diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/README.md b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d95c1b1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+This analyzer will return Recorded Future Intelligence for the following datatypes:
+* ip
+* domain
+* fqdn
+* hash
+* url
+Enriched observables can display:
+* Risk Summary: Risk Score, Criticality, and link to the Intelligence Card
+* Recorded Future AI Insights
+* Risk Rules and Evidence Details
+* Technical & Insikt Group Research Links
+* Related Threat Actors
+* Related Attack Vectors
+* Malware Family / Category
+* Related IPs
+* Related Domains
+* Related Hashes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/RecordedFuture.json b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/RecordedFuture.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bf27be95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/RecordedFuture.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "name": "RecordedFuture",
+ "version": "2.0",
+ "author": "Recorded Future",
+ "url": "https://github.com/TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers",
+ "license": "AGPL-V3",
+ "dataTypeList": ["ip", "domain", "fqdn", "hash", "url"],
+ "description": "Enrich IP, Domain, FQDN, URL, or Hash with Recorded Future context: Risk Score, Risk Details, AI Insights, Links, Threat Actor, Attack Vector, Malware Category / Family, and Related Entities (IPs, Domains, and Hashes)",
+ "command": "RecordedFuture/recordedfuture.py",
+ "baseConfig": "RecordedFuture",
+ "configurationItems": [
+ {
+ "name": "key",
+ "description": "API Token",
+ "type": "string",
+ "multi": false,
+ "required": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "registration_required": true,
+ "subscription_required": true,
+ "service_homepage": "https://www.recordedfuture.com/",
+ "service_logo": {
+ "path": "assets/recordedfuture-logo.png",
+ "caption": "logo"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/RecordedFuture_risk.json b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/RecordedFuture_risk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ea64739fb..000000000
--- a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/RecordedFuture_risk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- "name": "RecordedFuture_risk",
- "version": "1.0",
- "author": "KAPSCH-CDC",
- "url": "https://github.com/kapschcdc/Cortex-Analyzers",
- "license": "AGPL-V3",
- "description": "Get the latest risk data from RecordedFuture for a hash, domain or an IP address.",
- "dataTypeList": ["domain", "ip", "hash"],
- "command": "RecordedFuture/recordedfuture.py",
- "baseConfig": "RecordedFuture",
- "configurationItems": [
- {
- "name": "key",
- "description": "API key for RecordedFuture",
- "type": "string",
- "multi": false,
- "required": true
- }
- ]
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/LinksReport.jpg b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/LinksReport.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba7d222ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/LinksReport.jpg differ
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/RecordedFutureAnalyzerReport.jpg b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/RecordedFutureAnalyzerReport.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a84f1a96
Binary files /dev/null and b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/RecordedFutureAnalyzerReport.jpg differ
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/RiskRulesReport.jpg b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/RiskRulesReport.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c844b7d4a
Binary files /dev/null and b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/RiskRulesReport.jpg differ
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/recordedfuture-logo.png b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/recordedfuture-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2da3ffadd
Binary files /dev/null and b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/assets/recordedfuture-logo.png differ
diff --git a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/recordedfuture.py b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/recordedfuture.py
index 418a0402e..65d6c2726 100755
--- a/analyzers/RecordedFuture/recordedfuture.py
+++ b/analyzers/RecordedFuture/recordedfuture.py
@@ -1,56 +1,463 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+##################################### TERMS OF USE ###########################################
+# The following code is provided for demonstration purpose only, and should not be used #
+# without independent verification. Recorded Future makes no representations or warranties, #
+# express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, regarding any aspect of this code or of the #
+# information it may retrieve, and provides it both strictly “as-is” and without assuming #
+# responsibility for any information it may retrieve. Recorded Future shall not be liable #
+# for, and you assume all risk of using, the foregoing. By using this code, Customer #
+# represents that it is solely responsible for having all necessary licenses, permissions, #
+# rights, and/or consents to connect to third party APIs, and that it is solely responsible #
+# for having all necessary licenses, permissions, rights, and/or consents to any data #
+# accessed from any third party API. #
+import json
+import urllib.error
+import urllib.request
+from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus
from cortexutils.analyzer import Analyzer
-import urllib.request
-import json
+APP_VERSION = "2.0"
+APP_ID = "ps-thehive-analyzer/{}".format(APP_VERSION)
+IP_DATA_TYPE = "ip"
+DOMAIN_DATA_TYPE = "domain"
+FQDN_DATA_TYPE = "fqdn"
+HASH_DATA_TYPE = "hash"
+RF_API = "https://api.recordedfuture.com/v2/"
+URL_DATA_TYPE = "url"
+ 'Links_Threat_Actors': ["No Threat Actor Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Tools_Malware': ["No Malware Links Found"],
+ 'Links_TTPs_Mitre': ["No MITRE ATT&CK TTP Links Found"],
+ 'Links_TTPs_Attack_Vector': ["No Attack Vector Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Indicators_IP': ["No IP Address Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Indicators_Domain': ["No Domain Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Indicators_URL': ["No URL Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Indicators_Hash': ["No Hash Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Detection_Malware_Sig': ["No Malware Signature Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Victims_Org': ["No Victim Organization Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Victims_IP': ["No Victim IP Address Links Found"],
+ 'Links_Exploit_Vuln': ["No Vulnerability Links Found"],
+class RecordedFuture(Analyzer):
+ """Recorded Future Analyzer class used for observable enrichment and to format the report."""
-class RecordedFutureAnalyzer(Analyzer):
def __init__(self):
- self.recordedfuture_key = self.get_param('config.key', None, 'Missing RecordedFuture API key')
- self.proxies = self.get_param('config.proxy', None)
+ self.api_key = self.get_param("config.key", None, "Recorded Future token is missing")
+ def lookup_observable(self, observable, data_type):
+ """Query the Recorded Future API for entity enrichment.
+ Return Risk, Links, Related Entities, Intelligence Card link, and Counts.
+ Args:
+ observable (string): Case observable to enrich with Recorded Future
+ data_type (string): the observable's data type
+ Returns:
+ dict: the Recorded Future JSON response from observable lookup
+ """
+ # if analyzer is ran on a URL observable, encode url string before sending to API
+ if data_type == URL_DATA_TYPE:
+ observable = quote_plus(observable)
+ # if observable is a fqdn in TheHive, use the Recorded Future domain endpoint
+ elif data_type == FQDN_DATA_TYPE:
+ data_type = DOMAIN_DATA_TYPE
+ # URL to query Recorded Future API
+ params = {'fields': 'aiInsights,counts,entity,intelCard,links,relatedEntities,risk'}
+ url = RF_API + ("%s/%s?%s") % (data_type, observable, urlencode(params))
+ token = self.api_key
+ headers = {'X-RFToken': token, 'User-Agent': APP_ID}
+ req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
+ json_response = {}
+ try:
+ with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res:
+ json_response = json.loads(res.read().decode("utf-8"))
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
+ self.error("HTTP Error reason: " + e.reason)
+ except IOError as e:
+ self.error(str(e))
+ return json_response
+ def add_related_entities(self, related_entities, entities_list):
+ """
+ Add related entities to the analyzer report if they contain 5 or more co-occurrences.
+ Args:
+ related_entities (list): related entities returned from the API query
+ entities_list (list): append entities to this list if they pass the check
+ """
+ for related in related_entities:
+ if int(related['count']) > 4:
+ entities_list.append(related['entity']['name'])
+ def format_related_entities(self, json_response, dict_report):
+ """
+ Get related entities from the JSON response and format into the report.
+ Args:
+ json_response (dict): API response containing entity context
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with related entities
+ """
+ # Initializing List variables used to store the wanted information
+ malwareCategory = []
+ relatedHash = []
+ relatedIpAddress = []
+ relatedThreatActor = []
+ relatedInternetDomainName = []
+ relatedMalware = []
+ relatedAttackVector = []
+ try:
+ for relatedEntity in json_response['data']['relatedEntities']:
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedMalwareCategory":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], malwareCategory)
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedHash":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], relatedHash)
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedIpAddress":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], relatedIpAddress)
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedThreatActor":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], relatedThreatActor)
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedInternetDomainName":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], relatedInternetDomainName)
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedMalware":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], relatedMalware)
+ if relatedEntity['type'] == "RelatedAttackVector":
+ self.add_related_entities(relatedEntity['entities'], relatedAttackVector)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if not relatedThreatActor:
+ relatedThreatActor.append("No Related Threat Actor Found")
+ if not malwareCategory:
+ malwareCategory.append("No Malware Category Found")
+ if not relatedHash:
+ relatedHash.append("No Related Hashes Found")
+ if not relatedIpAddress:
+ relatedIpAddress.append("No Related IP Addresses Found")
+ if not relatedInternetDomainName:
+ relatedInternetDomainName.append("No Related Domain Names Found")
+ if not relatedMalware:
+ relatedMalware.append("No Malware Family Found")
+ if not relatedAttackVector:
+ relatedAttackVector.append("No Related Attack Vector Found")
+ dict_report['Malware_Category'] = malwareCategory
+ dict_report['Malware_Family'] = relatedMalware
+ dict_report['Threat_Actor'] = relatedThreatActor
+ dict_report['Related_Hashes'] = relatedHash
+ dict_report['Related_IPs'] = relatedIpAddress
+ dict_report['Related_Domains'] = relatedInternetDomainName
+ dict_report['Attack_Vector'] = relatedAttackVector
+ return dict_report
+ def add_link_to_list(self, entities, links):
+ """
+ Add Linked entity to the provided links list if it is not a duplicate.
