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359 lines (252 loc) · 6.46 KB

File metadata and controls

359 lines (252 loc) · 6.46 KB




All commands assume you are in the root directory of this project. For me, that looks like ~/repos/chronon.


Environment Setup

Add the following to your shell run command files, e.g., ~/.bashrc (primarily for SBT users):

export CHRONON_OS=<path/to/chronon/repo>
alias materialize="PYTHONPATH=$CHRONON_API:$PYTHONPATH $CHRONON_API/ai/chronon/repo/"

Install Thrift (Version 0.13)

This step is relevant to both Bazel and SBT users. Thrift is a dependency for compile. The latest version, 0.14, is incompatible with Hive Metastore. Install version 0.13:

Thrift is a dependency for compile. The latest version, 0.14, is incompatible with Hive Metastore. Install version 0.13:

brew tap cartman-kai/thrift
brew install [email protected]

Install Python Dependencies for the API

python3 -m pip install -U tox build

Build Systems

This project supports both Bazel and SBT. Bazel's hermetic nature simplifies setup compared to SBT, as it doesn't require extensive environment configuration. Choose the system that works best for your workflow.

Bazel Setup

  1. Bazel is hermetic and does not require additional environment setup, except for the installation of [email protected].

  2. Ensure you have a WORKSPACE file and BUILD files in the appropriate directories.

  3. Common Bazel Commands:

    • Build all targets:
      bazel build //...
    • Build Specific targets:
      bazel build //module:target
      bazel build //aggregator:aggregator
      bazel build //api:api-lib
      bazel build //online:online
      bazel build //service:service
      bazel build //spark:spark
    • Run tests:
      bazel test //...
    • Run specific tests:
      bazel test //module:TestName
      bazel test //aggregator:test
      bazel test //api:test
    • Build a fat jar:
      bazel build //module:deploy.jar
      bazel build //spark:spark-assembly_deploy.jar

SBT Setup

  1. Open the project in IntelliJ from the build.sbt file (at the root level).

  2. Configure IntelliJ:

    • Mark these directories as Sources Root:
      • aggregator/src/main/scala
      • api/src/main/scala
      • spark/src/main/scala
    • Mark these directories as Test Root:
      • aggregator/src/test/scala
      • api/src/test/scala
      • spark/src/test/scala
  3. Common SBT Commands:

    • Build all artifacts:
      sbt package
    • Build a fat jar:
      sbt assembly
    • Run all tests:
      sbt test
    • Run specific tests:
      sbt "testOnly *<Module>"

Generate Python Thrift Definitions

With SBT:

sbt py_thrift

With Bazel:

bazel build //api/thrift:api-models-py

Dependency Management


Adding Java/Scala Dependencies

  1. Update Maven Dependencies:

    • Locate jvm/<repo>_repo.bzl file (e.g., jvm/maven_repo.bzl)
    • Add/update the dependency declaration:
    artifacts = [
  2. Reference in BUILD files:

    • Add the dependency to your target's deps attribute:
        name = "my_library",
        srcs = glob(["src/main/scala/**/*.scala"]),
        deps = [
            "@maven//:org_example_library",  # Note: colons become underscores
            # Other dependencies...
  3. Refresh Bazel's dependency cache:

    bazel clean --expunge
    bazel build //...

Adding Python Dependencies

  1. Update requirements.txt:

    • Add your dependency with version:
  2. Update pip dependencies:

    bazel run //:pip.update
  3. Reference in BUILD files:

        name = "my_python_lib",
        srcs = glob(["*.py"]),
        deps = [

Graph view of dependencies:

bazel query 'deps(//module:target)' --output graph

Materializing Configurations

materialize --input_path=<path/to/conf>



Run all tests:

bazel test //...

Run a specific test module:

bazel test //module:SpecificTest


Run all tests:

sbt test

Run specific tests:

sbt "testOnly *<Module>"

Dependency Management


Graph view of dependencies:

Bazel's dependency graph is hermetic and reproducible. It ensures that all dependencies are defined explicitly, avoiding issues caused by system-level or implicit dependencies. This contrasts with SBT, which relies on configuration files and environment settings to resolve dependencies.

bazel query 'deps(//module:target)' --output graph


Graph-based view of dependencies:

sbt dependencyBrowseGraph

Tree-based view of dependencies:

sbt dependencyBrowseTree

Artifact Building


Default settings in .bazelrc

Build all artifacts:

bazel build //...

Build a specific artifact:

bazel build //module:artifact_name

Build a scala version specific artifact:

bazel build --config scala_2.12 //module:artifact_name

Build a spark version specific artifact:

bazel build --config spark_3.5 --config scala_2.12 //module:artifact_name
bazel build --config spark_2.4 --config scala_2.11 //module:artifact_name

Build deploy jar aka Uber jar or fat jar:

bazel build --config scala_2.13 --config spark_3.5 //spark:spark-assembly_deploy.jar


Build all artifacts:

sbt package

Build Python API:

sbt python_api

Build a fat jar:

sbt assembly

Publishing Artifacts

Using SBT

Publish all artifacts:

sbt publish

Using Bazel

Publish to a custom repository:

bazel run //module:publish


Generate documentation via Sphinx:

sbt sphinx

Additional Notes

For Bazel-specific troubleshooting, refer to the Bazel documentation:

For SBT-specific troubleshooting, refer to the SBT documentation: