Releases: TheHive-Project/TheHive4py
Releases · TheHive-Project/TheHive4py
1.5.0 Release
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/promote alert to case #86 (uplateandonline)
- Feature/search templates #84 (uplateandonline)
- Prevent max recursion depth exceeded error #80 (Psynbiotik)
- added search support for tasks #79 (neok0)
1.4.3 Release
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- How to close a case via API #67
- CustomFields are not updated in update_case #66
- Correction in update_case usage #57
Merged pull requests:
- created get_linked_cases method in api #60 (billmurrin)
- fix spelling of exception #58 (billmurrin)
1.4.2 Release
1.4.2 (2017-12-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Raise custom exceptions from api methods instead of calling sys.exit #55
Merged pull requests:
- Add Sighted Support to the Observable Model #54 (billmurrin)
1.4.1 Release
1.4.0 Release
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide just the template name when creating a case from a template #45
- Add support of custom fields to the case model #39
- Case helper #37 (npratley)
Fixed bugs:
- Error updating case #51
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Added missing attributes to the Case class. #50 (npratley)
- Added the functionality to run a Cortex analyzer on an observable #44 (alexgoedeke)
- Added get_task_logs method #42 (billmurrin)
- Added a method to update a case. #41 (npratley)
1.3.1 Release
1.3.0 Release
1.3.0 (2017-09-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow specifying range to return > 10 cases, observables, etc., #30
- fix two cases of bad indentation in exception handling code #26 (Rolinh)
- fix default severity level of an alert #25 (Rolinh)
Fixed bugs:
- certificate verify option not included in create_case_task #27
Closed issues:
- Add an API method to create users #33
- Feature Request - Task Log Template/Boilerplate Text #32
- Add support to authentication by API key #36
- Add a find_alerts method to search for alerts #31
Merged pull requests:
- Added verify parameter to calls #28 (billmurrin)