+ Args:
+ entities (list): the list of linked entities to be added
+ links (list): append entities to this list if they are unique
+ """
+ for entity in entities:
+ if entity['name'] not in links:
+ links.append(entity['name'])
+ def add_actors_tools_ttps(self, section_lists, dict_report):
+ """
+ Parse Actors, Tools & TTPs from links and format into the report.
+ Args:
+ section_lists (list): entity lists under links Actors, Tools & TTPs sections
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with Actors, Tools & TTPs
+ """
+ linksThreatActors = dict_report.get('Links_Threat_Actors', [])
+ linksToolsMalware = dict_report.get('Links_Tools_Malware', [])
+ linksTTPsMitre = dict_report.get('Links_TTPs_Mitre', [])
+ linksTTPsAttackVector = dict_report.get('Links_TTPs_Attack_Vector', [])
+ for section_list in section_lists:
+ type_name = section_list.get('type', {}).get('name')
+ if type_name == "Threat Actor":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksThreatActors)
+ elif type_name == "Malware":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksToolsMalware)
+ elif type_name == "MitreAttackIdentifier":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksTTPsMitre)
+ elif type_name == "AttackVector":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksTTPsAttackVector)
+ dict_report['Links_Threat_Actors'] = linksThreatActors
+ dict_report['Links_Tools_Malware'] = linksToolsMalware
+ dict_report['Links_TTPs_Mitre'] = linksTTPsMitre
+ dict_report['Links_TTPs_Attack_Vector'] = linksTTPsAttackVector
+ return dict_report
+ def add_indicators_detection_rules(self, section_lists, dict_report):
+ """
+ Parse Indicators & Detection Rules from links and format into the report.
+ Args:
+ section_lists (list): entity lists under links Indicators & Detection Rules sections
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with Indicators & Detection Rules
+ """
+ linksIndicatorsIP = dict_report.get('Links_Indicators_IP', [])
+ linksIndicatorsDomain = dict_report.get('Links_Indicators_Domain', [])
+ linksIndicatorsURL = dict_report.get('Links_Indicators_URL', [])
+ linksIndicatorsHash = dict_report.get('Links_Indicators_Hash', [])
+ linksDetectionMalwareSig = dict_report.get('Links_Detection_Malware_Sig', [])
+ for section_list in section_lists:
+ type_name = section_list.get('type', {}).get('name')
+ if type_name == "IpAddress":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksIndicatorsIP)
+ elif type_name == "InternetDomainName":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksIndicatorsDomain)
+ elif type_name == "URL":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksIndicatorsURL)
+ elif type_name == "Hash":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksIndicatorsHash)
+ elif type_name == "MalwareSignature":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksDetectionMalwareSig)
+ dict_report['Links_Indicators_IP'] = linksIndicatorsIP
+ dict_report['Links_Indicators_Domain'] = linksIndicatorsDomain
+ dict_report['Links_Indicators_URL'] = linksIndicatorsURL
+ dict_report['Links_Indicators_Hash'] = linksIndicatorsHash
+ dict_report['Links_Detection_Malware_Sig'] = linksDetectionMalwareSig
+ return dict_report
+ def add_victims_exploit_targets(self, section_lists, dict_report):
+ """
+ Parse Victims & Exploit Targets from links and format into the report.
+ Args:
+ section_lists (list): entity lists under links Victims & Exploit Targets sections
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with Victims & Exploit Targets
+ """
+ linksVictimsOrg = dict_report.get('Links_Victims_Org', [])
+ linksVictimsIP = dict_report.get('Links_Victims_IP', [])
+ linksExploitVuln = dict_report.get('Links_Exploit_Vuln', [])
+ for section_list in section_lists:
+ type_name = section_list.get('type', {}).get('name')
+ if type_name == "Organization":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksVictimsOrg)
+ elif type_name == "IpAddress":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksVictimsIP)
+ elif type_name == "CyberVulnerability":
+ self.add_link_to_list(section_list['entities'], linksExploitVuln)
+ dict_report['Links_Victims_Org'] = linksVictimsOrg
+ dict_report['Links_Victims_IP'] = linksVictimsIP
+ dict_report['Links_Exploit_Vuln'] = linksExploitVuln
+ return dict_report
+ def add_default_links_values(self, dict_report):
+ """
+ Set default text to indicate when no links exist.
