Running the e-parliament AT4AM (NSESA) project
Steps for fetching/compiling/installing/configuring/running/testing the e-parliament project of AT4AM. Let me know if they work for you!
See also running the e-parliament AT4AM (NSESA) project on production systems, which builds upon these steps.
I'm sure these software versions have changed since I first installed them, so adapt your usage -- and please update this document.
- You have 5-10 GB of disk space, depending on if you already have all software and Maven dependencies installed or not. (GWT's SOYC reports take up a lot of space; afaik they aren't useful at all for this project and the
directories can be deleted.) - You make sure the environment variable
used in the script below is set properly. - Any previously installed
can and will be overwritten. - You will search-replace the instructions'
with a password generated byopenssl rand -base64 24
. - You will search-replace the instructions'
with a password you choose. (If you don't change it, Tomcat will throw a configuration error.)
My setup
Software was installed using Homebrew and Homebrew-Cask.
- Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- Tomcat 7:
brew install homebrew/versions/tomcat7
- MySQL 5.6:
brew install mysql
- Java 1.7.0_76:
brew cask install caskroom/versions/java7
- Maven 3.2.5:
brew install maven
# This path to Tomcat might differ on your system.
# For me it expands to `/usr/local/opt/tomcat7`.
AT4AM_TOMCAT=$(brew --prefix tomcat7)
# Had to explicitly set JAVA_HOME before compiling. You might have a different version.
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7)"
# Creating two directory levels, as logs will be created one level above the execution folder.
mkdir at4am
cd at4am
mkdir e-parliament
cd e-parliament
nsesaProjects=(editor editor-an server-impl server-api standalone diff)
# Clone code from github.
for project in "${nsesaProjects[@]}";
# Optionally use gitslave (gits attach).
git clone "$project.git" "nsesa-$project"
git clone
# Compile projects.
for project in "${nsesaProjects[@]}";
pushd "nsesa-$project" >/dev/null
# This will take quite some time (maybe 10-30 minutes) to complete for some projects.
mvn install
popd >/dev/null
# Increase the memory available to Tomcat, otherwise document handling (such as diffing) crashes.
cp "nsesa-standalone/src/main/resources/" "$AT4AM_TOMCAT"/libexec/bin
Set up AT4AM to use MySQL, then access your MySQL server to create a user and database:
# Configure AT4AM to use MySQL.
read -d '' mysqlSettings <<-'EOF'
echo "$mysqlSettings" >~/
# MySQL might already be running on your system.
# mysql.server start
mysql -u root
Execute these lines:
CREATE USER 'nsesa'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<database-password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nsesa.* TO 'nsesa'@'localhost';
Add a user in Tomcat's authentication system:
# Open up tomcat-users.xml for editing.
"$EDITOR" "$AT4AM_TOMCAT/libexec/conf/tomcat-users.xml"
<!-- Add these three lines inside of <tomcat-users> -->
<role rolename="ROLE_ADMIN"/>
<role rolename="ROLE_USER"/>
<user username="nsesa" password="<tomcat-password>" roles="ROLE_ADMIN,ROLE_USER"/>
# Remove any old AT4AM instance.
rm -r "$AT4AM_TOMCAT"/libexec/webapps/{editor,services}/
# Copy newly compiled code to Tomcat.
cp ./nsesa-editor-an/target/editor.war ./nsesa-server-impl/target/services.war "$AT4AM_TOMCAT/libexec/webapps/"
# Start Tomcat in the current terminal window.
# If Tomcat was already running, you might want to find a way to look at the console output.
# Exit with Ctrl+c when you're tired of looking at it.
catalina run
# Peek at logs.
tail ../logs/*.log
- Make sure the editor and services are deployed and running: http://localhost:8080/manager/html/
- See if you can load the login page: http://localhost:8080/editor/
- Log in with the credentials entered in
. - Try loading the first example document to amend, draft or look at the XML: © 2013, 2014, 2015 Föreningen för digitala fri- och rättigheter (DFRI). The documentation is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Related resources and projects may have other licences.