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Non-critical corrections - December 2024 Edition #1156

epage opened this issue Nov 25, 2024 · 43 comments · Fixed by #1201

Non-critical corrections - December 2024 Edition #1156

epage opened this issue Nov 25, 2024 · 43 comments · Fixed by #1201
C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations


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epage commented Nov 25, 2024

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage added the C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations label Nov 25, 2024
@epage epage pinned this issue Nov 25, 2024
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airwoodix commented Nov 26, 2024

repeatatly -> repeatedly
calbration -> calibration

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ncvv commented Nov 26, 2024

patchtes -> patches

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YoPoulou commented Nov 27, 2024

downalod -> download

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aDotInTheVoid commented Nov 27, 2024

nessessary -> necessary
instantnciate -> instantiate

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Veetaha commented Nov 28, 2024

usedfule -> useful
provisionned  -> provisioned

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mscheifer commented Nov 28, 2024

separatae -> separate
covver -> cover

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szepeviktor commented Nov 28, 2024

signoatures -> signatures
lanched -> launched
levensthein -> levenshtein
offine -> offline
respource -> resource
subscripcitons -> subscriptions
detele -> delete
pracical -> practical
empirical -> empricial
effeciently -> efficiently
dabshboard -> dashboard
mltibyte -> multibyte
kelogger -> keylogger
siwtcher -> switcher
brwe -> brew

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ranocha commented Nov 28, 2024

returrn -> return
returrns -> returns

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inseet -> insert

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boilderplate -> boilerplate

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gullmar commented Nov 29, 2024

sponsoered -> sponsored

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cmdcolin commented Dec 1, 2024

hirarchical -> hierarchical
autocomplte -> autocomplete
insepector -> inspector
instancse -> instance
documnt -> document
refenrence -> reference
decod -> decode

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mo8it commented Dec 2, 2024

developes -> develops, developed
systemes -> systems
slowley -> slowly
refelection -> reflection

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ncvv commented Dec 2, 2024

continiuous -> continuous

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Facel3ss1 commented Dec 2, 2024

satifiable -> satisfiable
unsatifiable -> unsatisfiable
unfortunatey -> unfortunately
onlyl -> only
comminutes -> communities
reciporicate -> reciprocate
reciporical -> reciprocal
discuessed -> discussed
contributons -> contributions
prescense -> presence

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Crown0815 commented Dec 3, 2024

optimizd -> optimized

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ncvv commented Dec 4, 2024

correspongding -> corresponding

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svix-jplatte commented Dec 4, 2024

compainion -> companion
cumbserome -> cumbersome

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tomcur commented Dec 5, 2024

creatse -> creates

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BD103 commented Dec 5, 2024

noet -> note
borrwable -> borrowable

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worknig -> working

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mamekoro commented Dec 9, 2024

comparetor -> comparator
comparetors -> comparators

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airwoodix commented Dec 9, 2024

funcition -> function
funcitions -> functions
initializeing -> intitializing

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jplatte commented Dec 10, 2024

dayly -> daily
developes -> developers

szepeviktor referenced this issue in conedevelopment/bazar Dec 10, 2024
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NathanBaulch commented Dec 10, 2024

afoter -> after
attribuges -> attributes
avalialbe -> available
buildls -> builds
cantainers -> containers
comparisions -> comparisons
comprator -> comparator
concurancy -> concurrency
conjection -> conjunction
conparisions -> comparisons
construrcts -> constructs
containiner -> container
copayble -> copyable
dereferenes -> dereferences
disabiguation -> disambiguation
disible -> divisible
dopped -> dropped
durind -> during
enforcemant -> enforcement
evalues -> evaluates
excided -> exceeded
excluder -> excluded
experiemental -> experimental
extendible -> extendable
feaure -> feature
flatteing -> flattening
flused -> flushed
generaor -> generator
guarantted -> guaranteed
hypothethical - hypothetical
identitied -> identities
imgaine -> imagine
indictating -> indicating
inined -> inlined
insignficant -> insignificant
interrdchange -> interchange
intneral -> internal
lifetiem -> lifetime
linakage -> linkage
loades -> loads
lookuup -> lookup
malignent -> malignant
mnenonic -> mnemonic
ocuppied -> occupied
otyher -> other
overright -> overwrite
ownershp -> ownership
parametized -> parameterized
paylaod -> payload
pluging -> plugin
presevering -> preserving
pression -> pressing
prifix -> prefix
pritimive -> primitive
protmoto -> promote
protobol -> protocol
puroses -> purposes
quafilied -> qualified
ranage -> range
referernce -> reference
refresing -> refreshing
registiry -> registry
remooving -> removing
repeatd -> repeated
represenable -> representable
requiured - > required
reslover -> resolver
respecfively -> respectively
serealize -> searialize
serializatin - serialization
serialuzing -> serializing
serilize -> serialize
sests -> sets
settor -> setter
simltaneous -> simultaneous
singualr -> singular
singuar -> singular
somce -> some
subproceess -> subprocess
subptimal -> suboptimal
succeses -> success
supuser -> superuser
susbcription -> subscription
uages -> usages
unregistation -> unregistration
usingg -> using
verion -> version
visti -> visit
wilcard -> wildcard
worklords -> workloads
zeores -> zeros

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Collaborator Author

epage commented Dec 12, 2024

fewwer -> fewer

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lnicola commented Dec 13, 2024

inferecene -> inference
editiojn -> edition
storeda -> stored
durabilites -> durabilities
attepting -> attempting
revisi5on -> revision
defererence -> dereference

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dseight commented Dec 14, 2024

finallt -> finally
firectories -> directories

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gibbz00 commented Dec 16, 2024

unnable -> unable

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ranocha commented Dec 16, 2024

lcarify -> clarify
disperive -> dispersive

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signging -> signing, singing

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1rt -> 1st
1rd -> 1st
2rd -> 2nd
4st -> 4th
4rt -> 4th

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architecutre -> architecture

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conten could also be content

now it is a one way street to contain

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ncvv commented Dec 18, 2024

loopp -> loop

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epxression -> expression

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wolud -> would

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jplatte commented Dec 20, 2024

awat -> await

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kachick commented Dec 20, 2024

annnoy -> annoy
donload -> download

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engien -> engine

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RainRat commented Dec 25, 2024

abbraviated -> abbreviated
abialble -> available
abothe -> above
abrubtly -> abruptly
acccelerate -> accelerate
accepeting -> accepting
accessibiilty -> accessibility
accessiblei -> accessible
accordindly -> accordingly
accorging -> according
accumualted -> accumulated
accumultate -> accumulate
achieveable -> achievable
acknowlodge -> acknowledge
acrade -> arcade
actiive -> active
activiation -> activation
actusl -> actual
adaptatiton -> adaptation
adatpted -> adapted
adjacenet -> adjacent
adjuct -> adjust
adverstising -> advertising
aesthethic -> aesthetic
afected -> affected
alements -> elements
alerady -> already
aleternate -> alternate
algorithme -> algorithm
aligntment -> alignment
allerts -> alerts
alloacation -> allocation
allocatioin -> allocation
alreadu -> already
alternateve -> alternative
amouns -> amounts
anactive -> inactive
analogout -> analogous
animationos -> animations
annecessary -> unnecessary
annoatations -> annotations
annotaged -> annotated
annotataions -> annotations
anonymyzed -> anonymized
anscestors -> ancestors
answerting -> answering
anwered -> answered
apepars -> appears
apostraphes -> apostrophes
apprear -> appear
approporiate -> appropriate
appropriatally -> appropriately
arbitrariely -> arbitrarily
argumend -> argument
ariable -> variable
armeniam -> armenian
assignmentv -> assignment
associaitons -> associations
asssistant -> assistant
assuing -> assuming
assumbler -> assembler
asterisc -> asterisk
asterorid -> asteroid
atcions -> actions
atcive -> active
atomosphere -> atmosphere
atrack -> attract, attack
attendat -> attendant
attennuate -> attenuate
attenutation -> attenuation
atteributes -> attributes
atternuation -> attenuation
attrinute -> attribute
atually -> actually
audodetect -> autodetect
audtion -> audition
auotuning -> autotuning
austing -> austin
authenfication -> authentication
authenthicating -> authenticating
automaticallty -> automatically
auxilirary -> auxiliary
averge -> average
averhaul -> overhaul
aviailable -> available
ballooon -> balloon
bardcode -> barcode
basied -> based
becom -> become
begininers -> beginners
begis -> begins
beign -> being, begin
benchmak -> benchmark
benefitd -> benefited, benefits
berform -> perform
bidrectional -> bidirectional
bimtap -> bitmap
binarry -> binary
bistreams -> bitstreams
bitamp -> bitmap
bitmaks -> bitmask
bitwse -> bitwise
blackslash -> backslash
blantant -> blatant
blittting -> blitting
blockss -> blocks
botto -> bottom
bracets -> brackets
brackes -> brackets
brancless -> branchless
breakpoitns -> breakpoints
bried -> brief, bride
briely -> briefly
buckes -> buckets, bucks
butotn -> button
caclculate -> calculate
callapsed -> collapsed
calllback -> callback
callng -> calling
callong -> calling
callpadding -> cellpadding
camerea -> camera
canonoical -> canonical
capabilitiesu -> capabilities
captitalized -> capitalized
cardridges -> cartridges
cartesion -> cartesian
carying -> carrying
catedgories -> categories
categorry -> category
cateogory -> category
ccomment -> comment
cenerated -> generated
centrid -> centroid
certificte -> certificate
chanelog -> changelog
changce -> chance
changinge -> changing
channcel -> channel
characeristics -> characteristics
chearset -> charset
chioces -> choices
chiphers -> ciphers
cirdular -> circular
cirtuiting -> circuiting
clase -> clause, class
classifiction -> classification
clearner -> cleaner, clearer
clearning -> clearing
coinjunction -> conjunction
cointrol -> control
coliding -> colliding
collaped -> collapsed
columnt -> column
comestical -> cosmetical
commmunicator -> communicator
commodoere -> commodore
comparibility -> comparability
compartor -> comparator
compenstation -> compensation
comperator -> comparator
compexity -> complexity
compier -> compiler
compilling -> compiling
complerely -> completely
completeable -> completable
compoennts -> components
compressiong -> compressing
compule -> compute, compile
conataining -> containing
concatendated -> concatenated
concaternate -> concatenate
concerete -> concrete
condered -> considered
condiotions -> conditions
confgurable -> configurable
confirguration -> configuration
confitm -> confirm
conidition -> condition
conists -> consists
conncting -> connecting
connectred -> connected
connetctor -> connector
conntector -> connector
conresponding -> corresponding
conrrect -> correct
constnat -> constant
constructopr -> constructor
containder -> container
contaniner -> container
contenstants -> contestants
contenxt -> context, content
contetn -> content
contrac -> contract
contributiont -> contribution
contxt -> context
conveninence -> convenience
convensions -> conventions
converet -> convert
cooncept -> concept
coppies -> copies
corprocessor -> coprocessor
correltor -> correlator
correspionds -> corresponds
corrupsed -> corrupted
corruptued -> corrupted
cosists -> consists
cotent -> content
cotinue -> continue
countiguous -> contiguous
couroutine -> coroutine
covereing -> covering
creaded -> created
creadit -> credit
creatse -> creates
credendials -> credentials
cricical -> critical
cristal -> crystal
cristals -> crystals
critial -> critical
criticat -> critical
critieria -> criteria
crypo -> crypto
crypro -> crypto
crystyal -> crystal
cteated -> created
cukoo -> cuckoo
culumns -> columns
cupon -> coupon
currenet -> current
currentely -> currently
curret -> current
currnent -> current
curso -> cursor
cusors -> cursors
customimzation -> customization
custume -> custom
cyckes -> cycles
cyclyc -> cyclic
cyles -> cycles
cyrilic -> cyrillic
dailog -> dialog
dargging -> dragging
datastet -> dataset
dataype -> datatype
dealth -> dealt, death
debending -> depending
debgger -> debugger
debuf -> debug
decalaration -> declaration
decicated -> dedicated
decid -> decide
decisiion -> decision
decited -> decided
deconnecting -> disconnecting
decrambled -> descrambled
decrecendo -> decrescendo
decresdendo -> decrescendo
dection -> detection
dedeuplicate -> deduplicate
defaualts -> defaults
defintitions -> definitions
delais -> delays
deley -> delay
deliminator -> delimiter
delimite -> delimit
dellocation -> deallocation
deltayed -> delayed
democratis -> democratic
demultiplexor -> demultiplexer
densicy -> density
denstructor -> destructor
deode -> decode, diode
deoder -> decoder
dependes -> dependees, depends
dependey -> dependency
depond -> depend
depsite -> despite
derieved -> derived
desactivates -> deactivates
descriptorts -> descriptors
desent -> descent, decent
despenced -> dispensed
desponse -> response
destrctured -> destructured
detenction -> detection
deubbers -> debuggers
deutch -> deutsch, dutch
develepment -> development
dialag -> dialog
dialgs -> dialogs
dialoges -> dialogs
dicrectly -> directly
digtal -> digital
diliminator -> delimiter
dimentsions -> dimensions
diposes -> disposes
directorie -> directory, directories
diret -> direct
disabele -> disable
disasbled -> disabled
disassebmler -> disassembler
disconctinued -> discontinued
disguished -> disguised
disort -> distort
dispse -> dispose
distrution -> distribution
divder -> divider
diven -> given
divices -> devices
divising -> dividing, devising
docoder -> decoder
documnents -> documents
dosplay -> display
drawin -> drawing
druation -> duration
drver -> driver
dteect -> detect
dtermine -> determine
dungeong -> dungeon
duratiob -> duration
dynamicily -> dynamically
easyly -> easily
eclpse -> eclipse
ecoder -> encoder, decoder
edior -> editor
ediors -> editors
edites -> edits
editied -> edited
edpoint -> endpoint
edtiable -> editable
edtor -> editor
eement -> element
eeproom -> eeprom
eerpom -> eeprom
eixsting -> existing
eleimination -> elimination
emipre -> empire
emojii -> emoji
empahsis -> emphasis
emphasisze -> emphasize, emphasise
emulaction -> emulation
emulater -> emulator
emumerator -> enumerator
enabed -> enabled
enablig -> enabling
enaled -> enabled
enbiggen -> embiggen
enccode -> encode
enchance -> enhance
enchanntment -> enchantment
encruptor -> encryptor
encypt -> encrypt
endinanness -> endianness
enfoce -> enforce
enfoced -> enforced
engilsh -> english
engish -> english
englih -> english
englishs -> english
englist -> english
enigne -> engine
enlightenmnt -> enlightenment
enocoding -> encoding
enqeue -> enqueue
ensture -> ensure
enteprise -> enterprise
entring -> entering
entroy -> entropy
envolves -> involves
eplore -> explore
eprror -> error
eqauality -> equality
eqipped -> equipped
equaation -> equation
equippied -> equipped
errons -> errors
errouneously -> erroneously
erticulations -> articulations
escpable -> escapable
escpe -> escape
esepecially -> especially
essenatially -> essentially
estabilished -> established
establishement -> establishment
euklidean -> euclidean
evalations -> evaluations
evaluater -> evaluator
evalulation -> evaluation
evebts -> events
everytihng -> everything
evicition -> eviction
evindence -> evidence
exampele -> example
exanmple -> example
exceededd -> exceeded
exceedes -> exceeds
excensions -> extensions
excepton -> exception
exclusing -> exclusion
exectutor -> executor
executalble -> executable
executibles -> executables
exeecute -> execute
exeutions -> executions
exhbition -> exhibition
exisitence -> existence
expanasion -> expansion
experimemtal -> experimental
expiered -> expired
exponend -> exponent
expreesion -> expression
extacted -> extracted
extarctors -> extractors
exteremely -> extremely
factionnal -> fractional, factional
faiiled -> failed
failting -> failing, faulting
fallthrought -> fallthrough
fatest -> fastest, fattest
favorise -> favor, favorite
februrary -> february
feeedback -> feedback
festure -> feature, gesture
filesystm -> filesystem
fillin -> filling
finalizatiom -> finalization
finially -> finally
finsishes -> finishes
firsly -> firstly
fitnes -> fitness
flashs -> flashes
flexebility -> flexibility
floatint -> floating
floopy -> floppy
flpppy -> floppy
flused -> flushed
fnished -> finished
foever -> forever
folderd -> folders, folded, folder
foldin -> folding
folloling -> following
footall -> football
fordwarded -> forwarded
formar -> former
fransisco -> francisco
frenquency -> frequency
friendlinees -> friendliness
frustm -> frustum
fullsecreen -> fullscreen
fulnerabilities -> vulnerabilities
funcitions -> functions
funstion -> function
funstions -> functions
furing -> during
gabagge -> garbage
gamplay -> gameplay
gaphics -> graphics
genarator -> generator
generatuons -> generations
generotor -> generator
generrally -> generally
geters -> getters
getnerate -> generate
gliphs -> glyphs
globla -> global
goolge -> google
greator -> greater
grouips -> groups
hader -> header
handlbars -> handlebars
handlng -> handling
hankerchief -> handkerchief
happes -> happens
havn -> haven
heding -> heading, heeding
hegiht -> height
heler -> helper, healer
heurisitc -> heuristic
highlighterd -> highlighted, highlighter
highligter -> highlighter
highlihgters -> highlighters
hightly -> highly, nightly
holdes -> holds
horizonlly -> horizontally
horizotal -> horizontal
hortizontally -> horizontally
hospot -> hotspot
howevere -> however
icense -> license
iddle -> idle
ignoed -> ignored
ilter -> filter, liter
imcremented -> incremented
immedates -> immediates
immedeiately -> immediately
immediaately -> immediately
immedidate -> immediate
imobile -> immobile
impace -> impact
impicit -> implicit
implemenattions -> implementations
implenmented -> implemented
imples -> implies
importante -> important
impule -> impulse
imrove -> improve
inaccuarate -> inaccurate
inavalid -> invalid
incerement -> increment
incidate -> indicate
includive -> inclusive
increated -> increased
incremeneting -> incrementing
incresases -> increases
incusive -> inclusive, incisive
indefine -> indefinite, undefine
indenation -> indentation
indexin -> indexing
indirct -> indirect
ineherited -> inherited
infoermation -> information
informartion -> information
informat -> inform, informant
ingerit -> inherit
inividual -> individual
injectiosn -> injections
inlinse -> inlines
innefficient -> inefficient
inocorrectly -> incorrectly
inomplete -> incomplete
insdead -> instead
insensity -> insensitivity, intensity
instamt -> instant
instancen -> instance
instantialte -> instantiate
instantition -> instantiation
insteads -> instead
insteaf -> instead
instensive -> intensive
instiate -> instantiate
instiating -> instantiating
instructiob -> instruction
instructon -> instruction
instrumend -> instrument
instrunction -> instruction
intecept -> intercept
intenral -> internal
intentsity -> intensity
intepolation -> interpolation
interaval -> interval
intermedidate -> intermediate
interntal -> internal
internval -> interval, internal
interolates -> interpolates
interprester -> interpreter
interprise -> enterprise
interruptt -> interrupt
intersction -> intersection
intersectoin -> intersection
interstection -> intersection
intervas -> interval
intormation -> information
intresect -> intersect
intrinscis -> intrinsics
intrisics -> intrinsics
introcuced -> introduced
intrpret -> interpret
intverted -> inverted
invarant -> invariant
invarders -> invaders
invectigation -> investigation
inventoty -> inventory
invisbility -> invisibility
invisivle -> invisible
invissible -> invisible
involding -> involving
iserted -> inserted
iterare -> iterate
iteraror -> iterator
iterat -> iterate
itereates -> iterates
iternal -> internal
itineray -> itinerary
iummediately -> immediately
japenese -> japanese
joysick -> joystick
joytick -> joystick
juming -> jumping
jusification -> justification
kayboard -> keyboard
kayout -> layout
keystoke -> keystroke
keywod -> keyword
kinght -> knight
labaled -> labelled
languafe -> language
largerly -> largely
laucnh -> launch
lcation -> location
lettter -> letter
lettters -> letters
librari -> library
lifspan -> lifespan
ligts -> lights, lifts
lincensed -> licensed
liquiidity -> liquidity
listenres -> listeners
listesning -> listening
loadad -> loaded
loadead -> loaded
loctation -> location
logaritmically -> logarithmically
logrithmical -> logarithmical
longet -> longest, longer
longtitude -> longitude
lookinng -> looking
losting -> losing, listing
lucious -> luscious
luminence -> luminance
machanical -> mechanical
machintosh -> macintosh
madule -> module
maflormed -> malformed
mageta -> magenta
magnitiude -> magnitude
mailboxe -> mailbox
makfiles -> makefiles
malicuous -> malicious
mamber -> member
manaager -> manager
manegement -> management
manhatten -> manhattan
manuall -> manually, manual
manufactureed -> manufactured
markkup -> markup
martix -> matrix
maskk -> mask
matche -> match
matchend -> matched
maximu -> maximum
meaining -> meaning
memonic -> mnemonic
meomory -> memory
mercusry -> mercury
mergeing -> merging
mesasage -> message
messagaes -> messages
methed -> method
methodes -> methods
midigate -> mitigate
millieseconds -> milliseconds
mircroprocessor -> microprocessor
miscelleaneous -> miscellaneous
mitsubushi -> mitsubishi
mkssing -> missing
mmaping -> mmapping, mapping
mnemoic -> mnemonic
modificaction -> modification
modificiation -> modification
modigied -> modified
modualar -> modular
modues -> modules
moinitored -> monitored
mollested -> molested
monentary -> momentary
monomophized -> monomorphized
monsteres -> monsters
monstly -> mostly
montior -> monitor
mophology -> morphology
motiion -> motion
moust -> mouse, most
msesage -> message
muliply -> multiply
multifuntion -> multifunction
multipectral -> multispectral
multipliciative -> multiplicative
multiplys -> multiplies
multiprocesor -> multiprocessor
multisamplimg -> multisampling
mutabiltiy -> mutability
mutatios -> mutations
muteces -> mutexes
mutiline -> multiline
nanosceconds -> nanoseconds
narural -> natural
naviagate -> navigate
navitation -> navigation
neabled -> enabled
neareast -> nearest
neareste -> nearest
necessily -> necessarily
netwon -> newton
nimber -> number
nintento -> nintendo
nmber -> number
noices -> noises
nomal -> normal
nomral -> normal
nothig -> nothing
nothinh -> nothing
notibly -> notably
notive -> notice
nugfix -> bugfix
nuknown -> unknown
nulify -> nullify
numbere -> number
numper -> number, bumper
nutton -> button
nversion -> inversion
obects -> object
obects -> objects
obesrvation -> observation
objct -> object
objeect -> object
obsevers -> observers
obsolet -> obsolete
obtaint -> obtain, obtained
ocataves -> octaves
ocmplex -> complex
octogons -> octagons
ojbects -> objects
ommand -> command
onboad -> onboard
onbtain -> obtain
oncompressed -> uncompressed
onstant -> constant
opacitiy -> opacity
opaqe -> opaque
opderands -> operands
operad -> operand
opereration -> operation
oprand -> operand
oprands -> operands
opthers -> others
optiopn -> option
optmimzie -> optimize
ordred -> ordered
orientantion -> orientation
origina -> origin, original
origingal -> original
oscure -> obscure
otheres -> others
otherwiase -> otherwise
ouptput -> output
outernmost -> outermost
outputes -> outputs
outsanding -> outstanding
outsie -> outside
overalpping -> overlapping
overiew -> overview
overrinding -> overriding
oversved -> observed
ovrlap -> overlap
ownershop -> ownership
pacement -> placement
packt -> packet, packed
paddin -> padding
padedd -> padded
pagin -> paging
pakced -> packed
paletts -> palettes
paload -> payload
palyed -> played
panding -> landing, panting
paramaeter -> parameter
paramaeters -> parameters
pareent -> parent
pariticipant -> participant
pariticular -> particular
pariwise -> pairwise
paroject -> project
parsesd -> parsed, parses
particualar -> particular
particulalrly -> particularly
partital -> partial
partitiioning -> partitioning
parttition -> partition
passses -> passes
patname -> pathname
patroling -> patrolling
paylod -> payload
pedestral -> pedestal
pefore -> before
performinc -> performing
perimenter -> perimeter
peripeheral -> peripheral
perist -> persist
permantently -> permanently
permsistent -> persistent
permut -> permute
perssed -> pressed
pertinant -> pertinent
pervent -> prevent
peseudocode -> pseudocode
pesudo -> pseudo
pevious -> previous
phising -> phishing
phyical -> physical
pipeliend -> pipelined
pipsline -> pipeline
pitchs -> pitches
pixell -> pixel
pixles -> pixels
placedholder -> placeholder
plaing -> playing, placing
platte -> palette, plate
plauers -> players
playe -> played, play
playerss -> players
playlst -> playlist
plehora -> plethora
polymorh -> polymorph
porition -> portion
posiion -> position
povide -> provide
practicaclly -> practically
prarams -> params
prarent -> parent
preambel -> preamble
precedene -> precedence, precedent
predeceding -> preceding
prediced -> predicted
preexising -> preexisting
prefference -> preference
prefixe -> prefix
prepareg -> prepare
prerequite -> prerequisite
presere -> preserve
previuously -> previously
priavte -> private
primarlily -> primarily
primitivies -> primitives
primives -> primitives
prioity -> priority
prioriy -> priority
prioroity -> priority
priortity -> priority
prioryty -> priority
priotize -> prioritize
procesesed -> processed
prodicing -> producing
progession -> progression
prohbit -> prohibit
promblem -> problem
proportinate -> proportionate
proprieatry -> proprietary
proram -> program
prorgam -> program
prseent -> present
prsent -> present
prvate -> private
pubblic -> public
puffered -> buffered
punctution -> punctuation
purose -> purpose
purpouses -> purposes
quadrilaterlas -> quadrilaterals
quanitzed -> quantized
quckly -> quickly
qudratic -> quadratic
quesition -> question
quialified -> qualified
quitly -> quietly
quots -> quotes, quits
qutoes -> quotes
ractangle -> rectangle
rainbowe -> rainbow
ralated -> related
randome -> random
randomely -> randomly
raparse -> reparse
raterizing -> rasterizing
reactiving -> reactivating
rebion -> region
recating -> reacting
recepies -> recipes
recoid -> recoil
recommonded -> recommended
reconfingure -> reconfigure
recongnizing -> recognizing
reconstruncted -> reconstructed
reconstrution -> reconstruction
reconstrutions -> reconstructions
recontsruction -> reconstruction
recoreded -> recorded
recors -> records
recort -> record
rectanfles -> rectangles
recuces -> reduces
redece -> reduce
redircts -> redirects
redundunt -> redundant
reduzing -> reducing
reentant -> reentrant
refacted -> refracted
refaction -> refraction
refelected -> reflected
referrring -> referring
refferenced -> referenced
reflesh -> refresh
reglster -> register
regxp -> regexp
relocateble -> relocatable
remainung -> remaining
remmember -> remember
remnandts -> remnants
remoove -> remove
remplaced -> replaced
renameing -> renaming
rendere -> renderer, render
renderingg -> rendering
reoders -> reorders
reolve -> resolve, revolve
repeatition -> repetition
repetiton -> repetition
rephras -> rephrase
replecate -> replicate
repors -> reports
reportd -> reported, reports
reportoire -> repertoire
repositoriy -> repository
reprensenting -> representing
reprsesent -> represent
requesets -> requests
requesteed -> requested
requestsed -> requested
requiread -> required
requiresd -> requires, required
requiretd -> required
requuest -> request
rerelase -> rerelease
reresh -> refresh
rerturns -> returns
rescursively -> recursively
reseource -> resource
reserded -> reserved
resert -> reset
reservouir -> reservoir
resessed -> recessed
resetore -> restore
resgistering -> registering
resisitor -> resistor
resiual -> residual
resoluition -> resolution
resuld -> result
resursion -> recursion
reteiving -> retrieving
retify -> rectify
retourn -> return
retreieve -> retrieve
returens -> returns
reuturn -> return
revese -> reverse
revivel -> revival
rezize -> resize
rleased -> released
rorate -> rotate
routien -> routine
routiner -> routine
rpocess -> process
rtemove -> remove
saerch -> search
safefly -> safely
samarai -> samurai
sampl -> sample
sandwitch -> sandwich
santiy -> sanity
sapmle -> sample
sartup -> startup
satallite -> satellite
saveed -> saved
scalines -> scanlines
scaner -> scanner
scatterd -> scattered
schenanigans -> shenanigans
scitilla -> scintilla
scren -> screen
scrolll -> scroll
scrollling -> scrolling
scrool -> scroll
searcg -> search
secial -> special
secondardy -> secondary
secondaty -> secondary
secundary -> secondary
seearch -> search
segmet -> segment
selecter -> selector
selecttion -> selection
selenoid -> solenoid
senes -> sense
senesitive -> sensitive
senging -> sending, singing
sepation -> separation
sequenece -> sequence
sequentally -> sequentially
sequnence -> sequence
serialsed -> serialised
serialzation -> serialization
seriesi -> series
setable -> settable
setment -> segment
shifs -> shifts
shortct -> shortcut
shortcurt -> shortcut
shorterm -> shorter
shoutdown -> shutdown
shuttind -> shutting
sidweays -> sideways
signifitant -> significant
similare -> similar
similiars -> similar
simimlarly -> similarly
simiply -> simply
simlpy -> simply
simulteaneously -> simultaneously
sinals -> signals
sinle -> single
sistance -> distance
skeletton -> skeleton
slidseshow -> slideshow
sliegh -> sleigh
slightlty -> slightly
socres -> scores
solderded -> soldered
solidier -> soldier
soloban -> sokoban
somewhow -> somehow
sorces -> sources
sourcen -> source
sourec -> source
spactator -> spectator
spalsher -> splasher
spannig -> spanning
specialaization -> specialization
specieal -> special
specifer -> specifier
speciifically -> specifically
specualr -> specular
spezial -> special
spiritial -> spiritual