+ This prevents formatting issues within the analyzer report.
+ Args:
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with links
+ """
+ for key in DEFAULT_LINKS_MAP:
+ if not dict_report.get(key):
+ dict_report[key] = DEFAULT_LINKS_MAP[key]
+ return dict_report
+ def format_links(self, json_response, dict_report):
+ """
+ Get links from the JSON response and format into the report.
+ Args:
+ json_response (dict): API response containing entity context
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with links
+ """
+ try:
+ for hit in json_response['data']['links']['hits']:
+ for section in hit['sections']:
+ if section['lists']:
+ section_name = section.get('section_id', {}).get('name')
+ if section_name == "Actors, Tools & TTPs":
+ dict_report = self.add_actors_tools_ttps(section['lists'], dict_report)
+ elif section_name == "Indicators & Detection Rules":
+ dict_report = self.add_indicators_detection_rules(
+ section['lists'], dict_report
+ )
+ elif section_name == "Victims & Exploit Targets":
+ dict_report = self.add_victims_exploit_targets(
+ section['lists'], dict_report
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ self.add_default_links_values(dict_report)
+ return dict_report
+ def format_risk(self, json_response, dict_report):
+ """
+ Format Risk data from the JSON response and add to the report.
+ Args:
+ json_response (dict): API response containing entity context
+ dict_report (dict): analyzer report content
+ Returns:
+ dict: the analyzer report content with Risk data
+ """
+ evidenceDetails = {}
+ risk_obj = json_response['data']['risk']
+ try:
+ riskScore = risk_obj['score']
+ except KeyError:
+ riskScore = 0
+ try:
+ evidenceDetails = risk_obj['evidenceDetails']
+ evidenceDetails.reverse()
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if not evidenceDetails:
+ evidenceDetails = [
+ {
+ "criticality": 0,
+ "criticalityLabel": "None",
+ "rule": "No Risk Rules Found",
+ "evidenceString": "No Evidence Details Found",
+ }
+ ]
+ risk_summary = risk_obj['riskSummary']
+ criticality = risk_obj['criticality']
+ criticality_label = risk_obj['criticalityLabel']
+ dict_report['Risk_Score'] = riskScore
+ dict_report['Risk_Summary'] = risk_summary
+ dict_report['Risk_Details'] = evidenceDetails
+ dict_report['Criticality'] = criticality
+ dict_report['Criticality_Label'] = criticality_label
+ return dict_report
+ def build_report(self, json_response, observable):
+ """Parse the JSON response from entity enrichment to build the long.html report.
+ Args:
+ json_response (dict): API response containing entity context
+ observable (string): observable enriched with Recorded Future
+ """
+ ai_insights_obj = json_response['data']['aiInsights']
+ if ai_insights_obj['text']:
+ ai_insights = ai_insights_obj['text']
+ elif ai_insights_obj['comment']:
+ ai_insights = ai_insights_obj['comment']
+ else:
+ ai_insights = "Insufficient Information for Analysis"
+ try:
+ if self.data_type == URL_DATA_TYPE:
+ intel_card = "https://app.recordedfuture.com/live/sc/entity/url%3A" + observable
+ else:
+ intel_card = json_response['data']['intelCard']
+ except KeyError:
+ intel_card = "https://app.recordedfuture.com/live/"
+ dict_report = {
+ 'Intel_Card': intel_card,
+ 'AI_Insights': ai_insights,
+ }
+ dict_report = self.format_risk(json_response, dict_report)
+ dict_report = self.format_related_entities(json_response, dict_report)
+ dict_report = self.format_links(json_response, dict_report)
+ # ensure_ascii should be set to False, but there appears to be a bug in Cortexutils.
+ # Setting True for now.
+ self.report(dict_report, True)
def summary(self, raw):
+ """Creates the Observable short summary tag to include the Risk Score and color-coded
+ by Criticality.
