Please note that Karate 1.4.1 will not work if your Java version is 22 or greater. Try to remain on a lower version of Java or upgrade your Karate version to 1.5.X
- karate-template - use this GitHub template if you are looking for a quick-start "skeleton" Karate project for API testing
- karate-todo - great for training or demo-ing all capabilities of Karate. It includes an app that has a working front-end UI and back-end API. Examples of API tests, API performance tests, API mocks and Web-Browser automation are included.
- karate-demo - This is not designed to be a stand-alone project, and is more of a regression test-suite for Karate itself. But it has a lot of examples of how to use Karate for API testing
- karate-todo - includes a working API and examples
- spring-boot - Examples of how to test Spring Boot applications
- folio-integration-tests - This is a complex external open-source project that uses Karate, and all the tests and project-structure can be viewed. This one is a good example: permissions.feature
- examples/gatling - a stand-alone project that demonstrates how to use Karate with Gatling for performance testing
- karate-todo - includes a working API and performance test
- karate-gatling - The main documentation also includes an example
- examples/gatling - although this project is mainly to demo performance testing, it also has an example of using a Karate API mock.
- karate-todo - includes a working API and equivalent mock and if you are interested in the new pure-JS option, there is an example
- consumer-driven-contracts - Karate's approach to contract-testing depends on mocks, and this project has a good example.
- karate-e2e-tests - Part of the main Karate project, and also a good example of setting up configuration for multiple browsers and testing in parallel using the karate-chrome Docker container
- karate-todo - includes a working UI and UI tests, even "hybrid" tests that mix API and UI calls
- Visual Testing - refer to this example on how to use Karate's built-in support for image-comparison
- Note that Karate UI tests can be run using Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, Lambdatest or any other infrastucture that supports the WebDriver (a.k.a. Selenium) protocol - which means that you have plenty of options for running tests in parallel and you can even self-host the infrastructure to do so
- Karate Robot Windows Install Guide - get started testing a simple Windows application
This repository also contains examples of how to use Karate and demonstrates integrations with 3rd party tools and frameworks.
- Accessibility / Axe - Using a JS library to run checks on the DOM in a UI test is very easy
- ActiveMQ / Async - besides the demo example, refer to this diagram & example for generic async flows using Java interop
- Allure - Official support for Allure Report
- AWS - Any AWS service can be integrated using the AWS Java SDK and Java Interop.
- Broadcom / CA - Broadcom Continuous Delivery Director has a plug-in for Karate integration
- BrowserStack - How to configure Karate to run tests on BrowserStack
- CLI / Bash - How to use Karate to test the command-line or use shell scripts
- Database - Include SQL / database calls into functional (and even performance) test suites
- Docker - Easily inject Karate into CI / CD pipelines using Docker
- GitHub Codespaces - open a GitHub project directly in a browser and run and edit Karate tests
- gRPC - seamlessly test gRPC services with Karate
- Gatling - Karate can re-use API functional tests as performance tests !
- Gradle - Karate has very good support for Gradle
- Jacoco - use Jacoco for code-coverage
- JBang - using only JBang to run Karate tests and even manage custom Java code and classpath libraries without installing Java
- JUnit - There is also a pure Java API to run tests from any Java unit-testing framework such as TestNG
- Kafka - seamlessly test Kafka and async flows
- Lambdatest - How to configure Karate to run tests on Lambdatest
- Maven - Karate has excellent support for Maven, most of the examples here are Maven projects
- Micronaut - Karate is great for testing Micronaut applications
- NPM - there is an option to install Karate as a NPM package and use it from Node / JS
- Quarkus - Karate is a good fit for integration testing Quarkus applications
- RabbitMQ - Using Java to send and receive messages with RabbitMQ
- ReportPortal official integration agent from ReportPortal.
- Sauce Labs - How to configure Karate to run tests on Sauce Labs
- Slack - Refer to blog posts and sample code from the community
- Spring Boot - Resources on testing Spring Boot applications with Karate
- SSH - how to open an SSH connection and invoke server commands using Karate
- SSL - how to test APIs that require MTLS and setting up X509 certificates on the HTTP client side
- WebSocket - Built-in support for WebSocket or you can use Java interop for very advanced scenarios
- Xray - Official documentation from the Xray team on how to integrate Karate