<!-- cSpell:ignore deining docsy gitmodules gtag lookandfeel mhchem navs tabpane --> # Changelog We only document **breaking changes** and release **highlights** in this page. For the full list of changes of any particular release, see the [release notes][releases]. Useful links: - [Releases] & [tags]. Jump to the [latest] release. - [Milestones] [24Q1]: https://github.com/google/docsy/milestone/10 [latest]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/latest [milestones]: https://github.com/google/docsy/milestones [releases]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases [tags]: https://github.com/google/docsy/tags ## 0.9.0 > ### UNRELEASED: this planned version is still under development. For the full list of changes, see the [0.9.0] release notes. **Breaking changes**: - **[Repository Links]** now work for [multi-language] sites ([#1744]). For any given page, repository links are now computed from a page's _resolved_ `File` path — as resolved _through_ mount points, if any. That is, the path used is the one that refers to the file's actual location on disk, not it's logical path in Hugo's [union file system]. This is a breaking change for pages of sites that use mounts and [path_base_for_github_subdir]. Projects will need to adjust the value of [path_base_for_github_subdir] to be relative to the file's physical location. - Class names to disable [repository links] were misnamed with a suffix of the form `--KIND`. The new suffix is `__KIND`. For details, see [Disabling links]. - **Heading self-link** support has been reimplemented and projects must now explicitly enable the feature. For details, see [Heading self links]. Docsy has switched to build-time generation of heading self links using Hugo's `render-heading.html` [hook], in favor of client-side rendering via `assets/js/anchor.js` — which has been dropped ([#1460]). **Footer changes**: refactoring, for easier customization, and simplification. For details concerning all footer changes, see [#1818]. - **Footer layout** has been factored into parts: _left_, _right_, and _center_, with _copyright_ a subpart of center. Each part has its own style tag, for example: `td-footer__left`. Note that the style `td-footer__copyright-etc` has been renamed to `td-footer__center`. - **Footer copyright**, supports date-range, and site copyright fallback. - Hugo config option `params.copyright`, previously a string, can now also be a map with the following optional fields: `authors`, `from_year`, `to_year`. When unset, `to_year` defaults to the year that the site built. The default `authors` is "Site Authors" and this field is rendered as markdown. - If `params.copyright` is unset, then the [site `copyright`] option will be used and rendered as markdown, "as is" — with no year is added. - **Footer simplification** - The About-page footer link is now hidden by default. To enable this link, set `.params.ui.footer_about_enable` to true in your project's configuration file. Parameter `.params.ui.footer_about_disable` is deprecated. - The All-rights-reserved text is hidden by default. To make it visible, add the following to your `_styles_project.scss` [project style file], or delete the `"footer_all_rights_reserved"` [language parameter] for all your site's languages: ```scss .td-footer__all_rights_reserved { display: inline; } ``` **Other changes**: - **[blocks/feature] shortcode** no longer adds ellipsis (`...`) after the read-more text. If you would like to recover the ellipsis, then add them to the `"ui_read_more"` [language parameter] for your site's languages ([#1820]). - The latest release of **[Mermaid] resources** are fetched at build time ([#1410]). - Docsy follows recommended accessibility practice: page-body **links are underlined**. For details, see [#1814] and [#1815]. [0.9.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/latest?FIXME=v0.9.0 [#1410]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1410 [#1460]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1460 [#1744]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1744 [#1814]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1814 [#1815]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1815 [#1818]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1818 [#1820]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1820 [blocks/feature]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/shortcodes/#blocksfeature [disabling links]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/repository-links/#disabling-links [Heading self links]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/navigation/#heading-self-links [mermaid]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/diagrams-and-formulae/#diagrams-with-mermaid [multi-language]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/language/ [path_base_for_github_subdir]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/repository-links/#path_base_for_github_subdir-optional [project style file]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/lookandfeel/#project-style-files [hook]: https://gohugo.io/templates/render-hooks/ [language parameter]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/language/#internationalization-bundles [Repository Links]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/repository-links/ [site `copyright`]: https://gohugo.io/methods/site/copyright/ [union file system]: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/directory-structure/#union-file-system ## 0.8.0 For the full list of changes, see the [0.8.0] release notes. **Breaking changes**: - Docsy is packaged as a **single Hugo module** ([#1120]). - For details, see [Use Docsy as a Hugo Module]. - **Important**: non-Hugo-module projects should read the [Docsy NPM install side-effect] note. - **Page feedback**, or [User feedback]: - In support of projects configuring analytics outside of Docsy, feedback functionality is enabled regardless of whether `site.Config.Services.GoogleAnalytics.ID` is set ([#1727]). - Feedback-event attribute changes ([#1726]): - Event `name` is `page_helpful`rather than`click` - Event `value` for "yes" is 100 by default, rather than 1, allowing for more response options in the future. To override the default set `params.ui.feedback.max_value`. - SCSS: `@function prepend()` and file `assets/scss/support/_functions.scss` have been dropped. Instead use the more general SASS/SCSS list `join()` function ([#1385]). [#1120]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1120 [#1385]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1385 [#1726]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1726 [#1727]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1727 [0.8.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.8.0 [Docsy NPM install side-effect]: https://docsy.dev/docs/get-started/other-options/#docsy-npm-install-side-effect [Use Docsy as a Hugo Module]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/get-started/docsy-as-module/ [User feedback]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/feedback/#user-feedback ## 0.7.2 For the full list of changes, see the [0.7.2] release notes. We mention some noteworthy changes here: - **Algolia** - [#1651] DocSearch fixed for mobile and for sites with two search boxes (in the top and left navs). - [#1662] DocSearch is supported by Docsy through site config. - For details, see [Algolia DocSearch]. - **[Tabbed panes]**: - `persistLang` is deprecated, use `persist` instead - Persistence is enabled by default (independent of the old `persistLang` parameter value) ; to disable use `persist=disabled` - Various fixes and enhancements, with more to come; for details, see [#1641] and [Tabbed panes]. - **Left-nav**, and **right-nav** (TOC + page meta): spacing issues have been resolved; for details, see [#1661]. [#1641]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1641 [#1651]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1651 [#1661]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1661 [#1662]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1662 [0.7.2]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.7.2 [Algolia DocSearch]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/search/#algolia-docsearch [Tabbed panes]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/shortcodes/#tabbed-panes ## 0.7.1 For the full list of changes, see the [0.7.1] release notes. Followup changes to **Bootstrap (BS) 5.2 upgrade** ([#470]): - `td-blog-posts-list__item` and `td-blog-posts-list__body` replace the `.media` and `.media-body` classes, dropped by BS 5 [#1560]. - Docsy test for Bootstrap version has been made more robust, and can be disabled. For details, see [#1579]. [#1560]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1560 [#1579]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1579 [0.7.1]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.7.1 ## 0.7.0 For the full list of changes, see the [0.7.0] release notes. **New**: - **Click to copy button for Chroma-highlighted code blocks**: If you already implemented this functionality on your website, you can disable it. For details see [Chroma highlighting docs][chroma-docsy]. **Breaking changes:** - [**Hugo** release][hugo-releases] **0.110.0** or later is required. - **Upgraded Bootstrap ([#470])** to v5.2. For a list of Bootstrap's breaking changes, see the [Bootstrap migration page][bsv5mig]. Docsy-specific changes: - Clean up of unused, or rarely used, variables, functions, and mixins: - Dropped `$primary-light` - Dropped `color-diff()` - Dropped `bg-gradient-variant()` mixin ([#1369]) - Docsy's RTL support has been removed because it is incompatible with BSv5. For progress on the reintroduction of RTL support, see [#1442]. - **Shortcodes**: - Now using Hugo's native support for processing HTML & markdown, not file extension testing. ([#906]) - Dropped support for pre-Hugo-0.54.x behavior of `{{% %}}`. ([#939]) - `blocks/section`: **default** and accepted values of the `type` argument have changed! For details see [blocks/section] ([#1472]). - **Card shortcodes** ([#1376])]: - Renamed CSS class `td-card-deck` to `td-card-group`. - `card`, `card-code`: markup of inner content (HTML/markdown) now depends on the syntax of the calling shortcode, not on extension of page file any more [#906]. - `card-code` is deprecated; use `card` with named parameter `code=true` instead. [chroma-docsy]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/lookandfeel/#code-highlighting-with-chroma - **Detection of draw.io diagrams** is now **disabled** by default [#1185] **Other changes**: - `$list-inline-padding` is increased in support of footer icons ([#1523]). If this global adjustment is a problem for your project, let us know and we can contextualize the adjustment to the footer. - Non-breaking changes that result from the Bootstrap v5 upgrade: - Draw.io diagram edit button: replaced custom colors by BS's outline primary. [#1185]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1185 [#1369]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1369 [#1376]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1369 [#1442]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1442 [#1472]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1472 [#1523]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1523 [#470]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/470 [#906]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/906 [#939]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/939 [0.7.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.7.0 [blocks/section]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/shortcodes/#blockssection [bsv5mig]: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/migration/ [hugo-releases]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases ## 0.6.0 For the full list of changes, see the [0.6.0] release notes. With this release we declare a feature freeze while we migrate to the newest Bootstrap version. See [the announcement][bs-announcement] for more information. **New**: - **Simplified use of mermaid diagrams**: when using a `mermaid` code block on your page, mermaid is now automatically enabled (needs hugo version >= 0.93.0). For existing sites build with hugo 0.93.0+, parameter `mermaid.enable` can be removed from site config. - **Add render hook for chem code blocks**: add auto-activation of `math` and `chem` blocks via KateX and mhchem. Support for formula rendering activation on individual pages only. Hugo version >= 0.93.0 required. [0.6.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.6.0 [bs-announcement]: https://github.com/google/docsy/discussions/1308 ## 0.5.1 For the full list of changes, see the [0.5.1] release notes. **BREAKING CHANGES** are documented below. **After you update** your project's Docsy: - Update your project setup (see [0.4.0]) if you haven't already. - Run `npm install`. **New**: - Projects can now install and use [Docsy as an NPM package]. **Breaking changes**: - **Tabbed panes, text display**. By default, the content of a tab inside a tabbed pane is shown as code. As of version 0.4 of the shortcode, you can add the parameter `code=false` to your `tabpane` or `tab` shortcode in order to render tab content(s) as text (markdown or html). As of version 0.5 the name of this parameter was changed, we now use `text=true` in order to mark content as text. - **Display logo by default**. Most projects show their logo in the navbar. In support of this majority, Docsy now displays a logo by default. For details on how to hide the logo (or your brand name), see [Styling your project logo and name]. - **Upgraded Bootstrap** to v4.6.2 from v4.6.1, resulting in some style changes (such as an adjustment in the size of `small`). For details, see [v4.6.2 release notes]. - **[Upgraded FontAwesome]** to v6 from v5. While many icons were renamed, the v5 names still work. For details about icon renames and more, see [What's changed]. - **Search-box**: the HTML structure and class names have changed, due to the Font Awesome upgrade, for both online and offline search. This may affect your project if you have overridden search styling or scripts. **Other changes**: - By default, Docsy now uses the [gtag.js] analytics library for all site tags. For details, see [Adding Analytics > Setup]. [0.5.1]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.5.1 [adding analytics > setup]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/feedback/#setup [v4.6.2 release notes]: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/tag/v4.6.2 [docsy as an npm package]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/get-started/other-options/#option-3-docsy-as-an-npm-package [gtag.js]: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10220869 [styling your project logo and name]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/lookandfeel/#styling-your-project-logo-and-name [upgraded fontawesome]: https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/setup/upgrade/ [what's changed]: https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/setup/upgrade/whats-changed ## 0.5.0 Unpublished. ## 0.4.0 For the full list of changes, see the [0.4.0] release notes. Potential **BREAKING CHANGES** are documented below. **After you update** your project's Docsy, run `npm install`. ### Update your project setup If your project uses Docsy as follows: - [Hugo Module], then this change doesn't impact you. - For [other Docsy setups], this is a **BREAKING CHANGE** -- read on. Docsy now fetches Bootstrap and FontAwesome as NPM packages rather than git submodules. This has an impact on your project-build setup. To migrate your site, follow these steps (execute commands from your project's root directory): 1. Delete obsolete Docsy Git submodules: ```sh git rm themes/docsy/assets/vendor/Font-Awesome git rm themes/docsy/assets/vendor/bootstrap ``` These commands remove the submodules from Git's tracking, from the `.gitmodules` file, and deletes the submodule files under `themes/docsy/assets/vendor`. 2. Get Docsy dependencies: ```sh (cd themes/docsy && npm install) ``` 3. Update your build scripts to fetch Docsy dependencies automatically. For example, if your site build uses NPM scripts, consider getting Docsy dependencies via a [prepare] script as follows: ```json { "name": "my-website", "scripts": { "prepare": "cd themes/docsy && npm install", "...": "..." }, "...": "..." } ``` 4. (Optional) Build script cleanup. If your project uses Docsy as a git submodule, Docsy updates no longer require the `--recursive` flag when running `git submodule update`. Consider dropping the flag if you have no other recursive git submodules. Proceed as usual to build or serve your site. [0.4.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.4.0 [hugo module]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/get-started/docsy-as-module/ [other docsy setups]: https://www.docsy.dev/docs/get-started/other-options/ [prepare]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/using-npm/scripts#prepare-and-prepublish ## 0.3.0 For the full list of changes, see the [0.3.0] release notes. **Breaking changes**: - Upgrade to [Algolia DocSearch v3](https://docsearch.algolia.com/docs/DocSearch-v3). If your site uses the deprecated DocSearch v2, you must [update your DocSearch code](https://docsearch.algolia.com/docs/migrating-from-v2). - (**Edit**) [#1009] inadvertently changed the base [Bootstrap styles for cards][bs4cards], as well as the Docsy `highlight` style. For details, see [issue #1154]. Release [0.5.1] includes a fix. [0.3.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.3.0 [bs4cards]: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/components/card/ [#1009]: https://github.com/google/docsy/pull/1009 [issue #1154]: https://github.com/google/docsy/issues/1154 ## 0.2.0 For the full list of changes, see the [0.2.0] release notes. **New**: - Add official Docsy support for [Hugo modules]. Many thanks to the dedicated and patient efforts of [@deining], who researched, experimented, and implemented this feature. Thanks to [@deining] and [@LisaFC] for the doc updates. For details, see [Migrate to Hugo Modules](https://www.docsy.dev/docs/updating/convert-site-to-module/). [@deining]: https://github.com/deining [@lisafc]: https://github.com/LisaFC [0.2.0]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/v0.2.0 [hugo modules]: https://gohugo.io/hugo-modules/ <!-- ENTRY TEMPLATE ------------------------------------------------------ ## 0.X.Y > ### UNRELEASED: this planned version is still under development. For the full list of changes, see the [0.x.y] release notes. **Breaking changes**: - ... **New**: **Other changes**: [0.x.y]: https://github.com/google/docsy/releases/latest?FIXME=v0.X.Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------------->