBBubbleView and SBBSegmentedPicker
- With iOS 13.4 Apple has fixed NavigationBar tint bug and changed the way it works. So we use appearance to customize it.
- SBBSegmentedPicker shadow only on inner element
- SBBBubbleView reloading voiceover on title change
- SBBBubbleView with shadows
- SBBDivider leading to app crash (due to .infinity width) fixed
- SBBSegmentedPicker
- SBBDivider
- new semantic SBBColor .controlBackground
- new SBBFont .tableHeader
- SBBBubbleView background red now reflects the opacity from the SBBNavigationBar (to be removed once the opacity can be set to false on the NavBar)
- SBBBubbleView voiceover now only reads the hint, if the view is expandable (i.e. has a detail text)
- SBBColors (including semantic colors)
- SBBFonts
- BubbleView
- NavigationBar