Using semantic versioning, pick a release number that makes sense by bumping the major, minor or patch release version. If its a major or minor release (backwards incompatible changes, and new features, respectively) then you will want to start this process with an alpha release first. Here are some examples:
Bumping a minor version after releasing a new feature:
v1.4.5 -> v1.5.0-alpha.0
After testing and allowing some time for feedback on the alpha, releasing v1.5.0:
v1.4.5 -> v1.5.0
New patch release:
v1.5.3 -> v1.5.4
New major version release with two alpha releases:
v1.6.2 -> v2.0.0-alpha.0
-> v2.0.0-alpha.1
-> v2.0.0
You also might need to create a release branch, if it doesn't already exist, if this release requires backporting changes to an older major or minor version. For example, in the case that we are backporting a fix to the v0.5 release branch, and we have a v0.6 release branch, then we would do the following:
- Create the release branch (named release-0.5) if it doesn't exist from the last v0.5.x tagged release (or check it out if it already exists).
- Cherry-pick the necessary commits onto the release branch.
- Follow the instructions below to create the release commit.
- Create a pull request to merge your fork of the release branch into the upstream release branch (i.e. nckturner/aws-iam-authenticator/release-0.5 -> kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator/release-0.5).
- CI will handle the rest automatically. This includes:
- creating and pushing the git tag into the upstream release branch
- running Goreleaser on the release branch
- creating the GitHub release
- Populating the release with the changes
- building and uploading the binaries to the release
Update the version.txt
with your new semantic version. This must be a standalone commit which only updates the version.txt
Also, bump the image version in deploy/example.yaml
to the new version.
Push (or cherry-pick) the changes to a branch on your fork, and create a PR against the kubernetes-sigs upstream repository.
Look at the release that was just published and validate that the release has the appropriate assets. The assets should include the following:
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)
In a new PR after the images are pushed to ECR, update the yaml in deploy/example.yaml