diff --git a/analyzers/Malwares/Malwares_GetReport.json b/analyzers/Malwares/Malwares_GetReport.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1acf8ff31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/Malwares/Malwares_GetReport.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "name": "Malwares_GetReport",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "author": "CERT-LDO",
+ "url": "https://github.com/TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers",
+ "license": "AGPL-V3",
+ "description": "Get the latest Malwares report for a file, hash, domain or an IP address.",
+ "dataTypeList": ["file", "hash", "domain", "ip"],
+ "baseConfig": "Malwares",
+ "config": {
+ "check_tlp": true,
+ "max_tlp": 3,
+ "service": "get"
+ },
+ "command": "Malwares/malwares.py"
diff --git a/analyzers/Malwares/Malwares_Scan.json b/analyzers/Malwares/Malwares_Scan.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bfa6e7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/Malwares/Malwares_Scan.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "name": "Malwares_Scan",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "author": "CERT-LDO",
+ "url": "https://github.com/TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers",
+ "license": "AGPL-V3",
+ "description": "Use Malwares api to scan a file or URL.",
+ "dataTypeList": ["file", "url"],
+ "baseConfig": "Malwares",
+ "config": {
+ "check_tlp": true,
+ "service": "scan",
+ "max_tlp": 1
+ },
+ "command": "Malwares/malwares.py"
diff --git a/analyzers/Malwares/malwares.py b/analyzers/Malwares/malwares.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a62ca7ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/Malwares/malwares.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+import sys
+import os
+import json
+import codecs
+import time
+import hashlib
+from malwares_api import Api
+from cortexutils.analyzer import Analyzer
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from io import StringIO
+class MalwaresAnalyzer(Analyzer):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Analyzer.__init__(self)
+ self.service = self.getParam('config.service', None, 'Service parameter is missing')
+ self.key = self.getParam('config.key', None, 'Missing Malware API key')
+ self.polling_interval = self.getParam('config.polling_interval', 60)
+ def wait_file_report(self, id):
+ results = self.check_response(self.m_api.get_file_report(id))
+ code = results.get('result_code', None)
+ if code == 1:
+ self.report(results)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(self.polling_interval)
+ self.wait_file_report(id)
+ def wait_url_report(self, id):
+ results = self.check_response(self.m_api.get_url_report(id))
+ code = results.get('result_code', None)
+ if code == 1:
+ self.report(results)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(self.polling_interval)
+ self.wait_url_report(id)
+ def check_response(self, response):
+ if type(response) is not dict:
+ self.error('Bad response : ' + str(response))
+ status = response.get('response_code', -1)
+ if status in (-14, -15):
+ self.error('Malwares api rate limit exceeded.')
+ elif int(status) < 1:
+ self.error('Bad status : ' + str(status))
+ results = response.get('results', {})
+ return results
+ # 0 => not found
+ # -2 => in queue
+ # 1 => ready
+ def read_scan_response(self, response, func):
+ results = self.check_response(response)
+ code = results.get('result_code', None)
+ md5 = results.get('md5', None)
+ url = results.get('url', None)
+ if code in (1,2) and md5 is not None:
+ func(md5)
+ elif code in (1,2) and url is not None:
+ func(url)
+ else:
+ self.error('%d %s %s - Scan not found' % (code, md5, url))
+ def summary(self, raw):
+ taxonomies = []
+ level = "info"
+ namespace = "Malwares"
+ predicate = "Score"
+ value = "\"No info\""
+ score = -1
+ result = {
+ "has_result": True
+ }
+ if "ai_score" in raw.keys():
+ score = raw["ai_score"]
+ if score < 10:
+ level = "safe"
+ elif 10 <= score < 30:
+ level = "suspicious"
+ else:
+ level = "malicious"
+ result['score'] = score
+ value = "\"{}/100\"".format(score)
+ else:
+ if "detected_communicating_file" in raw.keys() or "detected_url" in raw.keys() or "detected_downloaded_file" in raw.keys():
+ score = max(
+ raw.get("detected_communicating_file", {}).get("total", 0),
+ raw.get("detected_url", {}).get("total", 0),
+ raw.get("detected_downloaded_file", {}).get("total", 0)
+ )
+ value = "\"{} results\"".format(score)
+ elif "virustotal" in raw.keys():
+ score = raw.get("virustotal", {}).get("positives", 0)
+ total = raw.get("virustotal", {}).get("total", 0)
+ value = "\"{}/{} positives\"".format(score, total)
+ if score == 0:
+ level = "safe"
+ elif 0 < score <= 5:
+ level = "suspicious"
+ elif score > 5:
+ level = "malicious"
+ taxonomies.append(self.build_taxonomy(
+ level, namespace, predicate, value))
+ return {"taxonomies": taxonomies}
