diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb5ced2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+language: python
+- '3.6'
+- sudo apt-get install pandoc
+- pip install -r requirements.txt
+#- python -m pytest
+- python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
+ provider: pypi
+ user: "thehive-project"
+ password:
+ secure: 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
+ distributions: "bdist_wheel"
+ on:
+ tags: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7c09e96..2e647f1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
# Cortex4py
Cortex4py is a Python API client for [Cortex](https://thehive-project.org/), a powerful observable analysis engine where observables such as IP and email addresses, URLs, domain names, files or hashes can be analyzed one by one using a Web interface.
@@ -44,7 +58,7 @@ We welcome your contributions. Please feel free to fork the code, play with it,
We do have a [Code of conduct](code_of_conduct.md). Make sure to check it out before contributing.
# Support
-Please [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/CERT-BDF/Cortex4py/issues/new) if you'd like to report a bug or request a feature. We are also available on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/TheHive-Project/TheHive) to help you out.
+Please [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/TheHive-Project/Cortex4py/issues/new) if you'd like to report a bug or request a feature. We are also available on [Discord](https://chat.thehive-project.org) to help you out.
If you need to contact the project team, send an email to .
diff --git a/Usage.md b/Usage.md
index 294804c..4123d65 100644
--- a/Usage.md
+++ b/Usage.md
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ Cortex4py 2 requires Python 3. It does not work with Cortex 1.x.
* [Model](#model-2)
* [Methods](#methods-2)
* [Examples](#examples-2)
-* [Job operations](#job-operations)
+* [Responder operations](#responder-operations)
* [Model](#model-3)
* [Methods](#methods-3)
* [Examples](#examples-3)
+* [Job operations](#job-operations)
+ * [Model](#model-4)
+ * [Methods](#methods-4)
+ * [Examples](#examples-4)
## Introduction
@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ org = api.organizations.get_by_id('demo')
print(json.dumps(org.json(), indent=2))
# Fetch the last 5 created and active users
-users = api.organizations.get_users(org.id, Eq('status', 'Active'), range='0-5', sort='-createdAt')
+users = api.organizations.get_users(org.id, Eq('status', 'Ok'), range='0-5', sort='-createdAt')
# Display the usernames
for user in users:
@@ -392,6 +396,7 @@ An analyzer is represented by the following model class:
| `dataTypeList` | Allowed datatypes | readonly |
| `baseConfig` | Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the analyzer's flavors | readonly |
| `jobCache` | Report cache timeout in minutes, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
+| `jobTimeout` | Job timeout in minutes, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
| `rate` | Numeric amount of analyzer calls authorized for the specified `rateUnit`, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
| `rateUnit` | Period of availability of the rate limite: `Day` or `Month`, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
| `configuration` | A JSON object where key/value pairs represent the config names, and their values. It includes the default properties `proxy_http`, `proxy_https`, `auto_extract_artifacts`, `check_tlp`, and `max_tlp`, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
@@ -445,16 +450,18 @@ analyzer = api.analyzers.enable('Test_1_0', {
"proxy_https": "http://localhost:9999",
"auto_extract_artifacts": False,
"check_tlp": True,
- "max_tlp": 2
+ "max_tlp": 2,
+ "max_pap": 2
+ "jobCache": 10,
+ "jobTimeout": 30,
"rate": 1000,
- "rateUnit": "Day",
- "jobCache": 5
+ "rateUnit": "Day"
# Print the details of the enaled analyzer
print(json.dumps(analyzer.json(), indent=2))
-print(analyzer.analyzerDefinitionId == 'Test_1_0')
+print(analyzer.workerDefinitionId == 'Test_1_0')
# Update the configuration
analyzer_id = analyzer.id
@@ -468,7 +475,8 @@ analyzer = api.analyzers.update(analyzer.id, {
"proxy_https": null,
"auto_extract_artifacts": True,
"check_tlp": false,
- "max_tlp": null
+ "max_tlp": null,
+ "max_pap": 2
@@ -498,9 +506,135 @@ print(json.dumps(job2.json(), indent=2))
+## Responder Operations
+The `RespondersController` class provides a set of methods to handle responders.
+### Model
+A responder is an instance of a responder definition, and both models share the same fields.
+A responder definition is represented by the following model class:
+| Field | Description | Type |
+| --------- | ----------- | ---- |
+| `id` | Responder ID once enabled within an organization | readonly |
+| `workerDefinitionId`| Responder definition name | readonly |
+| `name` | Name of the responder | readonly |
+| `version` | Version of the responder | readonly |
+| `description` | Description of the responder | readonly |
+| `author` | Author of the responder | readonly |
+| `url` | URL where the responder has been published | readonly |
+| `license` | License of the responder | readonly |
+| `dataTypeList` | Allowed datatypes | readonly |
+| `configurationItems` | A list that describes the configuration options of the responder | readonly |
+| `baseConfig` | Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the responder's flavors | readonly |
+| `createdBy` | User who enabled the responder | computed |
+| `updatedAt` | Last update date | computed |
+| `updatedBy` | User who last updated the responder | computed |
+A responder is represented by the following model class:
+| Field | Description | Type |
+| --------- | ----------- | ---- |
+| `id` | Responder ID once enabled within an organization | readonly |
+| `workerDefinitionId`| Responder definition name | readonly |
+| `name` | Name of the responder | readonly |
+| `version` | Version of the responder | readonly |
+| `description` | Description of the responder | readonly |
+| `author` | Author of the responder | readonly |
+| `url` | URL where the responder has been published | readonly |
+| `license` | License of the responder | readonly |
+| `dataTypeList` | Allowed datatypes | readonly |
+| `baseConfig` | Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the responder's flavors | readonly |
+| `jobCache` | Report cache timeout in minutes, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
+| `rate` | Numeric amount of responder calls authorized for the specified `rateUnit`, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
+| `rateUnit` | Period of availability of the rate limite: `Day` or `Month`, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
+| `configuration` | A JSON object where key/value pairs represent the config names, and their values. It includes the default properties `proxy_http`, `proxy_https`, `auto_extract_artifacts`, `check_tlp`, and `max_tlp`, visible for `orgAdmin` users only | writable |
+| `createdBy` | User who enabled the analyzer | computed |
+| `updatedAt` | Last update date | computed |
+| `updatedBy` | User who last updated the analyzer | computed |
+### Methods
+| Method | Description | Return type |
+| --------- | ----------- | ---- |
+|`find_all(query,**kwargs)` | Returns a list of `Responder` objects, based on `query`, `range` and `sort` parameters | List[Responder] |
+|`find_one_by(query,**kwargs)` | Returns the first `Responder` object, based on `query` and `sort` parameters | Responder |
+|`get_by_id(worker_id)` | Returns a `Responder` by its `id` | Responder |
+|`get_by_name(name)` | Returns a `Responder` by its `name` | Responder |
+|`get_by_type(data_type)` | Returns a list of available `Responder` applicable to the given `data_type` | List[Responder] |
+|`enable(responder_name,config)` | Activate an responder and returns its `Responder` object | Responder |
+|`update(worker_id)` | Update the configuration of an `Responder` and returns the updated version | Responder |
+|`disable(worker_id)` | Removes a responder from an organization and returns `true` if it completes successfully | Boolean |
+|`run_by_id(worker_id, data,**kwargs)` | Returns a `Job` by its `name` | Job |
+|`run_by_name(responder_name, data,**kwargs)` | Runs a responder by its name and returns the resulting `Job` | Job |
+|`definitions()` | Returns the list of all the responder definitions including the enabled and disabled responders | List[ResponderDefinition] |
+### Examples
+The following example shows how to manipulate responders:
+import json
+from cortex4py.api import Api
+from cortex4py.query import *
+api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')
+# Get enabled responders
+responders = api.responders.find_all({}, range='all')
+# Display enabled responders' names
+for responder in responders:
+ print('Responder {} is enabled'.format(responder.name))
+# Get enabled responders that available for TheHive cases
+case_responders = api.responders.get_by_type('thehive:case')
+# Display responders details
+for responder in case_responders:
+ print(json.dumps(responder.json(), indent=2))
+# Enable the responder called Test_1_0
+responder = api.responders.enable('Test_1_0', {
+ "configuration": {
+ "api_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXx",
+ "proxy_http": "http://localhost:9999",
+ "proxy_https": "http://localhost:9999",
+ "check_tlp": True,
+ "max_tlp": 2,
+ "max_pap": 2
+ },
+ "jobTimeout": 30,
+ "rate": 1000,
+ "rateUnit": "Day"
+# Print the details of the enaled responder
+print(json.dumps(responder.json(), indent=2))
+print(responder.workerDefinitionId == 'Test_1_0')
+# Run a responder
+job = api.responders.run_by_name('File_Info_2_0', {
+ 'data': {
+ 'title': 'Sample case',
+ 'description': 'This is a sample case',
+ ...
+ },
+ 'dataType': 'thehive:case',
+ 'tlp': 1
+print(json.dumps(job.json(), indent=2))
+# Disable a responder
## Job Operations
-The `JobsController` class provides a set of methods to handle jobs. A job is the execution of a specific analyzer.
+The `JobsController` class provides a set of methods to handle jobs. A job is the execution of a specific worker (analyzer or responder).
### Model
@@ -509,18 +643,19 @@ A job is represented by the following model class:
| Attribute | Description | Type |
| --------- | ----------- | ---- |
| `id` | Job ID | computed |
-| `analyzerDefinitionId`| Analyzer definition name | readonly |
-| `analyzerId` | Instance ID of the analyzer to which the job is associated | readonly |
+| `type` | Job type: `responder` or `analyzer` | computed |
+| `workerDefinitionId`| Worker definition name | readonly |
+| `workerId` | Instance ID of the worker to which the job is associated | readonly |
+| `workerName` | Name of the worker to which the job is associated | readonly |
| `organization` | Organization to which the user belongs (set upon account creation) | readonly |
-| `analyzerName` | Name of the analyzer to which the job is associated | readonly |
-| `dataType` | the datatype of the analyzed observable | readonly |
+| `dataType` | the datatype of the worker's input data | readonly |
| `status` | Status of the job (`Waiting`, `InProgress`, `Success`, `Failure`, `Deleted`) | computed |
-| `data` | Value of the analyzed observable (does not apply to `file` observables) | readonly |
+| `data` | Value of the worker's input (does not apply to `file` observables). Contains all the data of a `Case` if the job is a result of a case responder. | readonly |
| `attachment` | JSON object representing `file` observables (does not apply to non-`file` observables). It defines the`name`, `hashes`, `size`, `contentType` and `id` of the `file` observable | readonly |
| `parameters` | JSON object of key/value pairs set during job creation | readonly |
| `message` | A free text field to set additional text/context for a job | readonly |
| `tlp` | The TLP of the analyzed observable | readonly |
-| `report` | The analysy report as a JSON object including `success`, `full`, `summary` and `artifacts` peoperties.
In case of failure, the resport contains a `errorMessage` property | readonly |
+| `report` | The analysis report as a JSON object including `success`, `full`, `summary` and `artifacts` peoperties.
