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PiNspawn GitHub Action

GitHub action to use systemd-nspawn to run commands in a (un)booted container on a Raspberry Pi SD card image

systemd-nspawn is used to run commands in a light-weight namespace container, like chroot but with full virtualization of the file system hierarchy, the process tree, the various IPC subsystems, and the host and domain name. It can also be used to boot the image's init program (which is usually systemd) as an OS; this action makes it easy to run a set of shell commands whether or not the OS is booted in the container.

Note that currently only unbooted containers work correctly on GitHub's new hosted arm64 runners; booted containers spontaneously initiate shutdown as soon as the system boot sequence reaches the login prompt. Maybe that's a bug which will magically go away after the hosted arm64 runners exit public preview (this is wishful thinking). For now, if you want to start or interact with the Docker daemon inside a container on an arm64 runner, you will need instantiate the container with the CAP_NET_ADMIN capability (to make iptables work) and then manually start both containerd (by launching /usr/bin/containerd) and the Docker daemon (by launching /usr/bin/dockerd). See the example listed below for an illustration of this.

Basic Usage Examples

Run shell commands as root

- name: Install and run cowsay
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    run: |
      apt-get update
      apt-get install -y cowsay
      /usr/games/cowsay 'I am running in a light-weight namespace container!'

Run shell commands in a specific shell

- name: Run in Python
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    shell: python
    run: |
      import platform

      for word in reversed(['!', platform.python_version(), 'Python', 'in', 'running', 'am', 'I']):
        print(word, end=' ')

Run shell commands as the pi user

- name: Run without root permissions
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    user: pi
    shell: sh
    run: |
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install -y figlet
      figlet -f digital "I am $USER in $SHELL!"

Run an external script directly, with the shell selected by its shebang line

- name: Make a script on the host
  uses: 1arp/[email protected]
    content: |
      #!/usr/bin/env -S bash -eux
      figlet -f digital "I am $USER in $SHELL!"

- name: Make the script executable
  run: chmod a+x

- name: Run script directly
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    args: --bind "$(pwd)":/run/external
    user: pi
    shell: /run/external/

Run shell commands with one or more bind mounts from the host OS

- name: Make a bootloader configuration snippet
  uses: 1arp/[email protected]
    file: boot-config.snippet
    content: |
      # Enable support for the RV3028 RTC

- name: Modify bootloader configuration
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    args: --bind "$(pwd)":/run/external
    run: |
      cat /run/external/boot-config.snippet >> /boot/config.txt
      cp /boot/config.txt /run/external/boot.config

- name: Print the bootloader config
  run: cat boot.config

Run shell commands in a booted container

Note: the system in the container will shut down after the specified commands finish running.

- name: Analyze systemd boot process
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    args: --bind "$(pwd)":/run/external
    boot: true
    run: |
      while ! systemd-analyze 2>/dev/null; do
        echo "Waiting for boot to finish..."
        sleep 5
      systemd-analyze critical-chain | cat
      systemd-analyze blame | cat
      systemd-analyze plot > /run/external/bootup-timeline.svg
      echo "Done!"

- name: Upload the bootup timeline to Job Artifacts
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
    name: bootup-timeline
    path: bootup-timeline.svg
    if-no-files-found: error
    overwrite: true

Interact with Docker in an unbooted container

Note: this example will only work if you run it in the ubuntu-22.04-arm runner; trying to run it on ubuntu-24.04-arm results in an error when dockerd tries to start (failed to start daemon: Devices cgroup isn't mounted).

- name: Install Docker
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    run: |
      export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
      apt-get update
      apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl
      install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
      curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
      chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
      echo \
        "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \ \
        $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" \
        > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
      apt-get update
      apt-get install -y \
        docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

- name: Pull a Docker container image
  uses: ethanjli/[email protected]
    image: rpi-os-image.img
    args: --capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN
    run: |
      #!/bin/bash -eux

      /usr/bin/containerd &
      sleep 5
      /usr/bin/dockerd &
      sleep 10

      docker image pull hello-world
      docker image ls

Usage Options


Input Allowed values Required? Description
image file path yes Path of the image to use for the container.
args systemd-nspawn options/args no (default ``) Options, args, and/or a command to pass to systemd-nspawn.
shell ``, bash, `sh`, `python`, etc. no (default ``) The shell to use for running commands.
run shell commands no (default ``) Commands to run in the shell.
user name of user in image no (default root) The user to run commands as.
boot false, true no (default false) Boot the image's init program (usually systemd) as PID 1.
run-service file path no (default ``) systemd service to run shell with the run commands.
  • image must be the path of an unmounted raw disk image (such as a Raspberry Pi OS SD card image), where partition 2 should be mounted as the root filesystem (i.e. /) and partition 1 should be mounted to /boot.

  • args can be a list of command-line options/arguments for systemd-nspawn. You should not set the --user or --boot flags here; instead, you should set the user and boot action inputs.

  • If run is not left empty, shell will be used to execute commands specified in the run input. You can use built-in shell keywords, or you can define a custom set of shell options. The shell command that is run internally executes a temporary file that contains the commands to run, like in GitHub Actions. Please refer to the GitHub Actions semantics of the shell keyword of job steps for details about the behavior of this action's shell input.

    If you just want to run a single script, you can leave run empty and provide that script as the shell input. However, you will need to set the appropriate permissions on the script file.

  • If boot is enabled, this action will use systemd-nspawn to automatically search for an init program in the image (typically systemd) and invoke it as PID 1, instead of a shell.

    • The provided run commands will be triggered by a temporary system service defined with the following template (unless you specify a different service file template using the run-service input):

      Description=Run commands in booted OS
      ExecStart=bash -c "\
        su - {user} -c '{command}; echo $? | tee {result}'; \
        echo Shutting down...; \
        shutdown now \
      " &

      This service file template has string interpolation applied to the following strings:

      • {user} will be replaced with the value of the action's user input.
      • {command} will be replaced with a command to run your specified run commands using your specified shell
      • {result} will be replaced with the path of a temporary file whose contents will be checked after the container finishes running to determine whether the command finished successfully (in which case the file should be the string 0); this file is interpreted as holding a return code.
    • If this flag is enabled, then any arguments specified as the command line in args are used as arguments for the init program, i.e. systemd-nspawn will be invoked like systemd-nspawn --boot {args}.