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Toby Crawley edited this page May 17, 2020 · 7 revisions

Deploy Tokens

To deploy to Clojars, you will need to authenticate yourself. Deployment authentication is done via a deploy token.

Note: you can currently use your password to deploy instead of a deploy token, but that feature is deprecated, and will be removed on or after 2020-06-27.


To create a deploy token, visit after logging in. This page will list existing tokens and allow you to create a new token. You just need to provide a name for the token. The name does not need to be unique. Note: the new token value will only be presented once after creation, so be sure to copy it!


By default, a deploy token can be used to deploy any artifact your user account has rights to deploy. However, deploy tokens can be scoped to only allow deploying a single artifact, or deploying any artifact within a group. Note: you can't create a token that is scoped to a group or artifact before that group or artifact exists on Clojars - you will need to deploy with an unscoped token first to create the group & artifact.


Tokens can be disabled on the token management page. Once disabled, a token cannot be re-enabled.


To use a deploy token, simply use it in place of your password when deploying. You will still need to provide your Clojars username as well.

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