Table of Contents:
Please report any errors you encounter at
For upgrade instructions, see For setting up a development environment see the Developer's Guide section Development Environment. For testing pre-releases see also the Developer's Guide section Testing Pre-releases.
The following instructions assume the following requirements:
Supported and recommended operating systems are:
- CentOS 7
- Debian 8 and 9
- OpenSUSE Leap 42.3 and 15.0
- Ubuntu: 14.04, 16.04 and 18.04
Other distributions which are (most probably) supported include RHEL, Fedora and openSUSE Tumbleweed.
If you are using native packages, you can simply skip this section as all dependencies are installed automatically.
apt-get install python3 python3-pip
apt-get install build-essential libffi-dev
apt-get install python3-dev
apt-get install redis-server
Special note for Debian 8:
if you are using Debian 8, you need to install this package extra: apt-get install libgnutls28-dev
In addition, Debian 8 has an old version of pip3. Please get a current one via:
curl "" -o "/tmp/"
python3.4 /tmp/
apt install python3-pip python3-dnspython python3-psutil python3-redis python3-requests python3-termstyle python3-tz python3-dateutil
apt install redis-server
Optional dependencies:
apt install bash-completion jq
apt install python3-sleekxmpp python3-pymongo python3-psycopg2
yum install epel-release
yum install python34 python34-devel
yum install gcc gcc-c++
yum install redis
Install the last pip version:
curl "" -o "/tmp/"
python3.4 /tmp/
zypper install python3-dateutil python3-dnspython python3-psutil python3-pytz python3-redis python3-requests python3-python-termstyle
zypper install redis
Optional dependencies:
zypper in bash-completion jq
zypper in python3-psycopg2 python3-pymongo python3-sleekxmpp
Installation methods available:
- native packages (
) - PyPi (latest releases as python package)
Note: installation for development purposes must follow the instructions available on Developers Guide.
Supported Operating Systems:
- CentOS 7 (requires
) - RHEL 7 (requires
) - Debian 8 (requires
) - Debian 9
- Fedora 27
- Fedora 28
- Fedora 29
- openSUSE Leap 42.3
- openSUSE Leap 15.0
- openSUSE Tumbleweed
- Ubuntu 16.04 (enable the universe repositories by appending
todeb http://[...] xenial main
) - Ubuntu 18.04 (enable the universe repositories by appending
todeb http://[...] bionic main
Get the installation instructions for your operating system here: Installation Native Packages.
Please report any errors or improvements at IntelMQ Issues. Thanks!
sudo -i
pip3 install intelmq
useradd -d /opt/intelmq -U -s /bin/bash intelmq
sudo intelmqsetup
Following any one of the installation methods mentioned before setup the IntelMQ base. However, some bots have additional dependencies which are mentioned in their own documentation available on this directory.
Now continue with the User Guide.