❯ Remove 'defaultProject' option from workspace configuration. The project to use will be determined from the current working directory. Migration completed (No changes made).
❯ Replace removed 'defaultCollection' option in workspace configuration with 'schematicCollections'. Migration completed (No changes made).
❯ Update the '@angular-devkit/build-angular:server' builder configuration to disable 'buildOptimizer' for non optimized builds. Migration completed (No changes made).
❯ In Angular version 15.2, the guard and resolver interfaces (CanActivate, Resolve, etc) were deprecated. This migration removes imports and 'implements' clauses that contain them. Migration completed (No changes made).
❯ As of Angular v16, the moduleId
property of @Component
is deprecated as it no longer has any effect.
Migration completed (No changes made).
❯ Remove Browserslist configuration files that matches the Angular CLI default configuration.
❯ Remove exported @angular/platform-server
❯ Remove no longer needed require calls in Karma builder main file.
❯ Update TypeScript compiler target
and set useDefineForClassFields
❯ Remove options from 'angular.json' that are no longer supported by the official builders.
❯ In Angular version 15, the deprecated relativeLinkResolution
config parameter of the Router is removed.
❯ Since Angular v15, the RouterLink
contains the logic of the RouterLinkWithHref
❯ Remove 'defaultProject' option from workspace configuration.
❯ Remove 'showCircularDependencies' option from browser and server builders.
❯ Replace 'defaultCollection' option in workspace configuration with 'schematicCollections'.
❯ Update Angular packages 'dependencies' and 'devDependencies' version prefix to '^' instead of '~'.
❯ Remove 'package.json' files from library projects secondary entrypoints.
❯ Update TypeScript compilation target to 'ES2020'.
❯ As of Angular version 13, entryComponents
are no longer necessary.
❯ In Angular version 14, the pathMatch
property of Routes
was updated to be a strict union of the two valid options: 'full'|'prefix'
and Route
variables need an explicit type so TypeScript does not infer the property as the looser string
❯ As of Angular version 14, Forms model classes accept a type parameter, and existing usages must be opted out to preserve backwards-compatibility.
❯ Remove polyfills required only for Internet Explorer which is no longer supported.
❯ Remove no longer valid Angular schematic options from angular.json
❯ Remove deprecated options from 'angular.json' that are no longer present in v13.
❯ Updating '.gitignore' to include '.angular/cache'.
❯ Update library projects to be published in partial mode and removed deprecated options from ng-packagr configuration.
❯ Migrates [routerLink]=""
in templates to [routerLink]="[]"
because these links are likely intended to route to the current page with updated fragment/query params.
❯ In Angular version 13, the teardown
flag in TestBed
will be enabled by default.
❯ As of Angular version 13, entryComponents
are no longer necessary.
❯ Remove deprecated options from 'angular.json' that are no longer present in v12.
❯ Update 'zone.js' to version 0.11.x.
❯ Remove 'emitDecoratorMetadata' TypeScript compiler option.
❯ Lazy loading syntax migration.
❯ Remove deprecated ViewEngine-based i18n build and extract options.
❯ Updates Web Worker consumer usage to use the new syntax supported directly by Webpack 5.
❯ Remove invalid 'skipTests' option in '@schematics/angular:module' Angular schematic options.
❯ Replace the deprecated '--prod' in package.json scripts.
❯ In Angular version 12, the type of ActivatedRouteSnapshot.fragment is nullable.
❯ XhrFactory
has been moved from @angular/common/http
to @angular/common
❯ Automatically migrates shadow-piercing selector from /deep/
to the recommended alternative ::ng-deep
❯ Replace deprecated library builder '@angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr'.
❯ Add 'declarationMap' compiler options for non production library builds.
❯ Remove deprecated options from 'angular.json' that are no longer present in v11.
❯ Update workspace dependencies to match a new v11 project.
❯ In Angular version 11, the type of AbstractControl.parent
can be null
to reflect the runtime value more accurately.
❯ ViewEncapsulation.Native has been removed as of Angular version 11.
❯ NavigationExtras omissions migration.
❯ Updates the initialNavigation
property for RouterModule.forRoot
❯ NavigationExtras.preserveQueryParams has been removed as of Angular version 11.
❯ The default value for relativeLinkResolution
is changing from 'legacy' to 'corrected'.
❯ async
to waitForAsync
❯ Removes canActivate
from a Route
config when redirectTo
is also present.