In case of failure, the resport contains a `errorMessage` property | readonly |
| `startDate` | Start date | computed |
| `endDate` | End date | computed |
| `createdAt` | Creation date. Please note that a job can be requested but not immediately honored. The actual time at which it is started is the value of `startDate` | computed |
diff --git a/cortex4py/api.py b/cortex4py/api.py
index 7a10a0d..cd55e28 100644
--- a/cortex4py/api.py
+++ b/cortex4py/api.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from .controllers.users import UsersController
from .controllers.jobs import JobsController
from .controllers.analyzers import AnalyzersController
+from .controllers.responders import RespondersController
class Api(object):
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ def __init__(self, url, api_key, **kwargs):
self.users = UsersController(self)
self.jobs = JobsController(self)
self.analyzers = AnalyzersController(self)
+ self.responders = RespondersController(self)
def __recover(exception):
@@ -151,8 +153,8 @@ def get_analyzers(self, data_type=None):
'api.get_analyzers() is considered deprecated. Use api.analyzers.get_by_[id|name|type]() instead.',
- if data_type is not None:
- return self.analyzers.find_all()
+ if data_type is None:
+ return self.analyzers.find_all({})
return self.analyzers.get_by_type(data_type)
diff --git a/cortex4py/controllers/__init__.py b/cortex4py/controllers/__init__.py
index d2a14e6..7af71fa 100644
--- a/cortex4py/controllers/__init__.py
+++ b/cortex4py/controllers/__init__.py
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
from .users import UsersController
from .jobs import JobsController
from .analyzers import AnalyzersController
+from .responders import RespondersController
diff --git a/cortex4py/controllers/analyzers.py b/cortex4py/controllers/analyzers.py
index a223be9..1c1fb9a 100644
--- a/cortex4py/controllers/analyzers.py
+++ b/cortex4py/controllers/analyzers.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from cortex4py.query import *
from .abstract import AbstractController
from ..models import Analyzer, Job, AnalyzerDefinition
+from ..exceptions import CortexError
class AnalyzersController(AbstractController):
@@ -48,11 +49,13 @@ def disable(self, analyzer_id) -> bool:
def run_by_id(self, analyzer_id, observable, **kwargs) -> Job:
tlp = observable.get('tlp', 2)
+ pap = observable.get('pap', 2)
data_type = observable.get('dataType', None)
post = {
'dataType': data_type,
- 'tlp': tlp
+ 'tlp': tlp,
+ 'pap': pap
params = {}
@@ -85,4 +88,7 @@ def run_by_id(self, analyzer_id, observable, **kwargs) -> Job:
def run_by_name(self, analyzer_name, observable, **kwargs) -> Job:
analyzer = self.get_by_name(analyzer_name)
+ if analyzer is None:
+ raise CortexError("Analyzer %s not found" % analyzer_name)
return self.run_by_id(analyzer.id, observable, **kwargs)
diff --git a/cortex4py/controllers/responders.py b/cortex4py/controllers/responders.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b355c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cortex4py/controllers/responders.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+from typing import List
+from cortex4py.query import *
+from .abstract import AbstractController
+from ..models import Responder, Job, ResponderDefinition
+class RespondersController(AbstractController):
+ def __init__(self, api):
+ AbstractController.__init__(self, 'responder', api)
+ def find_all(self, query, **kwargs) -> List[Responder]:
+ return self._wrap(self._find_all(query, **kwargs), Responder)
+ def find_one_by(self, query, **kwargs) -> Responder:
+ return self._wrap(self._find_one_by(query, **kwargs), Responder)
+ def get_by_id(self, worker_id) -> Responder:
+ return self._wrap(self._get_by_id(worker_id), Responder)
+ def get_by_name(self, name) -> Responder:
+ return self._wrap(self._find_one_by(Eq('name', name)), Responder)
+ def get_by_type(self, data_type) -> List[Responder]:
+ return self._wrap(self._api.do_get('responder/type/{}'.format(data_type)).json(), Responder)
+ def definitions(self) -> List[ResponderDefinition]:
+ return self._wrap(self._api.do_get('responderdefinition').json(), ResponderDefinition)
+ def enable(self, responder_name, config) -> Responder:
+ url = 'organization/responder/{}'.format(responder_name)
+ config['name'] = responder_name
+ return self._wrap(self._api.do_post(url, config).json(), Responder)
+ def update(self, worker_id, config) -> Responder:
