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File metadata and controls

196 lines (157 loc) · 7.45 KB


Junction serves as a bridge between SMTP and Apprise. Any emails sent to Junction's SMTP server will be forwarded to the configured notification services.

This project was inspired by Mailrise. I wanted a solution that was more configurable, and not constrained to specific email addresses. And so, Junction was born.

Junction matches an incoming email to an Apprise URL by any combination of:

  • The address(es) the email was sent to
  • The address the email was sent from
  • The IP of the client that sent the email

Once matched, Junction will create the notification from the optionally provided template, and send it to the provided Apprise URL.


Junction is configured with a yaml file. By default, this file is read from <APP DIRECTORY>/config/config.yaml.

Available configuration options and any applicable defaults are described below:

log-level: Optional. Defaults to info. Can be set to debug to output more information during application runtime.

port: Optional. Defaults to 8025. The port to listen on for emails. Do not change if using Docker.

junctions: Required. A list of configurations that received emails are matched against.

Junctions are configured with the following values.

name: Optional. Just used for easier identification of the junction used. Has no effect on application execution.

apprise: Required. The Apprise URL to send to.

to: Optional. If not included, every incoming email will match the this portion of the junction.

  emails: A list of email addresses that the received email must be sent to.

  require-all: true or false, defaults to false. If set to true, and multiple email addresses are listed, every email address listed must be present for the received email to match the junction. If unset, or false, only one of the listed email addresses needs to be present.

from: Optional. If not included, every incoming email will match this portion of the junction.

  email: Optional. The email address that the received email must be sent from.

  ip: Optional. The IP Address of the machine that the received email must be sent from.

title: Optional. What is displayed in the notification's title. Defaults to the received email's subject. See templating below for further information.

body: Optional. What is displayed in the notification's body. Defaults to the received email's subject. See templating below for further information.

Junctions are matched top down. More specific conditions should be placed to the top, and broader to the bottom



  - apprise: <Apprise URL>

With this configuration, every email received will be sent to the provided Apprise URL.


log-level: debug
port: 25
  - name: Very Specific
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
        - [email protected]
        - [email protected]
      require-all: true
      email: [email protected]
  - name: Less Specific
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
        - [email protected]
      email: [email protected]
  - name: Less Specific 2
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
        - [email protected]
      email: [email protected]
  - name: Less Less Specific
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
        - [email protected]
        - [email protected]
      email: [email protected]
  - name: No To
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
      email: [email protected]
  - name: No To
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
      email: [email protected]
  - name: No To 2
    apprise: <Apprise URL>
  - name: Catch All
    apprise: <Apprise URL>

With this configuration:

  • Extra information will be output by the application for debugging
  • The application will listen for emails on port 25 instead of the default 8025
  • For an email to be forwarded to Very Specific it must be:
  • For an email to be forwarded to Less Specific or Less Specific 2 it must be:
  • For an email to be forwarded to Less Less Specific it must be:
  • For an email to be forwarded to No To 2 it must be:
    • Sent to any email address(es)
    • Have been sent from anmy email address and from a machine with the IP Address
  • For an email to be forwarded to Catch All it must be:


Junction supports templating for title and body fields with Golang's text/template package.

Currently available variables:

  • To: The address(es) the email was sent to preformatted with a comma delimiter
  • From: The address the email was sent from
  • IP: The IP Address of the server that sent the email
  • Date: The date the email was sent
  • Subject: The email's subject
  • Body: The email's body
  • RawTo: The raw content of the email's to field as a slice of strings

Please note that you must use a . before the variable name. {{ .Subject }} will work. {{ Subject }} will not.

For example, an email with the contents:

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: 01/01/01
Subject: A subject line
Body: A body

That matches a junction with the following configuration:

title: "Email Subject: {{ .Subject }}"
body: "Email Date: {{ .Date }}\nEmail Body: {{ .Body }}"

Will send a notification with the title and body:

Email Subject: A subject line
Email Date: 01/01/01
Email Body: A body


Junction can be run as a container, or directly from the binary file. Once installed and configured, simply set your applications outbound SMTP server to Junction's IP and port.


A container image is available through GitHub Container Registry.
To use it, mount your config.yaml to /app/config/config.yaml and map container port 8025 to a host port of your choosing.

docker run -p 8025:8025 -v /local-path/config.yaml:/app/config/config.yaml


Download the latest release and place it where you'd like it, create a config directory and place your config.yaml within it.

If desired, you can change the location of the configuration file with the CONF_PATH environment variable.

CONF_PATH='/whatever/path/you/want ./junction

Apprise will also need to be installed and available on the machine under the apprise command.

Planned Features

  • Support for Apprise configuration files
  • SMTP server authentication
  • Optional configuration web UI
  • Option to save emails in a database