+ def run(self):
+ Analyzer.run(self)
+ self.m_api = Api(self.key)
+ if self.service == 'scan':
+ if self.data_type == 'file':
+ filename = self.getParam('filename', 'noname.ext')
+ filepath = self.getParam('file', None, 'File is missing')
+ self.read_scan_response(self.m_api.scan_file(
+ open(filepath, 'rb'), filename), self.wait_file_report)
+ elif self.data_type == 'url':
+ data = self.getParam('data', None, 'Data is missing')
+ self.read_scan_response(
+ self.m_api.scan_url(data), self.wait_url_report)
+ else:
+ self.error('Invalid data type')
+ elif self.service == 'get':
+ if self.data_type == 'domain':
+ data = self.getParam('data', None, 'Data is missing')
+ self.report(self.check_response(
+ self.m_api.get_domain_report(data)))
+ elif self.data_type == 'ip':
+ data = self.getParam('data', None, 'Data is missing')
+ self.report(self.check_response(self.m_api.get_ip_report(data)))
+ elif self.data_type == 'file':
+ hashes = self.getParam('attachment.hashes',
+ None)
+ if hashes is None:
+ filepath = self.getParam('file', None, 'File is missing')
+ hash = hashlib.sha256(open(filepath, 'r').read()).hexdigest();
+ else:
+ # find SHA256 hash
+ hash = next(h for h in hashes if len(h) == 64)
+ self.report(self.check_response(self.m_api.get_file_report(hash)))
+ elif self.data_type == 'hash':
+ data = self.getParam('data', None, 'Data is missing')
+ self.report(self.check_response(self.m_api.get_file_report(data)))
+ else:
+ self.error('Invalid data type')
+ else:
+ self.error('Invalid service')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MalwaresAnalyzer().run()
diff --git a/analyzers/Malwares/malwares_api.py b/analyzers/Malwares/malwares_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e23b6bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/Malwares/malwares_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+#import StringIO
+import requests
+class Api():
+ def __init__(self, api_key=None):
+ self.api_key = api_key
+ self.base = 'https://www.malwares.com/api/v2/'
+ self.version = 2
+ if api_key is None:
+ raise ApiError("You must supply a valid Malwares API key.")
+ def scan_file(self, this_file, this_filename):
+ """ Submit a file to be scanned by Malwares
+ :param this_file: File to be scanned (200MB file size limit)
+ :param this_filename: Filename for scanned file
+ :return: JSON response that contains scan_id and permalink.
+ """
+ params = {
+ 'api_key': self.api_key,
+ 'filename': this_filename
+ }
+ try:
+ files = {'file': (this_file.name, open(this_file.name, 'rb'), 'application/octet-stream')}
+ except TypeError as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ try:
+ response = requests.post(self.base + 'file/upload', files=files, data=params)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ return _return_response_and_status_code(response)
+ def get_file_report(self, this_hash):
+ """ Get the scan results for a file.
+ :param this_hash: The md5/sha1/sha256/scan_ids hash of the file whose dynamic behavioural report you want to
+ retrieve or scan_ids from a previous call to scan_file.
+ :return:
+ """
+ params = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'hash': this_hash}
+ try:
+ response_info = requests.get(self.base + 'file/mwsinfo', params=params)
+ response_additional = requests.get(self.base + 'file/addinfo', params=params)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ ri = _return_response_and_status_code(response_info)
+ ra = _return_response_and_status_code(response_additional)
+ if ri['response_code'] == '1' and ra['response_code'] == '1': # both ok
+ response = dict(results={**ri['results'], **ra['results']}, response_code=1)
+ elif ri['response_code'] == '1' and ra['response_code'] == '0': # advance non exists but standard ok
+ response = ri
+ elif ri['response_code'] == '2': # main is still loading
+ response = dict(results={}, response_code=2)
+ else: # error generic
+ response = ri
+ return response
+ def scan_url(self, this_url):
+ """ Submit a URL to be scanned by Malwares.
+ :param this_url: The URL that should be scanned.
+ :return: JSON response that contains scan_id and permalink.
+ """
+ params = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'url': this_url}
+ try:
+ response = requests.post(self.base + 'url/request', data=params)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ return _return_response_and_status_code(response)
+ def get_url_report(self, this_url):
+ """ Get the scan results for a URL.
+ :param this_url: a URL will retrieve the most recent report on the given URL.
+ :return: JSON response
+ """
+ params = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'url': this_url}
+ try:
+ response = requests.post(self.base + 'url/info', data=params)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ return _return_response_and_status_code(response)
+ def get_ip_report(self, this_ip):
+ """ Get IP address reports.
+ :param this_ip: a valid IPv4 address in dotted quad notation, for the time being only IPv4 addresses are
+ supported.
+ :return: JSON response
+ """
+ params = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'ip': this_ip}
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(self.base + 'ip/info', params=params)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ return _return_response_and_status_code(response)
+ def get_domain_report(self, this_domain):
+ """ Get information about a given domain.
+ :param this_domain: a domain name.
+ :return: JSON response
+ """
+ params = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'hostname': this_domain}
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(self.base + 'hostname/info', params=params)
+ except requests.RequestException as e:
+ return dict(error=e.message)
+ return _return_response_and_status_code(response)
+class ApiError(Exception):
+ pass
+def _return_response_and_status_code(response):
+ """ Output the requests response JSON and status code
+ :rtype : dict
+ :param response: requests response object
+ :return: dict containing the JSON response and/or the status code with error string.
+ """
+ result_codes = {
+ "-11" : "No matching data to API Key API Key error",
+ "-12" : "No authority to use No authority to use",
+ "-13" : "Expired API Key API Key expired",
+ "-14" : "Over the daily request limit Request limit per daily exceeded",
+ "-15" : "Over the hourly request limit Request limit per hour exceeded",
+ "-1" : "Invalid Parameters / Invalid Request",
+ "-25" : "File Upload Quota Limit Error in file size to upload",
+ "-2" : "Invalid URL Error in URL type",
+ "-31" : "Invalid type of hash error in Hash type",
+ "-400" : "No file attached No file attached",
+ "-404" : "No result No result",
+ "-415" : "Ectype of upload form is not multipart/form-data Error in upload form type",
+ "-41" : "Invalid type of url Error in URL type",
+ "-500" : "Internal Server Error System error",
+ "-51" : "Invalid type of ip Error in IP type",
+ "-61" : "Invalid type of hostname Error in Hostname type",
+ "0" : "Data is not exist No information found in DB.",
+ "1" : "Data exists / Analysis request succeeded /Successful upload (new)",
+ "2" : "Analysis in progress / Successful upload (duplicated)",
+ "-999": "Error"
+ }
+ results = response.json()
+ result_code = str(response.json().get('result_code', '-999'))
+ result_message = result_codes[result_code]
+ return dict(results=results, response_code=result_code, result_message=result_message)
diff --git a/analyzers/Malwares/requirements.txt b/analyzers/Malwares/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aabc3cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analyzers/Malwares/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/thehive-templates/Malwares_GetReport_1_0/long.html b/thehive-templates/Malwares_GetReport_1_0/long.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..add60e4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thehive-templates/Malwares_GetReport_1_0/long.html
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ {{(artifact.data || artifact.attachment.name) | fang}}
+ {{content.errorMessage}}
+ Summary
+ - AI Score
+ -
+ {{content.ai_score || 0}}/100
+ {{content.ai_score || 0}}/100
+ {{content.ai_score || 0}}/100
+ - VT Score
+ -
+ {{content.virustotal.positives}}/{{content.virustotal.total}}
+ {{content.virustotal.positives}}/{{content.virustotal.total}}
+ {{content.virustotal.positives}}/{{content.virustotal.total}}
+ - VT Scan Date
+ - {{content.virustotal.scan_date}}
+ - MD5
+ - {{content.md5}}
+ - SHA-1
+ - {{content.sha1}}
+ - SHA-256
+ - {{content.sha256}}
+ - {{content.ssdeep}}
+ - Imphash
+ - {{content.imphash}}
+ - File Size
+ - {{content.filesize}} bytes
+ - File Name
+ - {{content.filename.join(', ')}}
+ - File Type
+ - {{content.filetype}}
+ - Known Date
+ - {{content.first_seen}}
+ - Categories
+ - {{content.taglist.join(', ')}}
+ - Resolutions
+ -
+ This domain has been seen to resolve to the following IP addresses.
+ The following domains resolved to the given IP address.
+ {{::resolution.last_resolved | amDateFormat:'DD-MM-YYYY'}}:
+ {{(resolution.ip_address | fang) || (resolution.hostname | fang)}}
+ - Malwares
+ -
+ View Full Report
+ View Full Report
+ View Full Report
+ Score |
+ Scan Date |
+ URL |
+ {{::url.positives}}/{{::url.total}}
+ |
+ {{url.date}} |
+ {{url.url | fang}} |
+ Hostname |
+ Last Check Date |
+ {{hostname.hostname}} |
+ {{hostname.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ VT Score |
+ Known Date |
+ {{malicious_sample_downloaded.sha256}} |
+ {{::malicious_sample_donwloaded.positives}}/{{::malicious_sample_downloaded.total}} |
+ {{malicious_sample_downloaded.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ Known Date |
+ {{normal_sample_downloaded.sha256}} |
+ {{normal_sample_downloaded.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ VT Score |
+ Known Date |
+ {{malicious_sample_communicated.sha256}} |
+ {{::malicious_sample_communicated.positives}}/{{::malicious_sample_communicated.total}} |
+ {{malicious_sample_communicated.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ Known Date |
+ {{normal_sample_communicated.sha256}} |
+ {{normal_sample_communicated.date}} |
+ URL Analysis Engine Name |
+ Detection State |
+ {{vt_n}} |
+ {{vt_d.result}}
+ {{vt_d.result}}
+ |
+ Scans
+ Scanner |
+ Detected |
+ Result |
+ Details |
+ Update |
+ Version |
+ {{scanner}}
+ |
+ |
+ {{result.result}} |
+ View details
+ |
+ {{result.update}} |
+ {{result.version}} |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thehive-templates/Malwares_GetReport_1_0/short.html b/thehive-templates/Malwares_GetReport_1_0/short.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f9d29cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thehive-templates/Malwares_GetReport_1_0/short.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ {{t.namespace}}:{{t.predicate}}={{t.value}}
diff --git a/thehive-templates/Malwares_Scan_1_0/long.html b/thehive-templates/Malwares_Scan_1_0/long.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..add60e4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thehive-templates/Malwares_Scan_1_0/long.html
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ {{(artifact.data || artifact.attachment.name) | fang}}
+ {{content.errorMessage}}
+ Summary
+ - AI Score
+ -
+ {{content.ai_score || 0}}/100
+ {{content.ai_score || 0}}/100
+ {{content.ai_score || 0}}/100
+ - VT Score
+ -
+ {{content.virustotal.positives}}/{{content.virustotal.total}}
+ {{content.virustotal.positives}}/{{content.virustotal.total}}
+ {{content.virustotal.positives}}/{{content.virustotal.total}}
+ - VT Scan Date
+ - {{content.virustotal.scan_date}}
+ - MD5
+ - {{content.md5}}
+ - SHA-1
+ - {{content.sha1}}
+ - SHA-256
+ - {{content.sha256}}
+ - {{content.ssdeep}}
+ - Imphash
+ - {{content.imphash}}
+ - File Size
+ - {{content.filesize}} bytes
+ - File Name
+ - {{content.filename.join(', ')}}
+ - File Type
+ - {{content.filetype}}
+ - Known Date
+ - {{content.first_seen}}
+ - Categories
+ - {{content.taglist.join(', ')}}
+ - Resolutions
+ -
+ This domain has been seen to resolve to the following IP addresses.
+ The following domains resolved to the given IP address.
+ {{::resolution.last_resolved | amDateFormat:'DD-MM-YYYY'}}:
+ {{(resolution.ip_address | fang) || (resolution.hostname | fang)}}
+ - Malwares
+ -
+ View Full Report
+ View Full Report
+ View Full Report
+ Score |
+ Scan Date |
+ URL |
+ {{::url.positives}}/{{::url.total}}
+ |
+ {{url.date}} |
+ {{url.url | fang}} |
+ Hostname |
+ Last Check Date |
+ {{hostname.hostname}} |
+ {{hostname.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ VT Score |
+ Known Date |
+ {{malicious_sample_downloaded.sha256}} |
+ {{::malicious_sample_donwloaded.positives}}/{{::malicious_sample_downloaded.total}} |
+ {{malicious_sample_downloaded.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ Known Date |
+ {{normal_sample_downloaded.sha256}} |
+ {{normal_sample_downloaded.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ VT Score |
+ Known Date |
+ {{malicious_sample_communicated.sha256}} |
+ {{::malicious_sample_communicated.positives}}/{{::malicious_sample_communicated.total}} |
+ {{malicious_sample_communicated.date}} |
+ SHA-256 |
+ Known Date |
+ {{normal_sample_communicated.sha256}} |
+ {{normal_sample_communicated.date}} |
+ URL Analysis Engine Name |
+ Detection State |
+ {{vt_n}} |
+ {{vt_d.result}}
+ {{vt_d.result}}
+ |
+ Scans
+ Scanner |
+ Detected |
+ Result |
+ Details |
+ Update |
+ Version |
+ {{scanner}}
+ |
+ |
+ {{result.result}} |
+ View details
+ |
+ {{result.update}} |
+ {{result.version}} |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thehive-templates/Malwares_Scan_1_0/short.html b/thehive-templates/Malwares_Scan_1_0/short.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f9d29cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thehive-templates/Malwares_Scan_1_0/short.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ {{t.namespace}}:{{t.predicate}}={{t.value}}