spltter -> splitter
sponosor -> sponsor
spririt -> spirit
sprtie -> sprite
sqauwk -> squawk
squeeky -> squeaky
squered -> squared
sratch -> scratch
srceen -> screen
sreen -> screen
srolled -> scrolled
srtaddle -> straddle
srvice -> service
stadistics -> statistics
staic -> static
staitc -> static
standadise -> standardise
startuip -> startup
staticall -> statically
statis -> stasis, status
staturation -> saturation
steapness -> steepness
stetes -> states
stiched -> stitched
stilletto -> stiletto
stired -> stored, stirred
stoed -> stored, stood
stoprage -> storage
storse -> stores
storted -> stored
straem -> stream
stratchpad -> scratchpad
stringfied -> stringified
strukture -> structure
styleing -> styling
subcatogory -> subcategory
subcontraint -> subconstraint
subcontructors -> subconstructors
subroutinese -> subroutines
substituition -> substitution
substitured -> substituted
suffex -> suffix
suffux -> suffix
sumarized -> summarized
sumbenus -> submenus
sumbitter -> submitter
supllementary -> supplementary
supplided -> supplied
supploed -> supplied
supplt -> supply
surfae -> surface
suspesion -> suspension
sutatus -> status
suvives -> survives
swiotch -> switch
switchtes -> switches
sybolic -> symbolic
sycing -> syncing
symetries -> symmetries
synanym -> synonym
synctactically -> syntactically
systtem -> system
tabable -> tabbable
takedn -> taken
tangnet -> tangent
taraget -> target
taret -> target, tarot
targert -> targets, target
targetin -> targeting
tather -> rather
techniucal -> technical
telemtry -> telemetry
temolo -> tremolo
temove -> remove
terminiated -> terminated
termminal -> terminal
tetching -> fetching
textur -> texture
themporary -> temporary
thems -> them, themes
therad -> thread
therre -> there
thickess -> thickness
thingie -> thingy
thinked -> thunked, thought
thraeds -> threads
threshould -> threshold
timestampe -> timestamp
timouts -> timeouts
tipical -> typical
tokenziation -> tokenization
tookkits -> toolkits
toronta -> toronto
torue -> torus, tore
toshibe -> toshiba
touchs -> touches
tpshiba -> toshiba
trampline -> trampoline
transimit -> transmit
translaction -> translation
transmitt -> transmit
trickry -> trickery
trivials -> trivial
truncaction -> truncation
trunciated -> truncated
tuplets -> tuples
typlically -> typically
umbiguity -> ambiguity
unabled -> unable, enabled
unables -> enables, unable
unaccpeted -> unaccepted
unaped -> unmapped, unpaid
uncreachable -> unreachable
undercores -> underscores
unmaped -> unmapped
unordererd -> unordered
unqoted -> unquoted
unrecogonized -> unrecognized
unreqested -> unrequested
unsigne -> unsigned
unsopported -> unsupported
untility -> utility
updatae -> update
updationg -> updating
uresponsive -> unresponsive
urgentness -> urgency
uupdate -> update
uwinding -> unwinding
validiate -> validate
valriables -> variables
valuees -> values
valuses -> values
varants -> variants
varioables -> variables
varsiables -> variables
vartiables -> variables
vedctor -> vector
velcome -> welcome
veretx -> vertex
verstion -> version
vertext -> vertex
vertrices -> vertices
vetrex -> vertex
vierification -> verification
vistor -> visitor
visualizataion -> visualization
vokume -> volume
votage -> voltage, voyage
waitinig -> waiting
walkthough -> walkthrough
warror -> warrior
weghts -> weights, wights
weilding -> wielding, welding
whilelist -> whitelist
whisle -> whistle
whitrespace -> whitespace
whth -> with
widgests -> widgets
widjet -> widget
willams -> williams
winnnig -> winning
winwow -> window
wiondow -> window
witespace -> whitespace
workagound -> workaround
worket -> worker
workir -> worker
writabe -> writable
writebak -> writeback
writeble -> writable
writig -> writing
writted -> written
writye -> write
wrtten -> written
wthout -> without
xyophone -> xylophone
zobrish -> zobrist

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joshpetit commented Dec 25, 2024

atested -> attested
believeable -> believable

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akx commented Dec 30, 2024

preivous -> previous
packges -> packages
calculcate -> calculate
defererred -> deferred

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