title: Build (Online) Books and Documentation w/ Octobook Themes and the Jekyll (Static) Website Compiler
- What's a Jekyll Theme?
- What's Dr Jekyll's?
- Jekyll Themes 'n' GitHub Pages
- What's the Jekyll Remote Theme Plugin
- Jekyll Remote Theme In Action Example - Ruby Habits
- What's Octobook?
- Three Octobook Real-World Examples
- World Classics
- Project Documentation
- Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf
- Three Octobook Real-World Examples
A Jekyll theme is a bundle of ready-to-use (ready-to-fork) layout templates, design styles, include building blocks and more for your next Jekyll website. See https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes.
- Minima (Default Starter Theme)
- Primer (Default GitHub Pages Theme)
- Academic Pages
- Henry's Starter
- Henry's Bootstrap
- Zeppelin (Conference Event Theme)
- and many many more
Dr Jekyll's Themes :-). 200+ free, open source ready-to-use (ready-to-fork) themes.
See https://drjekyllthemes.github.io.
Only 12+2 official white-listed (gem-packaged) themes supported with "(auto-)magic" GitHub Pages build pipeline. See https://pages.github.com/themes, https://pages.github.com/versions and https://github.com/pages-themes.
- Minima (Default Starter Theme)
- Primer (Default GitHub Pages Theme)
Architect • Cayman • Dinky • Hacker • Leap day • Merlot • Midnight • Minima • Minimal • Modernist • Slate • Tactile • Time machine
Yes! Use any GitHub repo as a Jekyll theme! See https://github.com/benbalter/jekyll-remote-theme.
Step 1 - Add the plugin to your config(uration)
- jekyll-remote-theme
Step 2 - Add the github repo
remote_theme: benbalter/retlab
That's it!
Ruby Habits - see https://github.com/RubyHabits/rubyhabits.github.io and live https://rubyhabits.github.io/.
Uses Minimal Mistakes by Michael Rose
How does it work?
- jekyll-remote-theme
remote_theme: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
Ready-to-use - surprise, surprise - book themes. See https://github.com/octobook.
- octobook/book-classics-theme
- octobook/book-2017-theme
- octobook/book-2018-theme
Note: Book == (user) manual == (project) documentation ...
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886), see http://worldclassics.github.io/dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde.
- jekyll-remote-theme
remote_theme: octobook/book-classics-theme
Step 1: Add (structured) text files with formatting in markdown - kramdown, really ;-)
Step 2: Add book.yml
- Book (Meta) Info and (Table of) Contents
title: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
year: 1886
name: Robert Louis Stevenson
- title: Story of the Door
path: 01.md
- title: Search for Mr. Hyde
path: 02.md
- title: Dr. Jekyll was Quite at Ease
path: 03.md
Step 3: Add book page - dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde.html
layout: book_classics
book: dr_jekyll_and_mr_hyde ## book id used for site.data[ page.book ] lookups
That's it.
- Slideshow (S9) - Write Your Slides in Plain Text w/ Markdown Formatting Conventions, see http://slideshow-s9.github.io.
- Pluto - Planet (Static) Website Generator - Auto-Build Web Pages From Published Web Feeds, see http://feedreader.github.io.
- jekyll-remote-theme
remote_theme: octobook/book-2018-theme
Step 1: Add (structured) text files with formatting in markdown - kramdown, really ;-)
Step 2: Add book.yml
- Book (Meta) Info and (Table of) Contents
title: Slide Show (S9) Guide (Book Edition)
subtitle: Write Your Slides in Plain Text w/ Markdown Formatting Conventions
name: Gerald Bauer, et al
- title: 1. What's Slide Show (S9)?
path: index.md
- title: What's Slide Show (S9)?
- title: Getting Started in 1-2-3 Easy Steps
- title: 2. Settings, Tips, Tricks and More
path: more.md
- title: How To Fetch New Template Packages?
- title: How To Fetch New Template Packs Using git?
- title: How To List All Installed Template Packages?
Step 3: Add book page - index.html
layout: book
book: slideshow ## book id used for site.data[ page.book ] lookups
That's it.
Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf - Free (Online) Books about Ruby & Friends, see http://yukimotopress.github.io.
Titles include:
- Programming Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains
- FizzBuzz (1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz,...) by Example - There's More Than One Way To Do It
- Hoe Developer's Guide - Build, Package and Publish Gems with Rake Tasks - Ready-to-Use Build Scripts
- Gem Series ++ Project Automation & Database Documentation Tools
- Gem Series ++ Web Services (HTTP JSON APIs) the Modern Micro Way
- and more
- jekyll-remote-theme
remote_theme: octobook/book-2018-theme