title: Stay Static - Build Single-Page Static (Web)Sites w/ the Great Gatsby
- Hello, Gatsby!
- Gatsby Stay Static Sample Site - Posts, Pages, Datafiles
- Markdown Madness - Markdown Extensions n Goodies
- Universal ("Isomorphic") HTML Components (Templates) in React w/ JSX
- Inside Gatsby - Building Blocks - React, Webpack, and Friends
- Demo - Go Live - Free (Static) Site Hosting Options
- Why Static?
- Thanks - Stay Static
The Biggies (PHP Rules!)
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla!
On your live production site requires
- database (e.g. mysql)
- application server (e.g. mod_php)
- web server (e.g. apache)
On every request - (re)builds the page on-the-fly e.g. queries the database, runs scripts, merges templates, etc.
On your live production site requires
web server (e.g. apache, ngnix, etc.) only
NO database needed
NO application server needed
Note: You can even go "server-less" e.g. host your site on a web service e.g. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).
You build the complete site, that is, all pages "ahead-of-time" on a "build" machine. You will end-up with a bunch of (static) ready-to-use HTML, CSS and JS files (*). Upload to production site and you're live w/ a kind of "super cache".
(*) and media files e.g. graphics, music recordings, etc.
The Biggies in 1999
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Microsoft FrontPage
- Netscape Composer
And today?
by Kyle Mathews et al (★3 071) -
github: gatsbyjs/gatsby
Why not build (another) blog w/ React.js in 5 minutes? The world's 1st Gatsby site?
Bricolage (web: bricolage.io, github: KyleAMathews/blog) - a blog written by Kyle Mathews who lives and works in San Francisco building useful things.
- Books
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- etc.
Q: The Great Gatsby by ____ ?
- [ A ] Robert Louis Stevenson
- [ B ] Francis Scott Fitzgerald
- [ C ] Stephen Edwin King
- [ D ] Kyle A Mathews
Q: Last Update In (Static Since) ______ ?
- [ A ] 1855
- [ B ] 1885
- [ C ] 1925
- [ D ] 2015
The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author Francis Scott Fitzgerald ... a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties ...
(Source: Wikipedia - The Great Gatsby)
Gatsby is a JavaScript package using Webpack, React, React-Router, Markdown and more to let you build static (web)sites. Use npm to install e.g.:
$ npm install -g gatsby
$ gatsby -h
$ gatsby -h
gatsby [command] [options]
Available Commands:
new [rootPath] [starter] Create new Gatsby project.
develop [options] Start development server. Watches files and rebuilds and hot reloads
if something changes
build [options] Build a Gatsby project.
serve-build [options] Serve built site.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
See the Gatsby Quick Reference (Cheat Sheet)
- Simple blog
- Simple documentation site
- Kitchen sink demo site (default)
To get started use:
$ gatsby new blog https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog
Basically the same as:
$ git clone https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog
$ cd gatsby-starter-blog
$ npm install
To test drive use:
$ gatsby develop
And open the browser. Voila.
Shows how-to-use:
- Posts (e.g. Blog News 'n' Updates Posts Sorted by Date)
- Pages (e.g. About Page)
- Datafiles (e.g. Links 'n' Bookmarks)
No. 1 Selling Point - Hot (!) Reloading - Thanks to Webpack
Works for:
- React Web Components (Templates)
- Your Writing (in Markdown) e.g. Posts / Pages
- Styles
- Configuration in config.toml e.g. Site Title, Author Name, etc.
Does NOT Work for:
- Adding New Files (Requires Server Restart - Sorry.)
│ config.toml
| html.js
| package.json
│ Footer.js
│ Header.js
│ LinkList.js
│ PostList.js
| style.css
| links.js
| | 404.md
| | index.js
| | _template.js
| ├───pages/
| | about.md
| └───posts/
| 2014-11-11-new-repo-maps.md
| 2014-12-12-new-build-system.md
| 2015-08-25-new-season.md
| _template.js
(Source: staystatic/gatsby
YAML + Markdown
title: "beer.db - New Repo /maps - Free 'Full-Screen' Interactive Beer Maps w/ Brewery Listings"
date: 2015-08-25
layout: post
path: "/posts/new-repo-maps/"
The beer.db project - offering free public domain beer, brewery
and brewpubs data - added a new repo, that is, `/maps`
for hosting 'full-screen' interactive beer maps with brewery listings.
See an example [beer map for Austria](http://openbeer.github.io/maps/at)
(~200 breweries n brewpubs) live or
[check the source](https://github.com/openbeer/maps) using the mapbox.js mapping library.
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/pages/posts/new-repo-maps.md
YAML + Markdown
title: About
path: "/about/"
Gatsby Static Site Sample. Shows how to use:
1. Pages (see `pages/pages/about.md`)
2. Posts (see `pages/posts/*.md`)
3. Custom Content Types (see `data/links.js`)
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/pages/pages/about.md
markdown-it ★1 858 by Vitaly Puzrin, Alex Kocharin et al (github: markdown-it/markdown-it)
Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
Extensions / Goodies Include:
- Tables
- Fenced Code Blocks ("GitHub"-Style)
- Footnotes
- And Much more
Feature | Gatsby
------------------------ | ------------
Settings / Configuration | TOML
Front Matter / Meta Data | YAML
Datafiles | JavaScript
HTML Templates | JSX
HTML "Shortcodes" | Markdown
Feature | Gatsby |
Settings / Configuration | TOML |
Front Matter / Meta Data | YAML |
Datafiles | JavaScript |
HTML Templates | JSX |
HTML "Shortcodes" | Markdown |
// Enable everything
var md = require('markdown-it')({
html: true,
linkify: true,
typographer: true,
This is a footnote.[^1]
[^1]: the footnote text.
This is a footnote. 1
- the footnote text. ↩
Datafile - JavaScript
// Links 'n' Bookmarks
export default [
{ title: "football.db - Open Football Data",
url: "https://github.com/openfootball" },
{ title: "beer.db - Open Beer, Brewery 'n' Brewpub Data",
url: "https://github.com/openbeer" },
{ title: "world.db - Open World Data",
url: "https://github.com/openmundi" }
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/data/links.js
Templates - React HTML Web Components
class LinkList extends React.Component {
render() {
const {links} = this.props;
return (
{links.map( link => <li><a href={link.url}>{link.title}</a></li> )}
// Use like:
// <LinkList links={links}/>
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/components/LinkList.js
import { Link } from 'react-router'
import { prefixLink } from 'gatsby-helpers'
class PostList extends React.Component {
render () {
const {posts} = this.props;
return (
{posts.map( post => <li><Link to={prefixLink(post.path)}>{post.data.title}</Link></li> )}
// Use like:
// <PostList posts={posts}/>
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/components/PostList.html
Templates - React HTML Web Components
import Header from 'components/Header'
import Footer from 'components/Footer'
class MasterTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/pages/_templates.js
class Footer extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div id="footer">
A <a href="http://staystatic.github.io">Stay Static</a> Sample Site
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/components/Footer.js
import { Link } from 'react-router'
import { prefixLink } from 'gatsby-helpers'
import { config } from 'config'
class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div id="header">
<table style={{width: "100%"}}>
<Link to={prefixLink('/')}>{ config.siteTitle }</Link>
<td style={{textAlign: "right"}}>
<Link to={prefixLink('/about/')}>About</Link>
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/components/Header.js
siteTitle = "Gatsby Stay Static Site Sample"
linkPrefix = "/sites/gatsby"
(Source: staystatic/gatsby/config.toml
- | Gatsby |
GitHub Stars (+1s) | ★3 071 |
- | - |
Settings / Configuration | TOML |
HTML Templates | React |
. Layouts | React |
. Includes | React |
Front Matter / Meta Data | YAML |
Datafiles | JavaScript |
CSS Preprocessing | PostCSS etc. |
HTML "Shortcodes" | Markdown |
$ gatsby build
results in
Generating CSS
Generating Static HTML
Compiling production bundle.js
Copying assets
File Structure in /public
| 404.html
| bundle.js
| bundle.js.map
| index.html
| styles.css
| index.html
| index.html
| index.html
- GitHub Pages -- use git push
- GitLab Pages -- use git push
- Surge.sh -- go live with six keystrokes - s u r g e [ENTER]
- Google Firebase (Free Tier)
- And Many More
Fast, Faster, Fastest
Simple, Simpler, Simplest
Pretty, Prettier, Prettiest
- e.g. designer nirvana - do-it-yourself - full control over your design; use Bootstrap, Material, or what not.
Bonus: Secure e.g. just a bunch of (static) files on your server.
Some Articles:
- Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing by Mathias Biilmann Christensen, Nov 2015; Smashing Magazine
- Seven Reasons to Use a Static Site Generator by Craig Buckler, March 2016; Site Point
- Nine Reasons Your Site Should Be Static by Aaron Autrand, May 2016; Netlify
- Five Bullshit Reasons Not to Use a Static Generator
by Aaron Autrand, May 2016; Netlify
- I want good SEO!
- Updating content is too hard! I can't use a CMS!
- There's no way for users to interact with my content!
- There are too many choices!
- It takes too long to set up!
Stay Static Sample Sites (Showcase)
Stay Up-To-Date - Follow Along
- For Vienna.html News => Follow @viennahtml
- For Static Site News => Follow @statictimes
- For Writing in Plain Text w/ Markdown News => Follow @manuscriptsnews
Phenomic (web: phenomic.io, github: MoOx/phenomic) ★823 by Maxime Thirouin et al
Leo (github: superawesomelabs/leo) ★15 by Christopher Biscardi et al
And others.