- Upgrades
. Fixes a vulnerability inqs
: https://snyk.io/vuln/npm:qs:20170213
- Fix task editing when no actions are specified
- Add support for Pa11y actions
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~2.1.2 to ^2.3.0
- Hide the "add" button in readonly mode
- Add a contributing guide
- Use arrows instead of plus and minus for collapsibles/expanders
- Supply more detailed 500 messages
- Allow for configuration files to be JavaScript rather than JSON
- Allow setting of HTTP headers for task runs
- Allow hiding/ignoring elements for task runs
- Update dependencies and devDependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~2.0.1 to ^2.1.2
- mocha: ^3 to ^2 (temporary – tests weren't running)
- Update dependencies and devDependencies
- express: ~4.13 to ~4.14
- pa11y-webservice: ~2.0 to ^2.0.1
- request: ^2 to ^2.74
- mocha: ^2 to ^3
- pa11y-webservice-client-node: ~1.2 to ^1.2.1 This fixes the following vulnerabilities:
- https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/45
- https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/63
- https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/65
- https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/106
- https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/121
- https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/130
- Drop Node.js 0.10–0.12 support
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~1.11 to ~2.0
- See the migration guide for details
- Update references/links after a repo rename
- Update Node.js version support to 0.10–6.0
- Update dependencies
- body-parser: added at ~1.15
- chalk: ~0.2 to ~1.1
- compression: added at ~1.6
- express: ~3.4 to ~4.13
- express-hbs: ~0.2 to ~1.0
- moment: ~2.2 to ~2.13
- pa11y-webservice: ~1.10 to ~1.11
- pa11y-webservice-client-node: ~1.1 to ~1.2
- bower: ~1.2 to ~1.7
- cheerio: added at ~0.20
- jsdom: removed
- request: ~2.27 to ^2
- uglify-js: ~2.4 to ~2.6
- Add the ability to configure task wait times
- Allow configuration by environment variables
- Update repository references to the new Pa11y organisation
- Add a changelog
- Automatically focus on the filter input box when you select the filter
- Make a task URL clickable
- Tweak the documentation to make it more usable
- Add a resources section to the README
- Show errors' context and selector on the results page
- Add context and selector to CSV output
- Fix lint errors
- Switch from Grunt to Make
- Add a
handler - Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~1.6 to ~1.8
- Update the license in the footer
- Update repository references to springernature
- Make the graph more accessible to color-blind users
- Fix lint errors
- Hide the date list from individual result pages
- Make the date selector properly keyboard accessible
- Change the options button into a more accessible list
- Make the errors/warnings/notices lists keyboard accessible
- Add keyboard access for filters
- Fix lint errors
- Hide all graph data except for errors by default
- Add the ability to use HTTP basic auth with task URLs
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~1.5 to ~1.6
- Add the ability to set a per-task timeout
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~1.3 to ~1.4
- Fix the URL filter position when in demo mode
- Add filtering of tasks on the home page
- Add the ability to ignore certain rules
- Add the ability to ignore a rule from the result page
- Tweak the display of task cards
- Fix CSV export for the OS X version of Excel
- Fix spacing issues when the graph is not visible
- Add notes on publishing a release
- Fix dropdown positioning in Internet Explorer 7 and 8
- Add HTML Codesniffer links on the results page
- Display the ignore rules for results on the results page
- Link the breadcrumbs on task sub-pages
- Fix an issue with saving empty ignore rules
- Cache-bust the CSS and JavaScript
- Add the ability to edit tasks
- Fix lint errors
- Tweaks to the display of the graphs
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice: ~1.1 to ~1.2
- pa11y-webservice-client-node: ~1.0 to ~1.1
- Add a functional test suite
- Allow the webservice to run automatically
- Documentation improvements
- Add a Travis config
- Fix lint errors
- Initial stable release
- Add the ability to set a site-wide message
- Add a demo mode for demo/public-facing sites
- Disable search engine indexing by default
- Tweak the task header at smaller screen sizes
- Make checkboxes on the graph WCAG2AA compliant
- Make checkbox inputs and labels WCAG2AA compliant on new URL page
- Colour changes to ensure there are no contrast issues
- Make the copy more consistent
- Update screenshots
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice-client-node: 1.0.0-beta.7 to ~1.0
- Fix lint errors
- Add descriptive labels to tasks
- Add a name field to "New URL" form
- Add a WCAG 2.0 link to the footer
- Tweak the layout at smaller screen sizes
- Notify users when there are no ignored rules
- Fix the expires headers for front end assets
- Move from Make to Grunt
- Compress static files
- Minify the site JavaScript
- Compile LESS files with grunt
- Add a watch task to recompile assets on change
- Commit compiled front-end code to the repo
- Add development instructions
- Update screenshots
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice-client-node: 1.0.0-beta.4 to 1.0.0-beta.7
- Add screenshots to the README
- Fix margins
- Add bower package management
- Stop the graph from appearing if there's only one result
- Add the ability to run tasks ad-hoc
- Add more useful information to the footer
- General copy edits
- Update dependencies
- pa11y-webservice-client-node: 1.0.0-beta.3 to 1.0.0-beta.4
- Initial release