+ url = 'responder/{}'.format(worker_id)
+ config.pop('name', None)
+ return self._wrap(self._api.do_patch(url, config).json(), Responder)
+ def disable(self, worker_id) -> bool:
+ return self._api.do_delete('responder/{}'.format(worker_id))
+ def run_by_id(self, worker_id, data, **kwargs) -> Job:
+ tlp = data.get('tlp', 2)
+ data_type = data.get('dataType', None)
+ post = {
+ 'dataType': data_type,
+ 'tlp': tlp
+ }
+ # add additional details
+ for key in ['message', 'parameters']:
+ if key in data:
+ post[key] = data.get(key, None)
+ post['data'] = data.get('data')
+ return self._wrap(self._api.do_post('responder/{}/run'.format(worker_id), post).json(), Job)
+ def run_by_name(self, responder_name, data, **kwargs) -> Job:
+ responder = self.get_by_name(responder_name)
+ return self.run_by_id(responder.id, data, **kwargs)
diff --git a/cortex4py/models/__init__.py b/cortex4py/models/__init__.py
index ec586d6..771cdfc 100644
--- a/cortex4py/models/__init__.py
+++ b/cortex4py/models/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,7 @@
from .user import User
from .analyzer import Analyzer
from .analyzer_definition import AnalyzerDefinition
+from .responder import Responder
+from .responder_definition import ResponderDefinition
from .job import Job
from .job_artifact import JobArtifact
diff --git a/cortex4py/models/analyzer.py b/cortex4py/models/analyzer.py
index 457f11e..110eb96 100644
--- a/cortex4py/models/analyzer.py
+++ b/cortex4py/models/analyzer.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ def __init__(self, data):
defaults = {
'id': None,
'name': None,
- 'analyzerDefinitionId': None,
+ 'workerDefinitionId': None,
'description': None,
'version': None,
'author': None,
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ def __init__(self, data):
'configuration': {},
'rate': None,
'rateUnit': None,
- 'jobCache': None
+ 'jobCache': None,
+ 'maxPap': None,
+ 'maxTlp': None
if data is None:
diff --git a/cortex4py/models/analyzer_definition.py b/cortex4py/models/analyzer_definition.py
index 3462e5e..ecde237 100644
--- a/cortex4py/models/analyzer_definition.py
+++ b/cortex4py/models/analyzer_definition.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ def __init__(self, data):
defaults = {
'id': None,
'name': None,
- 'analyzerDefinitionId': None,
'description': None,
'version': None,
'author': None,
diff --git a/cortex4py/models/job.py b/cortex4py/models/job.py
index f6f2538..136990f 100644
--- a/cortex4py/models/job.py
+++ b/cortex4py/models/job.py
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ class Job(Model):
def __init__(self, data):
defaults = {
'id': None,
+ 'type': None,
'organization': None,
- 'analyzerId': None,
- 'analyzerDefinitionId': None,
- 'analyzerName': None,
+ 'workerId': None,
+ 'workerDefinitionId': None,
+ 'workerName': None,
'status': None,
'dataType': None,
'tlp': 1,
diff --git a/cortex4py/models/responder.py b/cortex4py/models/responder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2e741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cortex4py/models/responder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from .model import Model
+class Responder(Model):
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ defaults = {
+ 'id': None,
+ 'name': None,
+ 'workerDefinitionId': None,
+ 'description': None,
+ 'version': None,
+ 'author': None,
+ 'url': None,
+ 'license': None,
+ 'dataTypeList': [],
+ 'configuration': {},
+ 'rate': None,
+ 'rateUnit': None
+ }
+ if data is None:
+ data = dict(defaults)
+ self.__dict__ = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cortex4py/models/responder_definition.py b/cortex4py/models/responder_definition.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..993b692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cortex4py/models/responder_definition.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from .model import Model
+class ResponderDefinition(Model):
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ defaults = {
+ 'id': None,
+ 'name': None,
+ 'description': None,
+ 'version': None,
+ 'author': None,
+ 'url': None,
+ 'license': None,
+ 'basicConfig': None,
+ 'dataTypeList': [],
+ 'configurationItems': []
+ }
+ if data is None:
+ data = dict(defaults)
+ self.__dict__ = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 7e2c15e..57d00e7 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- version='2.0.1',
+ version='2.1.0',
description='Python API client for Cortex.',