title | date | author | excerpt |
2018-04-27 |
Dima German |
Short answers to frequently asked questions. |
Short answers to frequently asked questions.
Full answer is here: https://datahub.io/docs/about
Shortly, DataHub is a place where people can:
- find a lot of high-quality data
- store their own data
- share data with other people (colleagues, customers)
In the narrow sense data
is just files with records, e.g. CSV, xls, etc...
In the broad sense data
is a organized set of information. In that case we call it Data Package
, DataSet
, Package
Also data
is the name of our command line tool, that used to work with data packages and Data Hub.
So you can use the data program to get a data package with data files from the data hub.
Data Package or DataPackage or Dataset or Package are is the same thing in our context. It is a way of "packaging" up data - put the set of data files together with a special "metadata" file (also called 'descriptor'), that describes:
- name, title, source of the data set
- list of "resources" - data files presented in the package
- each resource file structure
- license
Data package also has a README.md
file, that contains a general description of the data package for humans.
This links would help you, too:
The descriptor is the central file in a Data Package. It provides:
- General metadata such as the package's title, license, publisher etc
- A list of the data "resources" that make up the package including their location on disk or online and other relevant information (including, possibly, schema information about these data resources in a structured form)
A Data Package descriptor MUST be a valid JSON object. (JSON is defined in RFC 4627). When the descriptor is available as a file it MUST be named datapackage.json
and it MUST be placed in the top-level directory (relative to any other resources provided as part of the data package).
Read the full descriptor specification here
Install our data
command line tool.
# go into the folder with your data
cd path/to/my/data
# create a data package
data init
# login on the DataHub (once)
data login
# push the data package
data push
# follow the online link `data push` has printed
Also you can read this guides:
- https://datahub.io/docs/data-packages/publish-faq
- https://datahub.io/docs/getting-started/publishing-data
- https://datahub.io/docs/getting-started/datapackage-find-prepare-share-guide
Q: What is the showcase page? A: It is a web-page that presents one particular data package, stored on the DataHub, e.g. http://datahub.io/core/finance-vix
Q: Will keywords property be used? A: keywords property from the descriptor are not used on the showcase page ATM
Q: Will description property in datapackage.json be used to populate the Showcase description? How does that relate to the Readme section?
- Yes, the showcase page description is populated from the description property in the datapackage.json.
- If the description property is not provided - it is populated from the Readme section.
- If the Readme property is not provided - it is populated from the
file from the package folder, when you rundata init
Q: Will homepage property be used? I'm using it to link back to the original dataset page on UKDS.
- Showing the homepage property is in our roadmap: datahubio/datahub#221
- we also show the link from
Q: Will additional admin tools be available for the Showcase page? A: we are going to implement 'delete' and some other functions, and probably we'll make an admin page for these.
Q: Currently page is 'unlisted', is there a way to change this to 'public'?
A: You have to republish your data with data push --public
Q: Are my datasets listed anywhere, I can't see my 'unlisted' datasets on my profile page or dashboard. A: We have fixed this bug, so: You can see your 'unlisted' datasets on the profile page and dashboard.
Yes, please contact us via [email protected] or https://gitter.im/datahubio/chat
This feature is in the roadmap: