- improved: Upgraded the minimum runtime JavaScript target for all packages to ES2017.
- added: overlay features now auto-toggle based on edit layers visibility.
- improved: Enhanced balance between performance and view distance by optimizing grid size at very high pitch
- improved: Horizontal text positioning accuracy enhanced, especially with textAnchor enabled
- added: Icons/Images now support texture atlases up to 4096 pixels in size.
- added: collision detection now handles mixed tile sizes more effectively and supports tile sizes of 1024 and larger.
- added: Introduced singleWorldView option to control map view repetition on the horizontal and vertical axes, allowing control over one or both axes, or enabling infinite repetition.
- added: add adaptive tile loading to dynamically select larger tiles from higher zoom levels for distant areas, improving performance, rendering efficiency, and viewing distance for high pitch map views.
- fixed: prevent temporary incorrect scaling of 3D Models during tile preview
- fixed: address brief flashing issue in styles rendering requiring two alpha passes
- fixed: prevent potential brief preview tile flickering for clipped data sources
- fixed: clear providers after sending updates and fetch fresh data
- fixed: resolve excessive tile processing issue introduced in v0.40.0, boosting performance
- improved: Allow customization of default RangeSelector through enhanced overlay styles.
- added: introduce getSelectedFeature method to retrieve the currently selected feature.
- added: Introduced batch editing to group multiple feature modifications into a single history entry. See batch, startBatch, endBatch, Playground Example
- fixed: Highlighted crossings links are reset in all cases.
- fixed: Ensure RangeSelector fully supports custom Navlink/Line styles and correctly handles zLayer for proper layering.
- improved: refined depth clipping to enhance visual quality at high pitch angles
- improved: Prevent transparency rendering issues when handling clipped data with offsets larger than remote source tile bounds.
- added: Line dashes now support dynamic StyleExpressions with intermediate zoom level support.
- added: The dynamic coloring of the horizon is now possible with LayerStyle.skyColor, including support for gradients for smooth transitions from sky to horizon
- fixed: prevent the Compass UI from causing the map view to be reset in some cases with excessive applied rotation and tilt
- improved: Enhanced Provider.clear to support more flexible inputs, including bounding boxes and tiles.
- added: locally cached tiles can now be queried using TileProvider.getCachedTiles
- fixed: resolve incorrect module initialization in non-browser environments like Node.js
- fixed: resolve potential rendering artifacts for huge polygons in MVT datasources
- improved: Full support added for custom Navlink styles, which are now preserved and reapplied during re-rendering, such as in response to pointer events.
- fixed: Ensure EditRestrictions are evaluated during AreaShape drag operations
- fixed: ensure valid URL is used for all IMLProvider delete feature requests
- fixed: Ensure custom feature styles are fully respected when using StyleExpressions
- fixed: Ensure ClusterTileLayer properly clears and reclusters when the source data provider is cleared.
- added: Introduced a new lighting engine that enables advanced configuration at both the layer and style levels. For detailed setup instructions, refer to LayerStyle.lights. See Playground Example.
- added: Integrated specular lighting, shininess, and emissive properties for enhanced reflections and self-illumination. These features are applicable to various 3D styles, including extruded Polygons, Boxes, Spheres and Models.
- added: introduce fillIntensity to control color intensity of 3D styles under directional lighting
- added: Model Styles now support unclamped and extended texture coordinates.
- improved: Enhanced the visuals of Box edges for better clarity and detail.
- fixed: resolve 3D model loading issues in release builds
- fixed: ensure Shininess parameter in Wavefront OBJ materials correctly affects specular reflections
- fixed: Ensure the strokeWidth of Boxes is correctly rendered in all cases
- fixed: Trigger PointerEvents for Point Styles on Polygon geometries
- fixed: resolve slight text flickering during long animations
- improved: Modifying building footprints now works seamlessly even when shape points are covered by building extrusions.
- fixed: correctly edit 3D LineString geometry displayed as 2D due to styling.
- fixed: Resolved issue preventing translation of 3D buildings using the Transformer utility.
- added: LayerStyles can now be defined in pure JSON using StyleExpressions. See Playground Example.
- added: Enabled pointer event triggering for flat 2D geometry that is positioned below but rendered on top of 3D geometry.
- improved: Enhanced "opacity" and "strokeDasharray" style properties to support StyleZoomRanges for dynamic zoom-level-based rendering.
- fixed: resolve setBackgroundColor issue with StyleZoomRange or StyleValueFunction.
- fixed: ensure correct rotation and positioning of icons along all segments of LineStrings
- fixed: Resolved alpha blending issues for colors defined as RGBA arrays.
- added: Add LayerStyle.zLayer for fallback drawing order control when zLayer is not explicitly defined on the style.
- added: Introduce Layer methods setVisible(visible: boolean) and isVisible() for controlling and querying layer visibility directly, complementing LayerOptions.visible without modifying layer presence on the display.
- fixed: resolve packaging issue causing excessive artifact size
- fixed: In cases where a particularly large dataset is frequently updated, it could lead to the display of outdated data.
- fixed: The alpha blending of heatmaps has been corrected and is now functioning as intended.
- fixed: Pointerevents at intermediate zoom levels now activate accurately when used alongside StyleZoomRanges/StyleValueFunctions.
- improved: Ensured that all parameters are URL encoded for both "SpaceProvider" and "IMLProvider".
- added: The new ClusterTileLayer enables efficient client-side clustering of map-data from various sources, providing optimized clusters at each zoom level, supporting dynamic feature addition/removal and customizable property aggregation for tailored data summarization and display. Playground Example
- added: Introducing the "findPath" method for optimal client-side path finding on a GeoJSON road network supporting advanced options such as custom turn restrictions and weights.
- fixed: Custom request parameters utilizing arrays are now properly URL encoded for improved reliability
- fixed: In exceptionally rare instances, timing issues could cause inconsistent triggering of the 'ready' event.
- added: The "ignoreTileQueryLimit" option has been introduced to mitigate an excessive number of tile requests.
- improved: The anti-aliasing for lines using floating point widths has been enhanced.
- improved: In the visualization of clipped polygon outlines, the tile edges are excluded, regardless of whether the clipped geometry extends beyond the tile's boundaries.
- improved: The display quality of dashed lines has been improved.
- improved: An updated feature could experience a very brief flicker after changing the zoom level.
- added: The alpha blending has been revamped to enable the map to display with a transparent background, allowing the remaining browser content to show through behind it. See backgroundColor. (#90)
- added: In addition to pixels, dashed lines can now also be defined and displayed in meter units.
- added: It is now possible to combine Images/Icons with dashed line patterns by using strokeDashimage.
- added: Image/Icon styles now support the use of IconAtlases.
- added: By using textAnchor it is now possible to align the text relative to the anchor point.
- added: Introduced CollisionGroup which allows to define various CollisionGroups (multiple Styles grouped together that will be handled as a single collision object) within the same StyleGroup.
- added: LayerStyles backgroundColor now supports dynamic colors taking zoom level into account.
- added: Colors now support hexadecimal color strings with alpha and hexadecimal numbers as input.
- fixed: The triggering of pointer events for 3D point geometry was inconsistent across various scenarios.
- fixed: The tile preview is only partially displayed when zoomed out.
- fixed: In very rare cases, Chrome could cause text to be displayed offset.
- fixed: Using StrokeDashArray with very long lines could result in artifacts.
- fixed: Glitches that may have appeared on the edges of previewed raster tiles have been resolved.
- fixed: Issues with occasional tile preview display glitches have been fixed.
- improved: The createFeatureContainer function now accommodates multiple arrays of features as arguments. [fix #91]
- improved: The display of preview tiles has been optimized.
- improved: Tiles that are not part of the actual viewport but whose data is still visible due to the high altitude are now processed and displayed.
- added: A new HeatmapStyle has been introduced, which makes it possible to visualize density maps where the data density is displayed in different colors. Playground Example
- added: Point styles can now also be applied separately to line ranges with the anchor set to "Line".
- fixed: Tile previews of transparent point styles may flicker for a very brief moment
- fixed: Fixes an issue where tiles are only partially visible when the map is tilted at a steep angle.
- fixed: The Compass UI now works properly even when the map is heavily pitched.
- fixed: In rare cases, points may be offset if they lie exactly on a tile boundary.
- fixed: Region-based point styles with an explicitly defined altitude are not displayed if there is no altitude in the source geometry.
- added: It is now possible to select multiple LineShapes/NavlinkShapes and drag them simultaneously to change position. See: shape.select(), Playground
- improved: The RangeSelector utility now treats RangeMarkers that are exactly on top of each other as a valid zero-length range.
- improved: The RangeSelector utility now defines ranges with a precision of 9 decimal places.
- fixed: Dragging the VirtualShape of a Navlink feature with 3d coordinates can result in offset geometry
- fixed: Snapping Navlink shapes can fail when Navlink and Line features are mixed in the same layer source.
- fixed: Turn restrictions from 3D data may be misaligned when forcing a 2D display.
- fixed: For 3D Addresses/Places, the anchor line of routing points can be displayed incorrectly.
- fixed: The crossing tester utility used elevation even though 2D mode was enforced.
- improved: Features can now be at even higher altitudes before being clipped.
- improved: Text placed on 3D line geometry is now properly aligned.
- added: 3D models in Wavefront .obj format can now be placed and viewed on the map using ModelStyle.model
- added: Alpha support for 3D Models.
- added: 3D Models do now support ambient light, emissive light, specular highlights and normal-maps.
- fixed: Pointer events may fire incorrectly for high altitude Spheres
- fixed: Text placed on lines is now always rendered correctly.
- added: Tasks can now be paused during runtime and resumed at any point in time.
- added: Editing of 3D LineString geometry is now automatically enforced in 2D only when using 2D styling.
- added: The CrossingDetector utility now supports 3D line geometry and automatically switches between 2D and 3D modes based on the style used.
- fixed: The crossing tester utility detects too many crossings when used with 3d line geometry.
- fixed: Trigger pointerleave events for hovered features currently in submit process can fail
- improved: Improved rendering of intersecting 3D Icon-styles with transparency
- improved: The rendering of lines in 3D space has been improved
- added: New ModelStyles have been introduced that allow features to be displayed as 3D models including lighting support.
- added: Point and line styles can now be configured whether to scale their size based on the altitude. See: scaleByAltitude
- added: Altitude is now taken into account when projecting a geographic coordinate in pixels.
- fixed: Pointer events for 3d lines are now triggered correctly in intermediate zoom levels.
- fixed: Using range based line styling can, in rare cases, lead to a crash.
- fixed: Line ranges can be ignored if the start/end of the range is exactly on a line coordinate.
- fixed: If longitude exceeds 180 degrees, an incorrect tile may be displayed.
- fixed: Heavy workload/layer-setup may cause collision detection to crash
- fixed: Searching for rendered features at a specific pixel will fail if the layers are not explicitly passed
- fixed: Using custom margin was ignored when set via TileLayer constructor
- improved: Attempting to create an invalid feature using the drawing board now returns undefined.
- added: Full 3d geometry editing support for Navlink, Address and Place Features has been added.
- fixed: Pointerup now triggers correctly after selecting or dragging an address/place.
- improved: Improved near-plane clipping of features using altitude.
- improved: Pointer events for 2d point styles are now triggered "pixel perfect" in all cases.
- added: Support to integrate custom renderers into the map by using CustomLayer has been added.
- added: The map can now be pitched up to 85 degrees. see maxPitch.
- fixed: Text placed on line geometry without collision detection was not displayed correctly
- added: The ImageProvider can now be configured to display an errorImage for failing tile requests.
- added: Introduced remote preprocessor to enable custom data processing for remote image sources.
- added: The credentials of IMLProvider and SpaceProvider can now be updated at any time via provider.config({credentials: {...}})
- improved: The snapTolerance option is now taken into account for crossing detection.
- fixed: Navlinks may still have been highlighted even though the intersection was no longer selected.
- fixed: Altitude precision is reduced when restoring Navlink Features through a local undo operation.
- improved: Handling of missing image tile data has been improved.
- added: The camera (position) of the current view can now be retrieved using map.getCamera()
- fixed: Visualizing point styles on 3D polylines fails when used in combination with collision detection.
- fixed: 2D roads disappear when the map is pitch or rotated
- fixed: Text placed on a polyline might be upside down
- added: The ImageProvider supports images contained in a 404 status response.
- added: Box and Sphere styles now support Style.offsetX / Style.offsetY.
- added: All Point styles can now be offset along the z-axis. See: offset.
- added: It is now possible to specify the offset in pixels as well as meters for all point styles.
