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API Documentation

Saad Kadhi edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 6 revisions

Getting Started

TheHive exposes REST APIs through JSON over HTTP.

Request formats

TheHive accepts several parameter formats within a HTTP request. They can be used indifferently. Input data can be:

  • a query string
  • URL-encoded form
  • multi-part
  • JSON

Hence, the requests below are equivalent.

Query String

curl -XPOST ''

URL-encoded Form

curl -XPOST '' -d user=me -d password=secret


curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "user": "me",
  "password": "secret"


curl -XPOST -F '_json=<-;type=application/json' << _EOF_
  "user": "me",
  "password": "secret"

Response Format

TheHive outputs JSON data.

Field Types

  • string : textual data (example "malware").
  • text : textual data. The difference between string and text is in the way content can be searched.string is searchable as-is whereas text, words (token) are searchable, not the whole content (example "Ten users have received this ransomware").
  • date : date and time using ISO format (example: "20161122T104300+2000") From TheHive 2.10.0, the date use timestamps with milliseconds format. ISO format is still accepted as input but is considered deprecated.
  • boolean : true or false
  • number : numeric value
  • metrics : JSON object that contains only numbers

Field can be prefixed with multi- in order to indicate that multiple values can be provided.


Most API calls requires authentication. Credentials can be provided using a session cookie or directly using HTTP basic authentication. (API key is not usable in the current version of TheHive, due to a rethinking of service account TODO need issue reference).

Session cookie is suitable for browser authentication, not for a dedicated tool. The easiest solution if you want to write a tool that use TheHive API is to use basic authentication. For example, to list cases, use the following curl command:

curl -u mylogin:mypassword

TheHive Backend

Model Definition

Common Attributes

All entities share the following attributes:

  • createdBy (text) : login of the user who create the entity
  • createdAt (date) : date and time of the creation
  • updatedBy (text) : login of the user who do the last update of the entity
  • upadtedAt (date) : date and time of the last update
  • user (text) : same value as createdBy (this field is deprecated) This attributes are handled by back-end and can't be directly updated.


Required attributes:

  • title (text) : title of the case
  • description (text) : description of the case
  • severity (number) : severity of the case (0: not set; 1: low; 2: medium; 3: high) default=2
  • startDate (date) : date and time of the begin of the case default=now
  • flag (boolean) : flag of the case default=false
  • tlp (number) : TLP (-1: unknown; 0: white; 1: green; 2: amber; 3: red) default=-1
  • status (caseStatus) : status of the case (Open, Resolved or Deleted) default=Open

Optional attributes:

  • tags (multi-string) : case tags
  • resolutionStatus (caseResolutionStatus) : resolution status of the case (Indeterminate, FalsePositive, TruePositive, Other or Duplicated)
  • impactStatus (caseImpactStatus) : impact status of the case (NoImpact, WithImpact or NotApplicable)
  • summary (text) : summary of the case, to be provided when closing a case
  • endDate (date) : resolution date
  • metrics (metrics) : list of metrics

Attributes generated by the backend:

  • caseId (number) : Id of the case (auto-generated)
  • mergeInto (string) : ID of the case created by the merge
  • mergeFrom (multi-string) : IDs of the cases that were merged


Required attributes:

  • title (text) : title of the task
  • status (taskStatus) : status of the task (Waiting, InProgress, Completed or Cancel) default=Waiting
  • flag (boolean) : flag of the task default=false

Optional attributes:

  • owner (string) : user who owns the task. This is automatically set to current user when status is set to InProgress
  • description (text) : task details
  • startDate (date) : date of the beginning of the task. This is automatically set when status is set to Open
  • endDate (date) : date of the end of the task. This is automatically set when status is set to Completed


Required attributes:

  • data (string) : content of the observable (read only). An observable can't contain data and attachment attributes
  • attachment (attachment) : observable file content (read-only). An observable can't contain data and attachment attributes
  • dataType (enumeration) : type of the observable (read only)
  • message (text) : description of the observable in the context of the case
  • startDate (date) : date of the observable creation default=now
  • tlp (number) : TLP (-1: unknown; 0: white; 1: green; 2: amber; 3: red) default=2
  • ioc (boolean) : indicates if the observable is an IOC default=false
  • status (artifactStatus) : status of the observable (Ok or Deleted) default=Ok

Optional attributes:

  • tags (multi-string) : observable tags

Case Manipulation

Create a Case

A case can be created using the following url :

POST     /api/case

Required case attributes (cf. models) must be provided.


Creation of a simple case:

curl -XPOST -u myuser:mypassword -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "title": "My first case",
  "description": "This case have been created by my custom script"

Creation of another case:

curl -XPOST -u myuser:mypassword -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "title": "My second case",
  "description": "This case have been created by my custom script, its severity is high, tlp is red and it contains tags",
  "severity": 3,
  "tlp": 3,
  "tags": ["automatic", "creation"]

Observable manipulation

List Observables of a Case

Complete observable list of a case can be retrieve by performing a search:

POST     /api/case/artifact/_search


  • query: { "_parent": { "_type": "case", "_query": { "_id": "<<caseId>>" } } }
  • range: all

<<caseId>> must be replaced by case id (not the case number !)

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