diff --git a/analyzers/ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.json b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f023be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "name": "ThreatGrid",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "author": "Cisco Security",
+ "url": "https://github.com/CiscoSecurity",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "description": "Threat Grid Sandbox",
+ "dataTypeList": ["file", "url", "hash"],
+ "command": "ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.py",
+ "baseConfig": "ThreatGrid",
+ "configurationItems": [
+ {
+ "name": "tg_host",
+ "description": "Threat Grid Host",
+ "type": "string",
+ "multi": false,
+ "required": true
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "api_key",
+ "description": "Threat Grid API Key",
+ "type": "string",
+ "multi": false,
+ "required": true
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/analyzers/ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.py b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2cf5a180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/ThreatGrid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+import requests
+from time import sleep
+from cortexutils.analyzer import Analyzer
+from simplejson.errors import JSONDecodeError
+class ThreatGridAnalyzer(Analyzer):
+ """
+ Threat Grid analyzer submits a 'file' or 'url' to Threat Grid for dynamic analysis and returns
+ the results. Queryies for a 'hash' and returns the analysis results from the sample with the
+ highest threat score submitted within the last 90 days.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ Analyzer.__init__(self)
+ self.tg_host = self.get_param(
+ "config.tg_host", None, "No Threat Grid host given."
+ )
+ self.api_key = self.get_param(
+ "config.api_key", None, "No Threat Grid API Key given."
+ )
+ # Create a Requests Session
+ self.base_url = "https://{}/api/v2".format(self.tg_host)
+ self.tg_session = requests.Session()
+ auth_param = {"api_key": self.api_key}
+ self.tg_session.params.update(auth_param)
+ def verify_response(self, response, key):
+ """Verify the HTTP status code is 200 and the expected key is present in the JSON
+ """
+ try:
+ return bool(response.status_code == 200 and key in response.json())
+ except JSONDecodeError:
+ self.error(
+ "The server responded with HTTP status code 200 but did not return JSON"
+ )
+ def wait_for_completion(self, sample_id):
+ """Check for sample completion every minute for 10 minutes
+ """
+ url = self.base_url + "/samples/{}/state".format(sample_id)
+ finished = False
+ tries = 0
+ while not finished and tries <= 20: # wait max 10 min check every 30 seconds
+ if tries == 0:
+ sleep(3) # It takes a second for the respnse to be available
+ else:
+ sleep(30)
+ response = self.tg_session.get(url)
+ state = response.json().get("data", {}).get("state")
+ if state == "succ":
+ finished = True
+ elif state == "fail":
+ self.get_fail_status(sample_id)
+ tries += 1
+ if not finished:
+ self.error(
+ "Timed out waiting for Sample analysis. Sample ID: {}".format(sample_id)
+ )
+ def get_fail_status(self, sample_id):
+ """When a sample fails get the reason for the failure
+ """
+ url = self.base_url + "/samples/{}".format(sample_id)
+ response = self.tg_session.get(url)
+ if self.verify_response(response, "data"):
+ status = response.json().get("data", []).get("status")
+ if status:
+ self.error(
+ "Sample analysis failed with status. Sample ID: {} - {}".format(
+ sample_id, status
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.error("Sample analysis failed. Sample ID: {}".format(sample_id))
+ else:
+ self.error(
+ "Sample analysis failed, error getting fail status. Sample ID: {} recieved {} - {}".format(
+ sample_id, response.status_code, response.text
+ )
+ )
+ def get_sample_id(self, submit_response):
+ """Verify response after submitting a sample and return the Sample ID
+ """
+ if self.verify_response(submit_response, "data"):
+ sample_id = submit_response.json()["data"]["id"]
+ return sample_id
+ else:
+ self.error(
+ "Error submitting sample, recieved {} - {}".format(
+ submit_response.status_code, submit_response.text
+ )
+ )
+ def get_sample_results(self, sample_id):
+ """Collect the sample analysis results
+ """
+ # Get Analysis JSON from Threat Grid
+ analysis_response = self.get_analysis_json(sample_id)
+ # Get Sample Summary JSON from Threat Grid
+ summary_response = self.get_summary(sample_id)
+ # Build report from summary and analyis results
+ self.build_repot(analysis_response, summary_response)
+ def get_summary(self, sample_id):
+ """Get the sample summary information
+ """
+ # Get Summary about sample from Threat Grid
+ url = self.base_url + "/samples/{}/summary".format(sample_id)
+ response = self.tg_session.get(url)
+ if self.verify_response(response, "data"):
+ return response
+ else:
+ self.error(
+ "Fetching sample summary failed. Sample ID: {} recieved {} - {}".format(
+ sample_id, response.status_code, response.text
+ )
+ )
+ def get_analysis_json(self, sample_id):
+ """Get the sample analysis JSON
+ """
+ url = self.base_url + "/samples/{}/analysis.json".format(sample_id)
+ response = self.tg_session.get(url)
+ if self.verify_response(response, "metadata"):
+ return response
+ else:
+ self.error(
+ "Fetching analysis JSON failed. Sample ID: {} recieved {} - {}".format(
+ sample_id, response.status_code, response.text
+ )
+ )
+ def build_repot(self, analysis_response, summary_response):
+ """Reformat elements from the analysis JSON into a custom report structure
+ """
+ analysis_json = analysis_response.json()
+ summary_json = summary_response.json()
+ raw_report = {}
+ raw_report["host"] = self.tg_host
+ raw_report["summary"] = summary_json.get("data")
+ raw_report["summary"]["domains"] = len(analysis_json.get("domains"))
+ raw_report["metadata"] = analysis_json.get("metadata")
+ raw_report["threat"] = analysis_json.get("threat")
+ raw_report["status"] = analysis_json.get("status")
+ raw_report["iocs"] = analysis_json.get("iocs")
+ raw_report["network"] = analysis_json.get("network")
+ raw_report["domains"] = analysis_json.get("domains")
+ self.report(raw_report)
+ def run(self):
+ dataType = self.get_param("dataType")
+ if dataType == "file":
+ file = self.get_param("file")
+ filename = self.get_param("filename")
+ parameters = {"private": "true", "sample_filename": filename}
+ # Read file and submit to Threat Grid
+ with open(file, "rb") as sample:
+ submit_response = self.tg_session.post(
+ self.base_url + "/samples",
+ files={"sample": sample},
+ params=parameters,
+ )
+ # Verify response and store Sample ID
+ sample_id = self.get_sample_id(submit_response)
+ # Wait for analysis completion
+ self.wait_for_completion(sample_id)
+ # Get analysis results
+ self.get_sample_results(sample_id)
+ elif dataType == "url":
+ observable_url = self.get_param("data")
+ parameters = {"private": "true", "url": observable_url}
+ # Submit to Threat Grid
+ submit_response = self.tg_session.post(
+ self.base_url + "/samples", params=parameters
+ )
+ # Verify response and store Sample ID
+ sample_id = self.get_sample_id(submit_response)
+ # Wait for analysis completion
+ self.wait_for_completion(sample_id)
+ # Get analysis results
+ self.get_sample_results(sample_id)
+ elif dataType == "hash":
+ observable_hash = self.get_param("data")
+ parameters = {
+ "limit": 1,
+ "state": "succ",
+ "term": "sample",
+ "sort_by": "threat",
+ "sort_order": "desc",
+ "after": "90 days ago",
+ "q": observable_hash,
+ }
+ query_response = self.tg_session.get(
+ self.base_url + "/search/submissions", params=parameters
+ )
+ # Verify response and store Sample ID
+ if self.verify_response(query_response, "data"):
+ query_response_json = query_response.json()
+ current_item_count = query_response_json["data"]["current_item_count"]
+ if current_item_count > 0:
+ sample_id = query_response_json["data"]["items"][0]["item"][
+ "sample"
+ ]
+ else:
+ self.error("No samples found in the last 90 days")
+ else:
+ self.error(
+ "Error submitting file, recieved {} - {}".format(
+ query_response.status_code, query_response.text
+ )
+ )
+ # Get analysis results
+ self.get_sample_results(sample_id)
+ else:
+ self.error("Data type currently not supported")
+ def summary(self, raw):
+ taxonomies = []
+ namespace = "TG"
+ predicate = "Analysis"
+ threat = raw.get("threat", {})
+ threat_score = threat.get("threat_score")
+ # Set level based on Threat Score
+ if threat_score >= 90:
+ level = "malicious"
+ elif 90 > threat_score >= 50:
+ level = "suspicious"
+ elif threat_score < 50:
+ level = "safe"
+ taxonomies.append(
+ self.build_taxonomy(level, namespace, predicate, value=threat_score)
+ )
+ return {"taxonomies": taxonomies}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ThreatGridAnalyzer().run()
diff --git a/analyzers/ThreatGrid/long.html b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/long.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c01f47a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/long.html
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ Summary
+ - Threat Score
+ - {{content.threat.threat_score}}
+ - Times Seen
+ - {{content.summary.times_seen}}
+ - Sample ID
+ - {{content.status.id}}
+ - First Seen
+ - {{content.summary.first_seen}}
+ - OS
+ - {{content.metadata.sandcastle_env.display_name}}
+ - Last Seen
+ - {{content.summary.last_seen}}
+ - Started
+ - {{content.summary.run_start}}
+ - Magic Type
+ - {{content.summary.magic_type}}
+ - Ended
+ - {{content.summary.run_stop}}
+ - SHA256
+ - {{content.status.sha256}}
+ - SHA1
+ - {{content.status.sha1}}
+ - MD5
+ - {{content.status.md5}}
+ Behavioral Indicators ({{content.iocs.length}})
+ Title |
+ Catagories |
+ ATT&CK |
+ Tags |
+ Hits |
+ Score |
+ {{ioc_data.title}}
+ |
+ {{category}} {{$last ? '' : ', '}} |
+ {{tactic}} {{$last ? '' : ', '}} |
+ {{tag}} {{$last ? '' : ', '}} |
+ {{ioc_data.hits}} |
+ {{score}}
+ |
+ Domains ({{content.summary.domains}})
+ Domain |
+ Content Categories |
+ Security Categories |
+ Umbrella Status |
+ {{domain}} |
+ {{category}} {{$last ? '' : ', '}} |
+ {{category}} {{$last ? '' : ', '}} |
+ {{domain_data.status}} |
+ TCP/IP Streams ({{content.summary.stream_count}})
+ Stream |
+ Src. IP |
+ Src. Port |
+ Dest. IP |
+ Dest. Port |
+ Transport |
+ Packets |
+ Bytes |
+ {{stream_num}}
+   ({{stream.service | uppercase}})
+ |
+ {{stream.src}} |
+ {{stream.src_port}} |
+ {{stream.dst}} |
+ {{stream.dst_port}} |
+ {{stream.transport}} |
+ {{stream.packets}} |
+ {{stream.bytes}} |
+ {{(artifact.data || artifact.attachment.name) | fang}}
+ - Threat Grid:
+ - {{content.errorMessage}}
diff --git a/analyzers/ThreatGrid/requirements.txt b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aabc3cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/ThreatGrid/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@