- added: Style of type "Image" can now be offset in meters
- fixed: Styled line segments of ring geometries were not rendered correctly.
- fixed: Pointerevents are now triggered correctly in all cases for 3d Point styles
- added: The height of buildings can now be changed by the user using mouse or touch gestures
- added: Support for custom set feature styles has been added and is respected when features require re-rendered due to editing operations.
- added: The RangeSelector is now more flexible and also be used with generic LineString geometry.
- fixed: In rare cases, stuttering could occur when dragging a RangeMarker.
- fixed: The Range Overlapping detection now also works with specific sides.
- fixed: Using the RangeSelector with circular topology has been improved.
- fixed: The local edit history was possibly not correct when dragging a ShapePoint from two connected Areas.
- fixed: dragging RangeMarkers when the map is rotated or pitched is now possible.
- fixed: Pointer-events for Point styles that use viewport alignment may not be triggered.
- added: Point Styles used with line geometry now supports line segments to allow for custom placement and styling. See: Style.from / Style.to
- fixed: The size of Spheres and Boxes is now displayed correctly in intermediate zoom levels.
- fixed: Pointer-events for styles of type "Sphere" and "Box" were not triggered correctly.
- added: The transformer utility has been updated and now provides proportional scaling, custom styling and improved rotation handling.
- added: EditorOptions can now be read and changed at runtime. See: editor.config
- added: The precision of the positioning of routing points can now be configured via "routingPointPrecision" option.
- added: The degree of simplification for drawn geometry can now be controlled via the "tolerance" option.
- fixed: The reference point on the ground is now displayed correctly.
- fixed: Improved handling of Marker features whose altitude is explicitly overridden by styles
- added: Tapping on LineShape or Marker features will trigger pointerdown events.
- added: The drag behavior of Markers and LineShape features can now be configured to define the "dragAxis" or "dragPlane" on which to drag the feature.
- added: It is now possible to use custom IDs for newly created features by using option.forceRandomFeatureId.
- added: The altitude of Marker Features can now be modified by user interaction.
- added: Basic editing of 3d line geometry is now possible.
- fixed: Dragging Features with the right mouse button may result in tiny map movements.
- fixed: anchor "Centroid" is now correctly declared in typescript declarations
- improved: Optimized point placement for tiny polygon geometries when using style.anchor="Centroid"
- added: Box Styles can be rotated around the z-axis.
- added: The minimum threshold for detecting a pan or pitch map gesture can now be configured.
- added: The altitude of point and line geometry can now be displayed in 3D space using styles of type Circle, Rectangle, Image, Text and Line. See: Style.altitude.
- added: Pointerevent triggering now supports 3d geometry and styles.
- added: New 3d styles of type "Sphere" and "Box" have been added.
- fixed: The pointer-event target is now set correctly in all cases.
- fixed: When using zLayer, an incorrect drawing order could occur in rare cases.
- fixed: The placement of icon using different "alignments" is now correct in all cases.
- added: Editing of Line Features with "MultiLineString" geometry is now supported.
- improved: Line-joins of offset polylines now support more acute angles.
- added: offset Lines with ring geometries are now displayed as closed.
- added: Styles of type "Circle", "Rect", "Text" and "Image" can now be placed at the centroid/geometric center of polygon geometry. Usage: Style.anchor="Centroid"
- added: The triggering of PointerEvents now takes into account the Style.offset and empty space between multiple offset lines
- fixed: In rare cases, lines close to tile-edges can become fragmented.
- fixed: PointerEvents for Lines with strokeWidth defined in meter were not triggered correctly if the map is zoomed in very close (z20+).
- fixed: Curves were displayed incorrectly in rare cases.
- improved: several typescript declaration related fixes and improvements.
- fixed: possible dependency resolution issues when using webpack/rollup
- added: Snap coordinates to Navlink geometry nearby can now be controlled by using navlink.behavior(...)
- fixed: ShapePoints of selected Lines and Navlinks where invisible when the strokeWidth was defined in meters.
- fixed: AreaShapes can only be moved with difficulty if the associated Area feature is only displayed as a line
- improved: display.snapshot() is now more robust for invalid input dimensions on iOS devices.
- added: pointer-events are triggered based on the "outline" of Polygon geometry when displayed with a line style only
- fixed: Mouse-events are not propagated through the DOM on touch devices when the user taps the map.