+ Args:
+ raw (dict): The long report contents
+ Returns:
+ dict: The short Summary tag taxonomy
+ """
taxonomies = []
- namespace = 'RF'
- level = 'info'
- predicate = 'score'
- value = '{}/100'.format(raw['data']['risk']['score'])
- criticality = raw['data']['risk']['criticality']
- if criticality == 0:
- level = 'safe'
- elif criticality == 1:
- level = 'info'
+ namespace = "RecordedFuture"
+ predicate = "RiskScore"
+ level = "safe"
+ value = raw['Risk_Score']
+ criticality = raw['Criticality']
+ if criticality == 1:
+ level = "info"
elif criticality == 2:
- level = 'suspicious'
+ level = "suspicious"
elif criticality >= 3:
- level = 'malicious'
- taxonomies.append(self.build_taxonomy(level, namespace, predicate, value))
+ level = "malicious"
- level = 'info'
- predicate = '#evidenceDetails'
- value = str(len(raw['data']['risk']['evidenceDetails']))
taxonomies.append(self.build_taxonomy(level, namespace, predicate, value))
- return {"taxonomies": taxonomies}
+ return {'taxonomies': taxonomies}
def run(self):
- if self.data_type in ['domain', 'ip', 'hash']:
- data = self.get_param('data', None, 'Data is missing')
- url = 'https://api.recordedfuture.com/v2/{}/{}?fields=risk%2CintelCard'.format(self.data_type, data)
- req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, {'X-RFToken': self.recordedfuture_key})
- try:
- with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res:
- j = json.loads(res.read().decode("utf-8"))
- self.summary(j)
- return self.report(j)
- except IOError as e:
- self.error(str(e))
+ """The entry point when the Recorded Future Analyzer is run on an observable."""
+ Analyzer.run(self)
+ if self.data_type in types:
+ observable = self.get_param("data", None, "Data is missing")
+ json_response = self.lookup_observable(observable, self.data_type)
+ self.build_report(json_response, observable)
- self.error('Invalid data type')
+ self.error("Invalid data type")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- RecordedFutureAnalyzer().run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ RecordedFuture().run()
diff --git a/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_2_0/long.html b/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_2_0/long.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ece4354f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_2_0/long.html
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ {{artifact.data | fang}}
+ {{content.errorMessage}}
+ Summary
+ - ERROR:
+ - {{content.errortext}}
+ - Risk Score
+ - {{content.Risk_Score}}
+ - Criticality
+ - {{content.Criticality_Label}} ({{content.Criticality}})
+ - Risk Summary
+ - {{content.Risk_Summary}}
Intelligence Card
+ Recorded Future AI Insights
+ - AI Insights
+ - {{content.AI_Insights}}
+ Triggered Risk Rules
+ Criticality |
+ Risk Rule |
+ Evidence Details |
+ {{evidence.criticalityLabel}}
+ |
+ {{evidence.rule}} |
+ {{evidence.evidenceString}} |
+ Links: Actors, Tools & TTPs
+ - Threat Actor
+ - {{lta}}
+ - Malware
+ - {{ltm}}
+ - MITRE ATT&CK Identifier
+ - {{lttpm}}
+ - Attack Vector
+ - {{lttpav}}
+ Links: Indicators & Detection Rules
+ - IP Address
+ - {{liip}}
+ - Domain
+ - {{lid}}
+ - URL
+ - {{liu}}
+ - Hash
+ - {{lih}}
+ - Malware Signature
+ - {{ldms}}
+ Links: Victims & Exploit Targets
+ - Victim Organization
+ - {{lvo}}
+ - Victim IP Address
+ - {{lvi}}
+ - Vulnerability
+ - {{lev}}
+ Related Context
+ - Related Threat Actor
+ - {{ta}}
+ - Related Attack Vector
+ - {{av}}
+ - Malware Category
+ - {{mc}}
+ - Malware Family
+ - {{mf}}
+ - Related IPs
+ - {{ip}}
+ - Related Domains
+ - {{domain}}
+ - Related Hashes
+ - {{hash}}
diff --git a/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_2_0/short.html b/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_2_0/short.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bd8fbd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_2_0/short.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ {{t.namespace}}:{{t.predicate}}="{{t.value}}"
diff --git a/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_risk_1_0/long.html b/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_risk_1_0/long.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c5bf2ad..000000000
--- a/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_risk_1_0/long.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- Summary
- - Score
- - {{content.data.risk.score}}/100
- - Criticality
- - {{content.data.risk.criticalityLabel}} ({{content.data.risk.criticality}})
- - Risk summary
- - {{content.data.risk.riskSummary}}
Intel Card
- Triggered Risk Rules
- Criticality |
- Rule |
- Evidence |
- {{evidence.criticalityLabel}}
- |
- {{evidence.rule}} |
- {{evidence.evidenceString}} |
- {{(artifact.data || artifact.attachment.name) | fang}}
- - Error:
- - {{content.errorMessage}}
diff --git a/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_risk_1_0/short.html b/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_risk_1_0/short.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc0dabfb..000000000
--- a/thehive-templates/RecordedFuture_risk_1_0/short.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- {{t.namespace}}:{{t.predicate}}="{{t.value}}"