- fixed: A time-sensitive issue in connection with icon resource loading and collision detection has been solved.
- fixed: PointerEvents for Lines were not triggered correctly if the strokeWidth was defined in meters.
- fixed: Not all elements of a "CollisionGroup" were hidden when the map was pitched or rotated.
- fixed: The result of display.getFeaturesAt only included features that intersect with the center of the search rectangle
- fixed: Automatic downscaling of oversized (non SVG) image sources
- added: Introduced a new hook "Coordinates.update" that's being executed whenever the coordinates of a feature are updated, modified or removed. see CoordinatesUpdateHook
- fixed: hiding the RangeSelector might fail while submit operation is in progress.
- fixed: Missing history entry when calling lineShape.remove()
- improved: The collision detection is now quantizing bounding-boxes for better space utilisation of rotated/elongated objects.
- improved: Optimized performance of collision detection.
- improved: transparent extruded polygons(Buildings) with height of 0 are hidden when they are covered by other transparent Buildings within the same zIndex.
- added: Take a screenshot of the current viewport of the map (or part of it) by using map.snapshot
- added: The outer edges of extruded polygons (Buildings) can now be highlighted and styled individually. See Style.stroke, Style.strokeWidth
- added: The base of an extruded Polygon (Building) can now be offset from the ground. See Style.extrudeBase
- fixed: labels might be placed incorrectly when using multiple text styles for the same geometry.
- fixed: Points that are exactly on the tile boundary may have been placed incorrectly
- fixed: Inaccurate collision detection of objects with offset from different TileLayers with mixed tile-sizes.
- fixed: Incorrect collision detection of collision-groups that used offset and rotation when the map is pitched/rotated.
- fixed: Buildings might not be displayed when alpha is used and the height is explicitly set to 0.
- improved: Added missing documentation and typescript declarations for Attribute Readers/Writers and editing Hooks.
- added: the remote URL of an MVTLayer can now also be defined as a function with which the URL can be configured on a tile basis
- added: The RangeSelector now supports to snap Ranges automatically. see Range.snap, Range.snapTolerance
- added: The overlapping of Ranges can now be allowed or prevented. see Range.allowOverlap
- added: As soon as you drag a NavlinkShape or AreaShape, it is now automatically snapped to nearby geometries.
- fixed: Navlink features were erroneously marked as modified in very rare cases.
- fixed: Undoing changes of Address features triggered the execution of the "writeEditState hook", which could lead to an incorrect restore
- improved: Support for image sources larger than 64 pixels through automatic downscaling
- improved: the view bounds of the map can now be set using a bow animation. usage: display.setViewbounds( bounds, animate?: boolean|options )
- added: the map center/zoomlevel can now be set using a bow animation combining pan and zoom operations. usage: map.flyTo(center, zoomlevel?, options?)
- fixed: very long text placed on line geometry may have been misaligned
- fixed: TileLayers with semi-transparent image tile data were covering underlying layers.
- fixed: Circles and Rectangles were not displayed when the alignment was set to "map"
- added: Snap coordinates to polygon geometry nearby can now be controlled by using area.behavior('snapCoordinates', boolean)
- added: The DrawingBoard now provides getters and setters to retrieve and modify the geometry of the currently drawn feature.
- fixed: Holes of connected polygons are included in the geometry validation.
- improved: Rotation precision of text based on line geometry.
- added: Control the space check for point styles on line geometries by using style.checkLineSpace=boolean.
- added: Improved visuals for extruded polygons / buildings that are using alpha.
- added: Images are rotated based on line geometry when the anchor is set to "Line" and alignment is set to "map".
- fixed: pointer-events were missing for lines with a strokeWidth below 1 pixel.
- fixed: Polygon holes were ignored for pointer-event triggering.
- fixed: the lighting of certain polygons with extrusion was not correct in some cases.
- fixed: Possible rendering artifacts on the outer edges of buildings.
- fixed: polylines were not displayed on some android mobile devices.
- fixed: Point-styles using offsetX/offsetY can collide when the map is zoomed.
- fixed: Possible collision of Point-styles that are offset and anchored on line geometry when the map is pitched.
- fixed: Offset Images anchored on the line geometry were placed incorrectly.
- fixed: The rotation was possibly missing for CollisionGroups with text style and anchor set to "Line".
- fixed: The code editor might jump to another line while editing an example.
- improved: optimised text placement on line geometries.
- improved: distancing of repeated StyleGroups.
- improved: space utilization of collision detection.
- added: style.repeat can now be used with all Point styles and collision-groups.
- added: support for collision detection based on the combined bounding-boxes of entire StyleGroups.
- added: In addition to Text, now also Circles, Rectangles, and Images can be displayed using (Multi)LineString geometry.
- added: Support for "CollisionGroups" based on (Multi)LineString geometries.
- added: The "anchor" of Text, Circles, Rectangles and Images can now be defined for LineString geometries. usage: style.anchor = 'Line' | 'Coordinate'.
- added: support for "Image" styles using (Multi)LineString geometry.
- added: support for collision detection of Circle, Rect and Image styles based on point geometry.
- added: support for Circle/Rect/Image styles using (Multi)Polygon geometry.
- added: set the map's center and zoomlevel to fully contain the visible area of several features. e.g. display.setViewBounds(Feature[]|FeatureCollection)
- added: support for line wrapping of text on line geometry. (disabled by default)
- fixed: text on line geometry flickered or was cut off in rare cases.
- fixed: trigger pointer-evens for offset points or Text.
- fixed: rotation was ignored for Text styles that are using "viewport" alignment.
- fixed: collision detection is ignored if collide property is defined as a StyleFunction.
- fixed: missing pointer-events for Rects and Images without an explicitly defined "height" property.
- fixed: "clipping geometry" of clipped data sources that use a tile margin/buffer may be visible.
- added: pointerEvents can now be enabled or disabled in TileLayer constructor. (deactivated for MVTLayer by default)
- fixed: optional margin option was ignored for MVTLayers.
- fixed: text that uses offsetX/offsetY is incorrectly offset on retina devices
- fixed: text stroke rendering artifacts in Firefox
- fixed: styles that are using colors with StyleZoomRanges are invisible
- added: typescript declarations for the public api interface
- fixed: extruded areas / Buildings can't be translated by user-interaction with the transformer utility in certain layer configurations
- fixed: x,y coordinates are flipped in deprecated "editor.PixelCoordinate" of legacy api interface
- added: typescript declarations for the public api interface
- added: Lines, Circles and Rectangles can now be defined and displayed with dimensions in meters. e.g. style.radius = "1m"
- added: Support to offset Circles and Rects in meters e.g. style.offsetX = "1m"
- added: Lines can now be offset in meters to the left or right. e.g. lineStyle.offset = "1m"
- improved: pointer event triggering now supports a larger position offset for point styles
- fixed: broken event triggering of features that are styled using "zoomRange" values.
- fixed: invoke "styleValueFunctions" with the correct zoomlevel in any case
- fixed: text that uses stroke and alpha is displayed opaque
- fixed: missing pointer-events when the map is zoomed in very close (zoomlevel >22)
- added: typescript declarations for the public api interface
- added: typescript support in the api playground
- added: the playground now supports code completion/suggestions using the api type declarations.
- added: Convert mixed geographical and pixel coordinates of various formats to GEOJSONCoordinates.
- added: "dragStart", "dragMove" and "dragStop" events can be listened when a Zone of the ZoneSelector utility is dragged.
- fixed: tiles can flicker when features are hovered, selected or modified
- fixed: adding a feature without properties
- added: New editable remote TileProvider "IMLProvider" with support for "HERE Interactive Map Layer" remote data sources
- improved: dashed lines are now antialiased and free of double contours
- fixed: several edge cases can lead to unintended label collisions
- fixed: correct positioning of screen aligned text with offset when the map is scaled
- fixed: possible cutoff Lines on tile boundaries for unclipped datasources
- fixed: strokeWidth is used to determine the correct size of Circles
- fixed: stroke is visible even though style.strokeWidth is set to 0 explicitly
- fixed: offset text can collide on retina devices
- improved: new api playground and documentation
- improved: zoneSelector is still active and visible after mapview change
- improved: updated zoneSelector styling and improved customization
- fixed: display correct Zone offset positions in all cases
- fixed: Zone Markers are not draggable in some cases
- fixed: data will be send twice if a remote postProcessor is used.
- added: line geometries can now be split into several segments and styled individually. usage: style.from/to=number[0-1] (0-100%)
- added: Support to display lines offset to the left or right side. use: style.offset=number. positive/negative values offsets in pixel to the left/right side (relative to line direction)
- improved: crisp icon rendering
- improved: Image tiles are rendered more sharply
- fixed: proper pointer-event triggering for offset point-styles
- fixed: map aligned icons are displayed with double size
- fixed: trigger pointer-events for lines and polygons correctly in all cases
- fixed: point data of MVT datasources that`s located outside of the actual tile boundaries might be placed incorrectly
- fixed: rotated text can be invisible
- fixed: offset text can be placed incorrectly if map is rotated
- fixed: label collision detection for offset text
- added: support for right to left text and arabic contextual forms
- added: Automatic line wrapping for Text on Point geometries. use
- added: support explicit line breaks '\n' for text on Point geometries
- improved: Correctly render font outlines in case of text characters are overlapping/nested
- improved: sharper text rendering
- improved: text rendering performance and memory usage.
- fixed: font opacity is ignored if the style is using alpha in fill or stroke colors
- fixed: text on line geometry can be upside down if map is rotated
- added: introduced provider postprocessors and preprocessors to enable custom data processing for remote data sources.
- improved: add/remove Feature is more robust for invalid input
- fixed: adding an empty FeatureCollection/Array via provider.addFeature(..) throws an exception. [fix #43]
- fixed: zoneSelector util does not display side of zone [fix #44]
- fixed: tiny lines (centimeter range) might only be partially rendered [fix #42]
- fixed: mapdata can be invisible if map is initialized with zoomlevel greater than 20
- fixed: text-style properties for line geometries are ignored if defined as style-functions. [fix #41]
- added: Support for global style-based feature drawing order across all layers. usage: style.zLayer=number
- improved: Drawing order doesn't affect label priority handling in collision detection
- fixed: slight flickering at image tile boundaries/edges on iOS devices
- fixed: possible invisible labels that are colliding and placed very close to tile boundaries
- improved: use cross layer styling to ensure routing-point is always rendered below display-point
- fixed: navlink direction/turn-restriction icons are aligned incorrectly when map is pitched/rotated [fix #40]
- improved: Area drawing with drawingBoard. invalid geometry (self-intersections) are temporarily allowed and highlighted.
- fixed: Zoom steps using the mousewheel in Firefox are very small [fixes #36]
- fixed: layerStyles backgroundColor is ignored in case of default backgroundColor is set via display.setBackgroundColor(..) [fixes #35]
- fixed: invisible viewport in case of map is initialized with element that`s not inserted into DOM
- improved: Icon positioning precision when map is zoomed in very close (zoomlevel >22)
- fixed: ZoomControl UI becomes invisible on safari when map is pitched and Compass UI is active
- fixed: Circles/Rects are partially not visible on mobile (iOS/Android)
- improved: Geometry editing when map is pitched or rotated
- improved: indexing of Places and Addresses that are including routing points
- fixed: update custom zlevels when a navlink shape gets removed
- added: the map can now be zoomed in much closer to enable use cases like indoor editing. use: displayOptions.maxLevel=number to set max allowed zoomlevel
- added: Support for alignment "map" for Rects and Circles
- added: Support for alignment "viewport" for Icons/Images [default]
- added: Polygons/Lines and Points(Rect/Circle/Image/Text) can be drawn in front or behind of extruded polygons (buildings) depending on "zIndex" property
- improved: improved animation when zooming in/out
- fixed: Image styles using rotation with negative angle is ignored
- fixed: Circle and Rects are cut off on the plane when map is pitched
- fixed: draw strokeWidth of rects with correct size in pixel
- fixed: Possible rendering artifacts for polygon outlines when map is pitched
- fixed: various issues when browser zoom is active
- fixed: possible bright outlines for lines using stroke dasharray
- fixed: (virtual)shapes of simple LINE features are not draggable
- fixed: remote feature search by id errors in case of result feature geometry is missing
- added: attribute reader/writer interface to allow use of custom zLevel models
- added: styling support of 3-digit hex color codes
- added: styling now supports "zoomRanges" to define zoom dependant values. values for intermediate zoom levels will be interpolated linearly. e.g. "radius": { "5": 10, "15": 20 }
- added: hide tile boundaries of polygon geometry from clipped datasources
- improved: disable pointerevent triggering while mapview is changing
- improved: more robust/tolerant parsing of invalid css rgb(a) color codes
- fixed: trigger pointerevents for MVT datasources
- fixed: artifacts when map is pitched and image tiles are placed below vector tiles
- fixed: allow style functions for font stroke/fill colors
- fixed: possible flicker of tile boundaries
- fixed: call stylefunctions always with correct zoomlevel
- fixed: consider tilesize for contentbounds determination when tilemargin is used
- added: Full editing support of LocalProvider data with Editor component. use providerOptions.editable=true to allow editing.
- fixed: add hole(s) to polygon geometries works in all cases
- removed: deprecated legacy API interface
- added: show map Compass UI widget when rotate/pitch behaviour is activated. Mapview gets reset on click.
- improved: optimized triangulation of extrudes from unclipped source data
- fixed: visible tile boundaries for certain geometries using alpha when map is pitched/rotated
- fixed: trigger "mapviewchange" event if map pitch is changing only.
- fixed: correct drawing order for tile preview data in all cases
- fixed: triangulation of polygon geometry from geojson 2d datasources
- fixed: draw full polygon geometry when coordinates are modified/updated
- fixed: visible tile flickering on zoom changes
- added: control minimum distance of repeated text labels on line geometries via style.repeat=number
- improved: optimised memory usage and performance improvement of geometry buffer creation
- improved: optimised triangulation of polygons from unclipped source data
- improved: reuse projected coordinates if line geometry is rendered multiple times
- improved: major performance improvement of line triangulation of very large unclipped geometries
- fixed: behavior settings on mobile/touch have no effect
- fixed: set exact minimum/maximum configured zoomlevel by mouse/touch
- fixed: default to configured "minLevel" when viewport lock gets reset
- fixed: text labels are placed correctly on line geometries in all cases
- fixed: possible strokedasharray pattern mismatch of ending line segments
- fixed: artifacts for polygon geometry with very large coordinate count
- fixed: update "hovered" state of places/addresses when pointerenter/pointerleave listeners are executed
- added: preprocess result of remote search by id(s) if custom preprocessor is defined
- improved: two finger pinch gesture detection on touch devices
- improved: cross layers collision detection with mixed tilesizes
- fixed: FeatureProviders are hidden if used in combination with ImageProvider
- improved: correct orientation of text on line geometry when map is rotated
- added: it's now possible to pitch and rotate the map
- added: label collision detection for Text based on Line geometries.
- added: realtime label collision when map gets transformed
- added: control visibility of Text in case of label collision via style.priority=number
- added: control alignment of Text if map is pitched/rotated via style.alignment="map"|"viewport"
- added: set initial map pitch/rotate via options.pitch/options.rotate=number
- added: initial behavior settings can now be configured via options.behavior
- added: pitch/rotate map via api by map.pitch(deg) or map.rotate(deg)
- fixed: init map with float zoomlevel
- fixed: show TAC UI even if no url is defined
- fixed: viewportReady event can get triggered too early (webgl only)
- fixed: stroke of rects/circles is rendered with wrong strokeWidth on retina devices
- fixed: text positioning on retina devices if style uses offsetX/offsetY
- fixed: make sure parentlink is in origin state if linksplit gets reverted in any case
- fixed: bundling issues when webpack is used to consume packages
- fixed: Line/Navlink Shapes not displayed correctly in case of feature style is using value functions
- added: new webgl based 3d map renderer.
- added: use style.extrude property to render polygon extrudes (buildings).
- added: label collision detection. active by default. use style.collide=false to deactivate.
- added: Default Copyright Owner can now be set via display options: options.UI.Copyright.defaultOwner=string
- added: Terms and Conditions UI can now be configured: options.UI.Copyright.termsAndConditions={label?:string, url:string}
- added: custom Map Logo can now be set via displayOptions.UI.Logo.url=string
- fixed: Copyright UI is initially showing details button even if enough space is available
- fixed: Copyright UI is updating copyright info on zoom change in any case
- fixed: pointerevent triggering is not disabled during pan/zoom animations for better smoothness
- fixed: pointerevent triggering ignores zIndex for stacked (multi)polygons
- fixed: try to recreate tile preview if none is available
- fixed: rect positioning and rotation
- improved: clipped data processing improves map responsiveness
- fixed: calculate feature's bbox in case its already existing